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A child's story is a mirror of an adult -5 new versions of fable stories

Some people say, "A child's story is a mirror of an adult." When we were young, we listened to the story with a smile and were always fascinated by the interesting plot inside. As we grow up, we turn stories into mirrors and see countless human philosophies. Every story, read by different age groups, can give us new insights.

By paul carpentierPublished about a year ago 7 min read


The new version of 'The Wolf Comes'

In the story of 'The Wolf Comes', the shepherd boy lies multiple times and uses' The Wolf Comes' to deceive the villagers, ultimately losing everyone's trust.

When the wolf finally arrived, no matter how loudly he shouted, there was no way to remedy it.

After the accident, the villagers also strengthened their guard and set up traps on the hillside.

Later, many wolves stumbled on the trap, quietly summarizing their experiences and recording the location of the trap.

One day, a wolf thought it would never be trapped again and planned to catch a sheep.

As it was about to approach the sheep, the shepherd suddenly shouted "The wolf is coming".

The villagers heard the shout and rushed towards the hillside, and the wolf then hid back in the bushes.

For several consecutive days, the villagers no longer believed in this shepherd.

No matter how he shouted, the villagers would not rush towards the hillside again.

This wolf is no longer fearless, full of excitement, and recklessly pounces on the sheep.

I only heard a "snap" sound, and due to a momentary impatience, it stepped into the trap placed by the villagers and ultimately lost its life.


The cunning wolf used tricks to deceive the villagers, but lost himself in complacency and fell into the trap.

In fact, people are also like this, often blinded by momentary success.

In "White Deer Plain", it is said: "Whenever you encounter good things, don't be arrogant. If you go overboard, there will be misfortunes

The sky is full of rain, and the people are full of misfortune. If a person is too proud and forgetful, they are destined to lose completely.

Guan Yu was incredibly brave, but he lost Jingzhou in his pride; Ma Su was wise and lost the street pavilion in his arrogance.

It can be seen that pride is the beginning of failure, and arrogance is the end of wisdom.

No matter when, do not neglect carelessness, lower your posture, and maintain a vigilant heart, in order to always turn danger into danger.


New version of 'The Farmer and the Snake'

In the story of 'The Farmer and the Snake', a kind-hearted farmer saves a frozen snake.

After awakening, the snake retaliated with one bite and killed the kind-hearted farmer.

In the winter of another year, there was another venomous snake that was frozen stiff and couldn't move, lying by the road moaning.

Can you help me? "The snake pleaded with every passerby.

However, no one sympathized with such cold-blooded animals and shook their heads and walked away.

After a while, a farmer walked over.

The snake called out for help again to the farmer, who hesitated for a moment and was about to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the snake suddenly said, "My skin is the best material for making wallets, my gallbladder is the best medicine for reducing fire, and my whip is the health product for aphrodisiac

The farmer's eyes lit up and immediately carried the snake into his arms.

The frozen snake suddenly gained strength, and when it recovered, it fiercely bit the farmer.


The farmer knew that poisonous snakes were dangerous, but he couldn't stop his greed and died at the mouth of the snakes.

Just like many people who know that desire is a trap and still jump down recklessly.

Shakespeare said, "Desire is like charcoal fire, it must be cooled down, otherwise the fire will scorch the soul

When people walk in the world, they always face countless temptations.

If you don't know how to control your greed, you will eventually be engulfed by the abyss of desire.

The mouse that fell into the rice jar ate up all the rice and could no longer jump out of the jar;

The monkey who found food still wanted to pick more sesame seeds, but lost the watermelon in his hand.

If a person cannot resist the greed in their heart, they will eventually be killed by their own desires.


The new version of 'Crow Drinks Water'

The story of crows filling water bottles with small stones and drinking water is well-known to everyone.

After this incident, all the animals in the forest unanimously believed that the crow was very intelligent.

So they invited crows to participate in a water drinking competition.

The competition rules are: whoever can avoid jumping into the well and drink the water first will win.

A monkey participated in the competition with the crow.

The monkey's idea is to make a wooden barrel out of wood, tie a rope with vines, and fetch water from the well to drink.

But the crow still used the old method, flying around in the forest looking for small stones and throwing them into the well.

