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Prophets' stories: The story of the prophet Idris

Prophets' stories

By Mayar YounesPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Prophet Idris (Enoch): Unveiling a Legacy of Knowledge and Celestial Ascensions

Within the Abrahamic religious traditions, Prophet Idris (Enoch) occupies a captivating yet enigmatic space. Unlike some prophets with well-documented missions and detailed accounts, references to Idris are scattered and open to interpretation. However, by meticulously examining Quranic verses and scholarly exegesis, we can construct a compelling portrait of a scholar-prophet inextricably linked with the pursuit of knowledge and a potential celestial elevation.

Crafted from Clay, Imbued with Divine Knowledge:

Islamic tradition recounts God's creation of Idris from clay, similar to Adam (peace be upon him). However, a crucial distinction emerges – God bestowed upon Idris a unique gift: vast knowledge and wisdom encompassing various disciplines. This emphasis on divinely-inspired knowledge positions Idris as a figure entrusted with intellectual pursuits and the dissemination of religious and scientific understanding.

A Prophet and a Scholar: A Guiding Light for his Community

The Quran mentions Idris as a prophet alongside revered figures like Noah and Abraham (peace be upon them all). This designation suggests that Idris played a pivotal role in calling his people to monotheism and leading them towards a righteous way of life. His vast knowledge likely served as a foundation for his prophetic message, allowing him to effectively guide his community and address their intellectual and spiritual needs.

The Enigma of Ascension: A Celestial Reward or a Divine Test?

One of the most intriguing aspects of Idris' story is his ascension to a high place in heaven. The Quran states, "And We raised Idris to a very high station" (Quran 19:57). Scholars offer diverse interpretations for this event. Some believe it was a reward for his exceptional knowledge, piety, and service to humanity. Others suggest it was a response to a specific supplication or a test of his faith.

Echoes in Judeo-Christian Traditions: Parallels with Enoch

While not explicitly named as a prophet, the biblical account mentions Enoch as a righteous man who "walked with God" (Genesis 5:24). The narrative then states, "And Enoch was not, for God took him" (Genesis 5:24). This cryptic verse, interpreted alongside the Islamic account, has led some scholars to draw parallels between Idris and Enoch, suggesting a potential shared legacy and a figure revered across different religious traditions.

A Symbol of Knowledge and Social Reform: Championing Progress

Beyond the historical details, the story of Idris carries significant symbolic weight. He is often depicted as a figure who championed social reform, advocating for justice and promoting the acquisition of knowledge across diverse fields. His association with disciplines like astronomy, tailoring, and writing further underscores his role as a leader who actively promoted progress and societal advancement.

A Bridge Between Worlds: Connecting Humanity and the Divine Realm

The concept of Idris' ascension can be interpreted on a mystical level. It can symbolize the potential for human beings to connect with the divine realm through the pursuit of knowledge, unwavering faith, and a life dedicated to piety. His story suggests that through dedication and righteousness, humanity can bridge the gap between the earthly and the celestial, achieving a level of spiritual closeness to the divine.

A Legacy of Learning and Piety: An Inspiration for Generations to Come

Whether viewed as a historical prophet, a scholar-sage, or a symbolic figure, Idris' legacy is one of intellectual pursuit, unwavering faith, and social responsibility. He serves as an inspiration for future generations to dedicate themselves to the acquisition of knowledge, advocate for social justice, and lead a life of piety in service to their communities.

The Enduring Mystery: A Call for Continued Exploration

The story of Prophet Idris continues to enthrall scholars and theologians. The fragmentary nature of the narrative invites ongoing interpretation and further exploration. However, the core message of knowledge, righteousness, and the potential for spiritual elevation remains a source of inspiration for all who seek to deepen their understanding of the divine and their place within the universe.

Read also: The story of prophet Seth

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Mayar Younes

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    Mayar YounesWritten by Mayar Younes

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