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10 tips to grow your social media account

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By Marcin KowalskiPublished about a year ago 5 min read
10 tips to grow your social media account
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash


Social media is a great way to connect with other people, promote your brand and business, and share information. But if you're trying to grow your social media accounts, it can be difficult! To help make growing your social media accounts easier, I've compiled this list of tips that have worked for me and helped me grow my own personal profiles.

1. Think about your content

Before you begin posting, it's important to ask yourself some questions about your content. What are you trying to achieve with your social media account? Do you want more followers, or do you just want people who are interested in the same things as you?

Once you've figured out what kind of audience and engagement level is right for your brand, think about how often (and when) best suits them.

Some brands post several times per day; others only post once every few days or weeks--the key is finding the sweet spot where there's enough variety without overwhelming followers' feeds with too much information at once.

To help guide this decision-making process, consider using hashtags on each post so that people searching those terms can find their way back into the conversation at hand:

2. Create a schedule

The next step is to create a social media schedule that works for you. It's important to note that there's no right or wrong way of doing this, but it's also vital that you don't feel like you're being left behind by other influencers who have more followers and more engagement than yours.

If possible, try and make sure that your schedule is realistic and achievable so that it doesn't become too stressful or time-consuming for you.

You may even want to keep track of how much time each week goes into creating posts and responding to comments/messages from followers--this will help give insight into whether or not the current plan is working out as expected! If not? Change it up!

The most important thing about having a routine? Consistency is key!

3. Have a plan in place before you start posting

When it comes to social media, planning can be the difference between success and failure. Before you start posting, think about what you want to achieve with your account and how you will achieve these goals.

If your goal is simply to increase the number of followers on your account then maybe consider using a hashtag that relates directly to what you are posting about. For example: if I were a fitness trainer who wanted people following me because they wanted tips on how they could get fit; I would use hashtags like #fitness #exercise #gym etc., so that anyone searching those terms would see my post in their search results.

I would also recommend creating a plan for each week (or even month) so that there is some structure behind what posts go up each day/weekend etc., this way nothing seems out of place when people look at their feed!

4. Share different types of content

Don't just post photos.

Don't just post videos.

Don't just post links to your website or blog posts (unless they're really good).

Instead, try mixing it up with a mix of all three types of content: photos, videos and links!

5. Post frequently (but not too much)

It's important to post frequently, but not too much. Posting too little can make your account seem like it doesn't matter to you and you don't care about it. On the other hand, posting too much can overwhelm your followers and make them less likely to engage with your posts in the future.

You should aim for at least one post per day; two or three times a week is even better!

6. Don't forget to engage with your followers!

You're not going to get new followers if you don't respond to comments or messages.

Engage with other accounts, too! You can share their content and ask them questions in return.

Don't forget about asking questions yourself; it's a great way to keep things fresh on your page while also showing off just how much research you've done before writing an article (and showing people that they don't have all the answers).

7. Plan out your hashtags ahead of time

Hashtags are a great way to get more exposure on social media. They help you reach new audiences and they can also be used as keywords so that people who search for those hashtags will find your content.

You should only use hashtags that are relevant to your content and industry, though; otherwise, it won't make sense for anyone reading the post or looking at the picture later on!

8. Engage with other accounts on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to build more exposure for both you and them!

Engaging with other accounts on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter can help you grow your own account.

You can engage with other accounts by liking and commenting on their posts. You can also engage with other accounts by following them. This will help build more exposure for both you and them!

9. Don't post all at once; space out your posts to get more engagement from users and keep their interest piqued over time as well as help with SEO purposes in the process

The best way to make sure you're posting at a good time is to use the "schedule" button on your social media account. This will allow you to plan out your posts in advance and space them out so that users are seeing something new from you consistently throughout their day. If all of your posts are bunched up together, no one is going to see them since they'll be buried under each other in their feed!

Spacing out content also gives people more time between seeing what kind of content works best for them as well as helps with SEO purposes (more on this later).

growing your social media account can be difficult but with some hard work it's totally possible

Growing your social media account can be difficult, but with a little effort and patience it's totally possible. You can't just post once and expect people to follow you--you have to be consistent and keep posting. You also have to engage with people who comment on your posts, as this helps build trust between the two parties involved in the conversation (you and the commenter).

Finally, think carefully about what content is going up on your feed before posting it; if it isn't relevant or interesting enough for others then they won't want anything else from you either!


We hope that these tips have helped you to better understand the process of growing your social media account. It's important to remember that there is no magic formula for success; it takes time, effort and patience! The most important thing is to keep working.

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About the Creator

Marcin Kowalski

Welcome to my Fiverr profile! My name is Marcin , I am a professional graphic designer specializing in Adobe Photoshop. With over 4 years of experience.


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