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5 Things To Consider While Choosing A Lifetime Partner

A lifetime partner, a perfect mate, we have come up with a list of 5 things that you should consider while meeting someone

By KedarConnectPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

When you are on multiple matrimony sites looking for a suitable life partner, one of the most important questions going through your head will be - how do I know they are a lifetime partner? Should I look for certain qualities or certain similarities? Well, we think the questions shouldn’t be just about qualities or similarities - it has to be about the person, their background, and much more.

So to help you choose a lifetime partner, a perfect mate, we have come up with a list of 5 things that you should consider while meeting someone from a Marathi matrimony website. So let’s get started!

5 Things To Consider While Choosing A Lifetime Partner

  • Family History

When you are getting married to someone via matrimony sites, it is crucial to know more about their family history. Not just who they are and what they do. Try to learn more about the person’s relationship with every family member. Are they resentful towards everyone? Or are they projecting a too-perfect image? It will help you figure out how the family members and the person themselves are.

It is a healthy sign if they give a balanced answer while talking about their family. It means that the person is neither extremely bitter towards everyone nor trying to hide anything from you.

  • Goals and Aims

Next, try to know about their goals and aims in life. Go beyond career goals and ask more about their personal ones. For example, suppose they have visions of settling at a particular place or wish to live with their in-laws or separately. You should also discuss if they are willing to have children or not. These personal goals are critical to every person, and if they do not align with yours, it will create horrible problems in the future. Thus, it is better to know about these aspects beforehand.

  • Generosity

Suppose someone writes in the best matrimony site that they are incredibly generous. But what is the guarantee that the person is so? You have to find it out yourself. So observe if the person is helpful and willing to listen to your side of the problem. It will help you assess whether they are ready to adjust or expect you to make all the sacrifices in the relationship.

  • Past Relationships

Even the best matrimony site will reveal nothing about the person’s past relationships. And not many people even consider it an important milestone to judge a person. However, when one is talking about their past relationships, it reveals a lot about their character.

So observe whether the person sounds too extreme about their ex-partners. You should also check whether they take any responsibility for their past relations. These aspects will reveal whether the person is willing to take responsibility for their mistakes or has a habit of blaming others for everything.

  • Anger Issues

There comes a time in every relationship that both partners engage in a huge fight. And the overall reaction to such an event reveals whether a person can handle the dark days. Emotions running high, harsh words being exchanged, and both partners being angry with each other is very typical.

But if they have extreme reactions, it can cause strains in your relationship. So try to observe how the person reacts to situations that do not get their wish granted. Are they good at handling it, or do they throw unnecessary tantrums? It will say a lot about how they will behave with you someday.


Knowing the five factors mentioned above will help you understand many things about the person you have met with from the Marathi matrimony website. Moreover, it will help you assess if the person, their beliefs, and their aims in life align with yours and if they can spend the rest of their lives with you. We hope this article helps you find your soulmate soon. All the best!


About the Creator


Kedar Connect is a Marathi matrimonial service provider that offers many marriage-related solutions for individuals across the globe who can access them from a single platform. For further information, please visit:

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