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Watership Down

A book review

By TangerinehippiestudiosPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Watership Down by Richard Adams is a novel about bunny rabbits and their adventures of trying to find a new burrow. The main character, Hazel, is told by Fiverr, his faithful sidekick, that there is impending doom and that they need to leave and find a new place to live. Well none of the other rabbits believe that this small bunny can foresee the future so they end up traveling with a very small group thus beginning an incredible journey.

I love this book because the author uses his storytelling in which you can actually feel what these rabbits are thinking and feeling throughout their little quest. It is interesting how some people can take an average animal, like a rabbit, and turn it into a human entity to make it so relatable to the reader. I really felt like I was also enduring all the ups and downs of life in the wilderness of man’s world. I felt a lot of empathy with these creatures throughout the entire book and had a hard time parting with all of the characters by the end.

I really do not feel as if there were any negatives in the book as I fell in love with it instantly and fell in love even deeper as the story developed. My favorite part about reading is that you get to experience all the character development and their life becomes your life so in a way it feels as if the author has written a story about you and just for you. I feel like the author put a lot of his life experiences into these characters as well. The rabbits and their system felt very human in that of an army with soldiers at war battling over turf and freedom.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars. I found no faults in the writing at all. It was perfect grammatically as well as narratively. I do not think I lost focus reading this book at any word or page. It had my full attention from cover to cover and I felt a happiness that I have not felt in awhile. I was able to take a whole journey all while sitting on my couch or laying in my bed. It was amazing!

I highly recommend this book because it will make you think a lot about life and how different communities work. If you enjoy philosophy and psychology then this read is right up your alley. Although I believe this book is just a great book for all audiences. Any avid bookworm will appreciate the writing and storytelling.

My favorite character is Fiverr because I really felt a connection to his vibe. He has this amazing gift to sense when trouble is on its way and I feel like that a lot as well. He also feels a lot of what his friends and companions felt. He showed a lot of empathy towards others and has a kind heart. He may be a chicken throughout most of the journey but shows bravery in times when it is in utmost need. We all may have a little bit of Fiverr in us.

Just as we all have a Fiverr we also all have a Hazel in us. Hazel is the main character and also the appointed leader of this rogue group of bunnies. He did not intend to be a leader but he just already had that initiative to want to keep everyone safe and moving in a decent pace. I think everyone has that potential to be a leader once they get past figuring out who they are.


About the Creator


☮️Inspired by the inspiration around me☮️Get inspired to change the world☮️Or take a look at mine☮️My aura is orange and bleeds throughout my words☮️

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