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20 Effective Strategies for Making New Friends

as an adult

By laraPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

Making friends as an adult can be challenging, whether you've relocated to a new area or simply find your social circle lacking. This article explores the difficulties of forging adult friendships and offers expert advice on how to overcome these challenges. As we grow older, our opportunities to meet new people can diminish. Life becomes busier with work, family, and other commitments, making it harder to invest time in forming deep friendships. Additionally, our criteria for choosing friends may become more selective, considering factors like politics, religion, and social status.

Challenges to Making Friends as an Adult

As we transition from childhood to adulthood, our social lives often become more complex. In our younger years, school, sports teams, and extracurricular activities naturally facilitated social interactions. However, as adults, these opportunities can dwindle, leaving us feeling isolated. Factors like marriage, parenthood, relocation, and introverted tendencies can hinder our ability to make new friends. Research suggests that spending more time with someone increases emotional closeness and deepens friendships. Unfortunately, adults often have less free time due to their many responsibilities.

Moreover, adults tend to be more discerning about potential friends, taking into account their values, beliefs, and interests. Unlike children, adults may be less forgiving of differences, making it harder to find like-minded individuals to connect with.

20 Effective Strategies for Making Friends as an Adult

1. Approach with Positivity: Board-certified psychiatrist Roxanna Namavar emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook when trying to make friends. Positivity attracts others, so focusing on activities that make you feel good will help you connect with like-minded people.

2. Create a Life You Enjoy: Building a fulfilling life for yourself is a key step in making new friends. Like attracts like, so engaging in activities that bring you joy will lead to connections with people who share your interests.

3. Find a Group That Interests You: Explore in-person and virtual interest groups to meet potential friends. Group activities centered around your hobbies can help break the ice and reduce social awkwardness.

4. Lead with Curiosity: Instead of focusing on impressing others, lead with curiosity and ask questions about their interests and experiences. This approach can help build genuine connections.

5. Look to Your Network: Reconnect with casual acquaintances, especially those you have mutual friends with. Existing connections can provide new friendship opportunities.

6. Say Yes to New Experiences: Step out of your comfort zone and try new activities. Accepting invitations and taking risks in social situations can lead to rewarding friendships.

7. Don't Be Afraid to Initiate: Friendship is a two-way street, so don't hesitate to take the first step. Compliments, shared interests, and simple conversations can initiate meaningful connections.

8. Consider Your Dating Connections: If you're dating but not feeling a romantic connection, consider building a friendship instead. Many people have found lasting friendships through dating.

9. Get Vulnerable: Be willing to embrace vulnerability, as meaningful connections often require it. Accepting that not everyone will like you is a part of growing older and finding authentic friends who appreciate you for who you are.

10. Be Patient: Building strong friendships takes time. Focus on quality over quantity, aiming to have at least one or two reliable friends in your life.

These strategies provide a foundation for making friends as an adult, but there are many more ways to expand your social circle. Remember that forming deep connections may take time and effort, but the rewards of meaningful friendships are well worth it.

Additional Strategies

11. Attend Networking Events: Join industry-specific events or local networking groups to meet people who share your professional interests.

12. Volunteer: Participate in volunteer activities to bond with like-minded individuals while contributing to a meaningful cause.

13. Online Communities: Explore online forums, social media groups, or platforms like Meetup to find people with common interests in your area.

14. Take Classes: Enroll in courses or workshops related to your hobbies or passions to meet others who share your enthusiasm.

15. Travel Groups: Join travel clubs or groups that organize trips and adventures, allowing you to bond with fellow travelers.

16. Professional Associations: Connect with professionals in your field by joining relevant associations or attending industry conferences.

17. Local Sports Teams: Consider joining recreational sports leagues or fitness classes to combine physical activity with social interaction.

18. Bookstore or Coffee Shop Hangouts: Frequent local bookstores or coffee shops, where you can strike up conversations with regulars who share your interests.

19. Attend Social Gatherings: Accept invitations to parties, gatherings, and social events to meet new people in a relaxed environment.

20. Utilize Social Apps: Explore friendship-focused apps and platforms designed to connect people looking for companionship.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Is it harder to make friends as an adult than as a child?

Yes, making friends as an adult can be more challenging than as a child because adult life is often filled with responsibilities, and people tend to be more selective about their friends as they age.

2. How can I overcome social anxiety when trying to make friends as an adult?

To overcome social anxiety, start by taking small steps, such as attending low-pressure events or engaging in online communities. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage anxiety, and consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

3. What should I do if my attempts to make friends are not successful?

If your initial attempts to make friends are not successful, don't be discouraged. Building friendships takes time and persistence. Try different strategies, expand your interests, and remain open to new opportunities.


Making friends as an adult is entirely possible with the right approach and mindset. By fostering positivity, embracing vulnerability, and actively seeking out opportunities to connect with others, you can build meaningful friendships that enhance your social life and overall well-being. Remember that making friends is a journey that requires patience, but the rewards of genuine companionship are immeasurable. So, go out there, say yes to new experiences, and open yourself up to the possibility of forming lasting connections in your adult life.


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    LWritten by lara

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