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A Myth and 3 Super Facts about Ancient Civilizations in Antarctica | EOW

Let's see how the Ancient Civilizations in Antarctica carried many mysteries and secrets in their territory including giant pyramids and unusual structures on the icy continent.

By Rise TvPublished 17 days ago 4 min read
Ancient Civilizations Antarctica

Background - Ancient Civilizations in Antarctica Just A Myth or Fact...?

Several fables and myths from various civilizations describe an ancient civilization at the South Pole. The ancient Greeks, for example, had a tale about Hyperborea, a place with an eternal sun. According to Hecataeus (approximately 500 BC), the Hyperborean holy place was created "after the pattern of the spheres". It was located "in the regions beyond the land of the Celts" on "an island in the ocean."

According to popular belief, the Hyperboreans founded Apollo's temple in Delphi. Even the Greek lyric poet Alcaeus (600 BC) sang about Apollo's actual or spiritual voyage to the land of the Hyperboreans. "O King Apollo, son of great Zeus, whose thy father did furnish forth at thy birth with a golden crown and lyre of shell, and who gave thee moreover a swan-drawn chariot to drive, would like thee to go to Delphi.

"However, being mounted, thou badest thy swan fly to the kingdom of the Hyperboreans."

The King and 'Ruler of the World' wears a star-embroidered robe, with the heavenly sphere serving as a representation of the terrestrial one. This is a Hyperborean custom. The sun, moon, and stars were all embroidered in gold on blue silk. The monarchs of Ancient Civilizations Antarctica, Rome, Julius Caesar, Augustus, and the Roman Emperors all wore such gowns.

Earthenware statuettes discovered in a burial in Yugoslavia depict the 'Hyperborean Apollo' in a carriage driven by swans. The god wears golden sun and star motifs around his neck and breast, as well as a rayed crown with a zigzag pattern on his head. His robe, which touches the floor, is dark blue with yellow motifs. If you look closely, these mythologies, which are shared by many civilizations around the world as a medium of communication, are closer to historical realities than to products of active imagination.

Myth: Giant Pyramids Dot the Antarctic Landscape:-

One of the most famous myths about Antarctica is the existence of giant pyramids hidden beneath its icy surface. According to the tales, these ancient structures remind us of Egypt and Central America's hidden structures. The examination of these structures shocked conspiracy theorists and some archaeologists gradually.

However, the concrete evidence of these structures such as some claims and highlighted satellite images is still unavailable. Yet some people argue that these structures are the remains of a lost civilization. Some pessimists believe that thousands of years of ice pressure shaped these structures into natural rock formations.

Unusual structures and weird stone circles:-

Meanwhile, Antarctica is a region of unusual structures and mixed weird stone circles. These structures deny human psychology except for the highlighted pyramids. The bizarre stone circles and mysterious carved markings of ice highlight the trails of ancient civilizations. Meanwhile, scientists have established an understanding of these structures. That's why these structures have questioned or challenged ancient civilizations from different angles.

Some scientists argue that it is a natural phenomenon or glacial process that has the impact behind these structures and nothing more. The other ones assume a possibility of cultural and symbolic significance. This possibility hypes the belief in ancient civilizations in Antarctica which is important in our opinion.

"I write about all manner of things: a guy fighting aliens in the New York State Library, Antarctica, Inca civilization in Peru, the Great Pyramid at Giza, and people often ask me, where do I get these ideas from? They come from reading widely, watching a lot of documentaries, and increasingly ,as I was able to, travelling around the world." (Matthew Reilly)

Nazis' 1938 Mission to the South Pole:-

In 1938, the Nazis dispatched a big team of explorers to Antarctica's Queen Maud Land region, including scientists, military forces, and construction teams on warships and submarines. While charting the area, scientists uncovered an extensive network of warm-water rivers and caves.

One of these caves went down as deep as 20-30 kilometres and had a big geothermal lake. The cave was examined, and construction teams were sent in to erect a city-sized stronghold, known as stronghold 211 or New Berlin, which housed the SS, the Thule Society, "serpent cults," numerous Nazi occultists, the Illuminati, and other clandestine organizations.

At some point, the Germans found lost alien technology or made connections with alien explorers (often known as Greys or Reptilians). They learned or were taught how to copy extraterrestrial technology, which they then utilized to construct several super weapons, including a powerful aircraft known as an "antigravity disk," or flying saucer.

While many of these weapons were not prepared for use during World War II, the infrastructure and capacity to create them may still exist, and the Germans/aliens/some cult or dark organization (depending on which conspiracy theorist you consult) may someday utilize them to launch a New World Order. Source

Turkish Map of Antarctica Discovered by Ice:-

In 1929, a chart of ancient civilizations 'Antarctica' was discovered in a Turkish library. It dates from the early fifteenth century and appears to depict the world in remarkable detail. The map is attributed to Turkish commander Piri Reis, known as the Piri Reis Map. The most startling fact about this chart is that Antarctica was not formally found until 1773 by Captain James Cook. So, how come a chart of such a continent existed 200 years before its discovery era?

Even more confusing is that the chart depicts the currently frozen continent as having no ice cover. Due to the precise shoreline line, experts are confused about whether it is Antarctica. Did Antarctica undergo a rapid geographical and climate transformation in the two centuries between the drawing of the Piri Reis Map and Captain Cook's discovery?

Though various studies indicate that Antarctica was last ice-free about 4,000 BC, the US Air Force Reconnaissance Technical Squadron concluded that the cryptic map "indicates that the shoreline had been mapped before the ice cap covered it".


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Rise Tv

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