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5 Ways Hilda Baci's Life Has Changed After This Weekend

Talk about complete transformation!

By Jide OkonjoPublished about a year ago 3 min read

In case you have been off of the internet or not clear about what has been going here in Nigeria over the last couple of days, let me fill you in.

A Nigerian chef by the name of Hilda Effiong Bassey popularly known as Hilda Baci set out on a mission to break the Guinness World Record for longest cooking time by an individual. It is an arduous task because the record she had to beat was set in 2019 by an Indian chef named Lata Tondon who held the world's longest cooking marathon and cooked for a total of 87 hours and 45 minutes.

Baci rolled her sleeves up and started her cooking marathon on the 11th of May. At the time of publishing, Hilda Baci has already broken the world record and has cooked for over 96 hours. It is such an impressive thing to do as Hilda has had to be on her feet for all these hours, with very few breaks allowed in between. Nigerians from all over the world are supporting our sister, and so many people have also gone physically to the cook-a-thon to support her and eat some of her food.

There are of course some people who do not see what value there is in doing what she's doing, and feel that the record is something that can be broken again by a determined person in the future. But already, regardless of if the record is broken even tomorrow, Hilda Baci's life has already been forever changed. Here are 5 ways Hilda Baci's life has already changed after this weekend.

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1. She Has Gotten National Fame and Notoriety.

People from all walks of life coming out to support Hilda

We all know that for any business, the number one headache for every business owner is marketing. Getting people to notice you or your business is very hard, and before embarking on this cook-a-thon, Hilda Baci was relatively unknown to many Nigerians, myself included. However, after this weekend, her name has entered into the national conversation and she is now recognized by so many people, from laymen to politicians.

2. Her Followers Have Skyrocketed

Before she embarked on this cook-a-thon, Hilda reportedly had less than 100,000 followers according to netizens. Over these last couple of days, Hilda has gone from 127k followers to 426k followers to 727k followers to 872k followers as at the time of publishing. It is a madness! She is poised to hit and surpass a million followers once this week is over.

3. She is Now Verified

Before this cook-a-thon, Hilda Baci did not have the notoriety needed to be verified on Instagram. Well, after this weekend, Hilda has now become verified on her Instagram account.

4. Her Business Page is Booming

It's not just Hilda's personal star that is rising. Her business page, Myfood by Hilda Baci is also having a steady rise in followers and patronage. Right now, the previously under-the-radar business is now booming with over 882,000 followers.


Ultimately, Hilda Baci has done something that nobody else in this world has ever done after this weekend. She has literally broken a whole Guiness world record. She had this set in her mind to do, and she has achieved it.

We are all so proud of her and I cannot wait to taste the famous Hilda Baci's cooking soon. Let me know what you think about this whole Hilda Baci story by leaving a comment either below or on my Jide Okonjo Facebook post.

That's All.

I hope you’ve had fun. Don’t forget to follow my page (Jide Okonjo) if you don’t already for more stories like this, the fun never end

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day


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Jide Okonjo

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