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20 best barriers to effective communication

20 best barriers to effective communication

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
20 best barriers to effective communication
Photo by Headway on Unsplash


Empathy is an understanding of how others feel without the need to communicate directly. If you understand the feeling of someone else, then you have empathy. A person who shows empathy can take into consideration the feelings of others, making them less likely to be offended.


Humor is a way of showing respect toward people. When you use humor instead of insults, it makes you seem more knowledgeable than you are. You should never make fun of someone if they don't deserve it.


Self-awareness is knowing yourself well enough to know where you're good, where you need improvement, and where you're weak. Being self-aware means being aware of your strengths and weaknesses, knowing your limits, and knowing when something isn't working out right.

Active listening:

Active listening involves two people who are communicating. If either person does not listen active listening is less likely to work out well. Inactive listening means no action at all. Listening actively means paying attention to what someone else is saying and responding appropriately. It is a skill that everyone should learn.

Avoiding negative body language:

Negative body language includes things like hand gestures and facial expressions. These can convey different messages without words being spoken. People often mistake these non-verbal cues for actions they may have taken themselves. To minimize this type of behavior you should avoid crossing your arms and legs. You should also remain seated while speaking. Standing and walking around can make you seem distracted and disinterested.

Body language:

Body language is the way we use our bodies to communicate. When talking about body language you should keep an open posture. Your posture affects how others perceive you. If you walk with your shoulders slumped forward then you appear weak. If you hold yourself upright then others will positively perceive you.

Body space:

When giving directions or asking questions, it is important to take notice of where other people's bodies are located. Too much space between you makes you look unapproachable. Too little space causes you to feel crowded. Having appropriate personal space creates a comfortable environment.

Eye contact:

Eye contact helps break down barriers and create connections between people. Without the eye, contact conversation becomes awkward because we cannot read each other's intentions and feelings. Asking permission before looking away is courteous.

Facial expression:

Facial expression communicates many different emotions. Expressions that show fear or anger tend to scare others off. On the contrary, smiling and laughing make people want to know more about you. An angry face can also indicate that you are upset. A smile shows happiness and appreciation.


Gestures are quick movements of the hands, fingers, or feet. They help express ideas and feelings. Holding something close to your chest indicates ownership. Putting your elbows on the table shows confidence. Tapping the table repeatedly conveys impatience.


Respect is not having any bad things to say about anyone. It's accepting people as they are, regardless of their flaws. There is no room for bullying or prejudice. Respect means taking everything in stride and not trying to force anything onto someone.


Honesty is telling the truth even though it might hurt someone's ego. Honesty helps build trust in relationships because it demonstrates transparency and loyalty. People want honest friends and business partners.


Truthfulness is being truthful to yourself and others. Never tell lies or be dishonest with yourself or with others. Lies destroy trust and honesty is built over time.

Know Your Audience:

Understanding what your audience wants from you before they even start talking about their needs is critical to communicating effectively. Be sure to check out how people respond to you online and offline. Take note of what messages seem to resonate and what ones don't. Once you understand who you're speaking to, make sure to communicate clearly and concisely. You'll want to avoid using long-winded sentences and unnecessary words that aren't necessary to say. Make sure you listen to what your audience says and take note of any recurring themes. Try to avoid saying things that you've heard others say before. Even if you think you have something important to add, first think about whether it applies to everyone. If not, then leave it out. You'd rather offend 1 person than confuse 100. Remember that what's right for you may not be right for them. Be patient and keep at it.

Listen Carefully:

Listening carefully means paying attention to detail and listening without interruption. One way to ensure you do this is to always ask questions about what you hear. Ask clarifying questions to help you understand exactly what was said. When someone is giving you information, make sure to pay close attention to the context. If they are discussing something in-depth, ask for further clarification about specific details that you don't understand. Asking them to clarify makes them feel valued, respected, and appreciated. You never know what kind of conversation you might get into if you ask questions.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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