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5 Relationship Tests That'll Tell You What You Need to Know

Are you and your partner facing some challenges in your relationship? If so, don’t rush off to the therapist just yet. There are plenty of simple relationship tests you can do with your partner that will tell you if you’re on the right track or if there are things you could be doing better to make your relationship stronger. Check out this list of five relationship tests that’ll tell you what you need to know about how healthy your relationship is and how to improve it!

By MenariaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Relationship Tests That'll Tell You What You Need to Know

5 Relationship Evaluations

1. Does your partner respect you? 2. I’m not talking about being kind and considerate, which is an important foundation for a healthy relationship. Instead, I’m talking about how they actually treat you in day-to-day life. Are they dismissive or rude? Do they often blame you or otherwise make excuses for their bad behavior? If so, it could be that you have someone in your life who doesn’t even think about treating others with decency and respect. Be honest with yourself here—are you taking part in any of these bad behaviours as well? It may be that both of you have serious issues that need addressing before either of you can claim to be respectful partners.

1) Do You Desire the Same Things in Life?

For example, let’s say you want to get married. If your partner isn’t on board with that idea, or if he or she is eager but you’re not, you may be in for a rough few years together. There’s nothing wrong with having different life goals; it just means one of you will have to compromise—and that relationship is already off to a rocky start. When it comes to big decisions like these, ask yourself: do I and my partner want what we both truly need?

It’s likely no surprise that two people who are completely alike probably aren’t going to work out as a couple—it's not even fair for them. When deciding if you're compatible with someone, consider whether there are any issues where you disagree strongly enough to potentially ruin your future together. For example, maybe he wants kids while you don't. Maybe she loves sports and parties, while you'd rather stay home on Friday nights than go out at all.

2) Can you tolerate each other's moods?

Everyone gets moody and upset every now and then. So, how you deal with each other when these episodes arrive is a great sign of whether or not your relationship will last. If either of you can't tolerate each other's bad days, it's probably not a good sign for long-term happiness. Learn how to tell if your partner can handle bad days and know that you need to do some self-reflection as well! Who makes decisions? Many new couples put all decision-making into one person's hands--especially if that person is used to calling most of the shots at work. Sure, you love each other right now--but can you see yourselves maintaining that power dynamic for years? Watch out for being too domineering--or being turned into a pushover; both scenarios could be poisonous in a longer-term partnership.

3)Do you have common interests?

If you have common interests and passions, that's a pretty good sign of a healthy relationship. It might not sound like much, but if both partners enjoy being with each other outside of work or other obligations, it's usually a pretty positive thing. A common interest could be as simple as shopping together or going out for drinks with friends—basically, anything that involves spending time together. Whether it's travelling or golfing or even arguing about politics, if you have at least one activity you love doing together, chances are your relationship is in good shape. If not, It might be time to rethink your future together.

4) Do you complement each other, or do you get on each other's nerves?

Love is an energy, and like all forms of energy, it's found where there are complementary personalities. For example, if you and your partner have a lot in common—say you're both introverts or you both come from working-class backgrounds—it won't take long for you to realise that living together is harder than dating. But if, on the other hand, you find yourself constantly getting on each other's nerves or struggling to fill what seems like unbridgeable gaps in your life (work schedules that never align or hobbies that will always be mutually exclusive), then it may be time to reevaluate how much personality overlap really matters. Sometimes, love happens when opposites attract—but sometimes they just repel each other.


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