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Unveiling the Enigmatic Customs of Ancient Egypt

15 Terrifying Norms

By Emmanuella Oquaye YeboahPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Unveiling the Enigmatic Customs of Ancient Egypt
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Unveiling the Enigmatic Customs of Ancient Egypt: 15 Terrifying Norms**


The grandeur of ancient Egypt often conjures images of majestic pyramids, intricate hieroglyphs, and captivating mythology. Yet, beneath this veil of wonder lies a trove of peculiar customs and rituals that, by today's standards, appear grim and unsettling. From scarification to mummification, the ancient Egyptians led a life that simultaneously mesmerizes and unnerves us. In this exploration, we delve into the 15 most chilling practices that were considered ordinary in ancient Egypt, shedding light on their cultural significance.

**1. Worship of Animal Deities**

Ancient Egyptian society held a deep reverence for animals, with specific cults dedicated to creatures embodying the traits of gods and goddesses. These cults venerated animals ranging from fearsome crocodiles to beloved cats, each with symbolic importance reflecting their divinity. Despite the unsettling nature of this practice, understanding its religious context unveils valuable insights into the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

**2. Ritual Animal Sacrifices**

Sacrificing animals to appease gods and ensure prosperity was a critical facet of sacred animal cults. These creatures were meticulously chosen, adorned with jewelry, and ritually purified before being offered as sacrifices. The practice extended to mummification and burial, leaving behind a legacy of vast necropolises filled with mummified animals, attesting to the scale and importance of this ritual.

**3. Ambiguous Evidence of Cannibalism**

The mention of cannibalism in ancient Egyptian society sparks debate and speculation. While some texts suggest instances of consuming divine power through consumption, most scholars view these references as metaphorical rather than literal. Rare archaeological evidence indicates dismembered human remains, but conclusive evidence of widespread cannibalism remains elusive.

**4. Rituals for the Afterlife**

The concept of the afterlife was integral to ancient Egyptian culture, reflected in intricate funerary texts inscribed on tombs and scrolls. These texts provided instructions, spells, and prayers to guide the deceased through the challenges of the afterlife. They covered aspects like judgment before Osiris and the perilous journey through the underworld, offering insights into the Egyptians' beliefs about the afterlife's complexities.

**5. Incestuous Marriages**

Ancient Egyptian royalty practiced incestuous marriages, particularly between siblings, to preserve bloodline purity and divine status. This seemingly unsettling practice was rooted in cultural and political reasons, aiming to maintain stability, consolidate power, and justify their godlike rulership.

**6. Mummification Rituals**

Mummification, despite its gruesome appearance to modern eyes, was a complex process with deep religious and cultural significance. It ensured the deceased's smooth transition to the afterlife, involving meticulous steps such as brain removal, organ extraction, dehydration with natron, and intricate wrapping. This practice showcased the Egyptians' respect for death and their belief in the continuity of existence.

**7. Controversial Human Sacrifices**

The extent and prevalence of human sacrifices in ancient Egypt remain hotly debated among historians. Evidence suggests human sacrifices may have occurred, particularly in early dynastic periods. However, textual and archaeological findings from later periods cast doubt on widespread practices. The cultural and contextual complexities of this practice make it a topic of ongoing scholarly inquiry.

**8. Advanced Dental Care**

Ancient Egyptians displayed an advanced understanding of dental care, evidenced by their treatment methods and oral hygiene practices. A carbohydrate-rich diet and grit in food led to dental issues, prompting the use of natural remedies, dental tools, and rituals to address dental decay and gum diseases.

**9. Retainer Sacrifices**

The ritual of burying servants alive with their masters, known as retainer sacrifice, aimed to secure a comfortable afterlife for the deceased. While shocking to contemporary sensibilities, retainer sacrifices were rooted in beliefs about the afterlife mirroring earthly life. This practice eventually transformed into using symbolic substitutes like ushabti figurines.

**10. Execution Rituals with Curses**

Ancient Egyptians believed in the power of curses to protect against evil and strengthen the living. Execution rituals involving curses, often performed by priests or ordinary people, aimed to destroy material images representing enemies and eliminate their harmful intentions. This belief reflects a widespread understanding of magic's efficacy.

**11. Ancestor Veneration and Cult of the Dead**

Ancient Egyptians maintained a deep connection with the deceased through ancestor veneration and memorial ceremonies. Tombs and temples served as conduits between the realms of the living and the dead, fostering communication and homage to ancestors. This practice offered valuable insights into the society's values and religious convictions.

**12. Reverence for Dwarfs**

Dwarfs held a unique and respected position in ancient Egyptian society, defying modern perceptions. They occupied important roles in royal courts, contributing skills as craftsmen, performers, and artisans. Their high status was attributed to their association with gods and divine qualities, enhancing their significance.

**13. Magic and Supernatural Omens**

Magic played an influential role in ancient Egyptian society, with amulets believed to harness magical energy. These small objects, often depicting deities or symbols, held protective properties and were worn to attract luck, deflect negative forces, or address specific issues. Supernatural omens, including celestial movements and animal behavior, were widely studied for insights into divine intentions.


The haunting practices of ancient Egypt, often perceived as grim by modern standards, reveal a complex tapestry of beliefs, rituals, and values that shaped their society. While some of these customs may seem unsettling, they were integral to understanding the mindset and worldview of the ancient Egyptians. By peering into these practices, we gain a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted nature of this enigmatic civilization.

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