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Four short stories that have affected hundreds of millions of people!

In this lifetime, living is actually a state of mind. People with a bad mentality, even the slightest disturbance from the outside world, is enough to turn their hearts upside down. Such people cannot live happily and freely. And people with a good mindset, no matter how stormy it is outside, they can always hold onto their inner warmth.

By paul carpentierPublished about a year ago 4 min read


The story of the monkey teaches us an important lesson about seeking help and showing vulnerability. While it's natural to want to seek help and comfort when we are in pain, there comes a point when we need to take responsibility for our own healing and stop relying on others for constant reassurance.

The monkey in the story constantly showed its wound to its friends, seeking advice and comfort. However, it failed to take the necessary steps to heal its wound, and ultimately ended up infecting itself and dying.

The old monkey's words of wisdom are a reminder that sometimes, it's better to heal silently and focus on our own recovery, rather than seeking validation and attention from others. It's important to be strong in the face of adversity and take action to improve our own situations, rather than just talking about our problems to everyone around us.

This story also highlights the dangers of seeking too much external validation and relying too heavily on others for our own sense of self-worth. While it's important to have a support system and seek help when we need it, we also need to cultivate our own inner strength and resilience, so that we can handle challenges and setbacks on our own.

In conclusion, the story of the monkey teaches us the importance of taking responsibility for our own healing and not relying too heavily on others for comfort and validation. It reminds us that we need to cultivate our own strength and resilience, and be proactive in taking steps to improve our own situations. By doing so, we can overcome adversity and lead fulfilling, happy lives.


The quote emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and believing in oneself. It suggests that instead of relying on external factors such as the stability of a tree branch, one should focus on their own abilities and strengths. Similarly, in life, worrying about the future may cause unnecessary stress and anxiety, whereas focusing on the present and taking action can lead to a greater sense of security and fulfillment.

The road to success is often paved with challenges and obstacles, but it is through the struggle and perseverance that one can achieve their goals. The same can be said about aging, where self-care and personal growth can provide a sense of support and security.

Ultimately, relying solely on external factors or other people may not be sustainable in the long run. It is through self-reliance and self-belief that one can truly find the greatest sense of security and confidence.


The cleaning lady's story offers a valuable lesson about the importance of prioritizing our health and well-being, especially in the face of financial constraints. Her experience highlights the high cost of medical treatment and the importance of taking proactive measures to maintain good health.

Many people tend to neglect their health until they are faced with a health crisis, which can result in high medical expenses and financial strain. However, the cleaning lady's story shows that it is never too early to start taking care of our health and that even small steps can make a big difference in the long run.

Investing in our health, whether it is through exercise, healthy eating habits, or regular check-ups, can pay off in the form of lower medical expenses and a better quality of life. The cleaning lady's story reminds us that health is not just a luxury for the wealthy but a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all.

In addition to the financial benefits, taking care of our health can also improve our overall well-being and increase our resilience in the face of challenges. By prioritizing our health, we can build a strong foundation for a fulfilling and satisfying life.

Ultimately, the cleaning lady's story is a powerful reminder that health is our most valuable asset, and it is up to us to take responsibility for maintaining it. We may not be able to control everything that happens in our lives, but we can control our own actions and make choices that support our health and well-being.


The above story of two cancer patients highlights an important aspect of life - the power of perception and the role it plays in our lives. The first patient's agile ears made him hear the doctor's conversation, which led to his fear and ultimately his death. On the other hand, the second patient's hearing difficulties prevented him from hearing the doctor's conversation and spared him from anxiety and fear.

This story reminds us that sometimes what we don't know can be a blessing in disguise. It also highlights the importance of attitude and mindset in dealing with life's challenges. The second patient's positive attitude and ability to focus on the present moment allowed him to live a longer and happier life despite his illness.

The story also teaches us that life is full of uncertainties and that we cannot control everything. However, we can control our reactions to situations and choose to focus on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative. As the saying goes, "life is inherently confused," but it is in this confusion that we can find joy and happiness.

In conclusion, this story emphasizes the importance of perception, attitude, and mindset in dealing with life's challenges. It reminds us to focus on the positive aspects of life and not let fear and anxiety take over. By embracing confusion and uncertainty, we can find happiness and joy in the present moment.


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    PCWritten by paul carpentier

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