The monkey finally made the tool for fetching water after spending an afternoon.

He threw the wooden bucket into the water and then pulled the vine to bring up half of the bucket.

And the crow, already exhausted and exhausted, never saw the well water rise.

When the monkey had already drunk the water from the well, the crow was already tired and lying on the ground.


Similarly, by drinking water, monkeys can use their brains and come up with solutions.

The crow, on the other hand, tends to stick to the old ways and solve new problems. Working hard for a long time is of no avail.

There is a saying in "Occasional Sending of Leisure Love": "Change leads to new things, unchanged leads to corruption; change leads to life, unchanged leads to rigidity

Many difficulties in life are often not due to how difficult things are, but because we stick to the path before us.

Thinking determines the way out, and a person's fate depends on their thinking.


The new version of 'Crow Drinks Water'

The story of crows filling water bottles with small stones and drinking water is well-known to everyone.

After this incident, all the animals in the forest unanimously believed that the crow was very intelligent.

So they invited crows to participate in a water drinking competition.

The competition rules are: whoever can avoid jumping into the well and drink the water first will win.

A monkey participated in the competition with the crow.

The monkey's idea is to make a wooden barrel out of wood, tie a rope with vines, and fetch water from the well to drink.

But the crow still used the old method, flying around in the forest looking for small stones and throwing them into the well.

The monkey finally made the tool for fetching water after spending an afternoon.

He threw the wooden bucket into the water and then pulled the vine to bring up half of the bucket.

And the crow, already exhausted and exhausted, never saw the well water rise.

When the monkey had already drunk the water from the well, the crow was already tired and lying on the ground.


Similarly, by drinking water, monkeys can use their brains and come up with solutions.

The crow, on the other hand, tends to stick to the old ways and solve new problems. Working hard for a long time is of no avail.

There is a saying in "Occasional Sending of Leisure Love": "Change leads to new things, unchanged leads to corruption; change leads to life, unchanged leads to rigidity

Many difficulties in life are often not due to how difficult things are, but because we stick to the path before us.

Thinking determines the way out, and a person's fate depends on their thinking.


The new version of 'Sitting Well and Watching the Sky'

Han Yu wrote in "The Original Way": "Those who sit in a well and observe the sky are called the small ones, not the small ones

The frog is in the well and can only see the sky through the wellhead, so it feels like the sky is small.

In our understanding, the frog at the bottom of the well is always stubborn and narrow-minded.

But recently I saw another version of 'Sitting Well and Watching the Sky', which gave me another insight.

In a dry well, there is a frog.

One day, he saw a turtle on the well railing and took the initiative to say hello.

The frog said:

The weather is so hot and my house is quite cool. Would you like to come down and sit down

The turtle sneered:

No need, my family lives in the sea, which is much more magnificent than your shabby little nest. If you envy me, I can take you to visit instead

The frog listened and smiled, saying:

That's nothing to envy. No matter how big the house is, sleeping is nothing more than a bed. Although the sea is wide, if there are waves, won't you become the sand that is blown away at will? It's not as simple and happy as living in my humble abode

After listening to the frog's words, the turtle fell into contemplation.


The frog in the new version of "Sitting Well and Observing the Sky", although living a simple life, can enjoy themselves, and the reason for it is satisfaction.

The quality of a person's life often depends not on how much they have, but on whether they are satisfied.

A thousand spacious buildings, sleeping at night only takes six feet; My family has a wealth of money, but I only have three meals a day.

Mr. Yang Jiang wrote in the book, "Maintaining a contented and joyful mindset is the best way to refine the mind and purify the soul

The bitterness of life often comes from wanting too much; The fatigue of life often comes from not being satisfied enough.

The smarter a person is, the more they know how to be content, because the amount of wealth and status cannot match the fullness and stability of their heart.

Someone said, "A child's story is a mirror of an adult

When we were young, we laughed and listened to stories, always fascinated by the interesting plot inside.

As we grow up, we turn stories into mirrors and see countless human philosophies.

Every story, read by different age groups, can give us new insights.

Please give me a thumbs up. May you and I both gain life philosophy and strength from stories, and live our lives well.


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    PCWritten by paul carpentier

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