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Past Life: My occupation would be if I was born in a different historical period

1. Antiquity

By ghulam muhammadPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Past Life: My occupation would be if I was born in a different historical period
Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Past Life: My occupation would be if I was born in a different historical period

Table of contents

1. Antiquity

1.1. Mesopotamia: The Art of Writing

1.2. Ancient Egypt: The Architect's Vision

2.0 Middle ages

2.1. Renaissance Europe: The Master Painter

3.0 Feudal Japan: Samurai

4.0. Industrial Revolution, Victorian England: Factory Workers

5.0. US West: Pioneer

6.0. Modernity in the Space Age: Astronaut Voyage

7.0. Information Age: Data Analyst


It is interesting to explore the possibilities of our past lives in the vast tapestry of human history. Have I ever wondered what kind of career I would have had if I were born in a different historical era? In this article, I will embark on a journey of imagination and delve into another past-life world. From ancient civilizations to more recent times, it reveals the professions I may have pursued and sheds light on the diverse trajectories of human endeavor.

1. Antiquity

1.1. Mesopotamia: The art of writing

Literacy was a rare and valuable skill in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. If I was born during this period, my career would probably revolve around the art of writing. As a scribe, my job is to carefully record important events, document laws, and preserve knowledge on clay tablets. My words will bridge the present and future, ensuring the continuity of wisdom across generations.

1.2. Ancient Egypt: An Architect's Vision

Imagine I was born into ancient Egypt, a society known for its magnificent architectural wonders. If I were Egyptian, I might have pursued a career as an architect. Working with skilled craftsmen, I will design and oversee the construction of impressive structures such as pyramids, temples, and tombs. My proficiency in mathematics and engineering would have left a lasting impression on the landscape, showing the magnificence of Egyptian civilization.

2.0 Middle ages

2.1. Renaissance Europe: Master Painters

The Renaissance was a time of flourishing artistic expression in Europe and an exciting time for creative minds. If I had been born in this era, my profession might have been that of a great painter. Inspired by the works of famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, I've honed my skills in painting scenes from mythology, religious stories, and aristocratic portraits. My work reflected the zeitgeist and left an indelible mark on the art world.

3.0. Feudal Japan: The Samurai

Travel to feudal Japan, where the samurai class wielded great influence and power. If I were born in this era, my profession would probably be samurai. As a seasoned swordsman and protector of my lord, I embodied the virtues of Bushido, the way of the warrior. My days will be spent in rigorous training, honing my martial arts skills, and serving as a symbol of honor and loyalty.

4.0 Industrial Revolution Victorian England: Factory Workers

The Industrial Revolution brought profound changes to society, especially in Victorian England. If I had been born in this era, my occupation might have been a factory worker. We would have worked long hours in busy factories, operating machinery, and contributing to the mass production of the goods that characterized the era. The work was often tiring, but our efforts helped move society forward.

5.0. US West: Pioneers

Imagine you were born in the American West during the Old West. Your work as a pioneer will push you into uncharted territory in search of new opportunities and a better life. Whether you are a farmer, rancher, or trader, you have embraced the challenges of frontier life, shaped the landscape, and paved the way for future generations.

6.0 Modern times Space Age: Astronaut Voyage

In modern times, space exploration has captured the imagination of many. If I had been born in the space age, my profession might have been astronaut. Strapped to spacecraft, we would embark on a daring mission to explore the universe, pushing the frontiers of human knowledge and advancing our understanding of the universe.

7.0. The Information Age: The Data Analyst

In today's information age, the work of data analysts is extremely important. Born as a human back then, my job involved collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of data. Leveraging strong analytical skills and technical knowledge can generate meaningful insights, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and navigate complex digital environments.


Exploring the possibilities of past lives in different eras of history allows us to understand the diversity of occupations and contributions that have shaped our world. From ancient scribes to modern data analysts, each profession has played an important role in the progress of human civilization. So take a moment to reflect on the professions we might have had in another era and let our imagination run wild in the corridors of history.


1. Q: Can we really know what occupations we had at different times in history?

It's more about using our imagination. It allows us to explore different possibilities and gain a deeper understanding of the story.

2. Q: Are there any techniques to explore our past lives?

Various spiritual practices B. Regression Therapy or Meditation claims to provide insight into past lives. However, the validity and interpretation of such experiences are still subjective.

3. Q: Can our past lives influence our current interests and talents?

Some believe that the talents, abilities, and interests developed in previous lives carry over into the present. However, this is a matter of personal beliefs and spirituality.

4. Q: Is it possible to reveal our past lives through historical research?

A: We cannot provide specific information about

5. Q: How does exploring past lives contribute to personal growth?

Exploring past lives broadens our horizons, fosters empathy, and helps us understand the diversity of human experience. It encourages personal reflection and understanding of our own journey in this life.


About the Creator

ghulam muhammad

Name: Ghulam Muhammad

Freelance Health and wellness Blogger,

Blog sites: health2livefit.wordpress.com


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