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9 Things That Happen When You Embrace Being Alone

Being alone is a choice to spend time with yourself, while feeling lonely is a need to be with others.

By gaozhenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There's a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely: being alone is the choice to spend time with yourself, while feeling lonely is the need to spend time with others.

I didn't meet the woman of my dreams until I was 32, and I didn't like being alone until then. I have my own apartment, want to go out when they go out, stay up late to 4 o 'clock in the morning, get up at 8 o 'clock in the morning, can I have a friend with me, can go to the movies with my friends, you can drink coffee with friends, relations with other women, and other women for the night, involved in drugs, play, have a degree in psychology, Quitting several jobs on a whim to travel, discovering the difference between dancing in a rave and actually feeling the music flowing through me, dancing in a nightclub and feeling self-aware, discovering what I was really looking for in my ideal partner, and discovering what I really wanted to do with my life.

It sounds like a very hedonistic lifestyle, but underneath it all, I've made a conscious choice to spend a lot of time alone. I love my own company and cherish the moments when I have a little time for myself.

Now, I have Sharon and my two sons, and I cherish our time together, but I continue my alone time by starting a business from home, basically having about nine hours a day of total alone time with my dog in the office. But I am not alone, far from it. I chat on Skype with some of the great people I know related to my business, I go out with friends and family, I interact with readers on Facebook, and occasionally travel around the country to various workshops and planners to meet some amazing people. I used to consider myself an introvert, but now think I'm more of an introvert. I have the perfect balance in my life.

Some people can't embrace this alone time, but when you embrace this alone time, you will never feel alone again.

9 Things That Happen When You embrace Solitude

1. You have time to exhale

We're often so busy at work running at 100 miles an hour and with friends and family that we barely have time to catch our breath. When you're alone, you have time to take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and let all the drama out of your head.

2. The fog in your mind begins to lift

Do you ever feel like you're so busy living that you can't see things clearly? Being alone can get you out of this busy fog and clear the way for clearer thinking.

3. Reflect on your life

Often we don't get a chance to reflect on our own lives because we're too busy participating in the lives of others. Getting this time is essential if you want to answer life's big questions: What do I want? What can I do to make myself happier? What can I contribute? What the hell am I doing?

I know in the past I went with the flow, which was great, but after three years I realized I was stuck in a terrible job that I didn't like, and I wondered why on earth I was doing that, or stuck in a relationship that was just happening instead of growing. Just this once gives us a chance to stop and think about what really matters.

4. Spend time doing things you love

I've learned a lot by being on my own, such as learning to build websites, code, learn guitar, write, learn how to make videos, and learn more about myself through reading.

When you embrace solitude, you can choose to do whatever you want, with no restrictions, no one saying "Oh, that's silly" (or if you're in Scotland: "That's the bloody spirit"). Imagine if you had the chance to learn anything, what would it be?

5. Get more done

When you get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and everyday drama, you tend to get a lot more done than you normally would. You have time, no distractions, put your head down and get on with it.

6. Become more confident

There is a quiet confidence in those who have learned to embrace their companies. They don't speak to be heard, they tend to speak only when they have something to say, but more importantly, they don't feel self-conscious about not speaking and feel very confident in the company of others. This is because they have a deep inner confidence that only comes when you learn to fully embrace yourself, and that comes from spending more time alone.

7. You feel more independent

When you stop craving the company of others and start doing things you wouldn't normally do unless you were with others, such as eating at a restaurant, going to the cinema or driving long distances. When you start doing these things alone, it can be very powerful.

8. Get in touch with your emotions

You can't know your own emotions when you're caught up in the dramatic energy of others. Only when you have time to be yourself can you really get in touch with your emotions. You'll gain a deeper understanding of what makes you truly happy.

It came with learning more about myself, and that only lasted a little while.

9. Feel connected to something deeper

Amazing things can happen when you have a little solitude in your life. You start asking bigger questions; What my purpose is, why I'm here, what I can do to contribute.

It seems to be an internal program in the human mind that we can't really reflect on these issues unless we're a little lonely.

When I was alone, I spent a lot of time thinking about bigger issues and developing my own beliefs and ideas about the world that have seeped into my everyday thoughts and interactions with others in my life.

So it's not just about being alone at the moment. It seems that spending quality time alone can have a lasting impact on everything you do, as well as the relationships you have in your life.


About the Creator


Husband, father, writer and. I love blogging about family, humanity, health and writing

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