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The Mother of Madness

A dungeon adventure for Shadowdark RPG.

By Samuel WrightPublished 9 days ago 12 min read
The Mother of Madness
Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

For Levels 1-3

Introduction: The tiny meadowland village of Darkwater sits atop what was once an underground river before the water’s source was diverted into a nearby lake. Far below the village, the river had cut through the earth to form a system of caves.

Now some of these caves have become home to a tribe of evil Memnon worshipping goblins, and they are kidnapping villagers to sacrifice them to their god. One captive escaped and sought out heroes to rescue the others. This haggard old farmer, Ikam, says he watched each night as the goblins murdered one captive at the stroke of midnight, ripping out the victim’s heart and collecting buckets of blood for use in rituals. He reports being turned into a gibbering, defenceless idiot right before being captured by the evil goblins. Ikam says that there are at least five captives left, and at midnight tonight another one will become a feast for Memnon.

Villagers say at least 6-7 locals have been killed, their bodies found near a cave entrance. A weeping widow, Corina, says that her beautiful young daughter is among the captives. The village potter, Mariel, says her two grown sons have both disappeared and she fears the worst. Who dares to save the captives? What lies beyond this section of the cave complex? Can the killings be stopped?


Size: Small (39 x 39)

Walls: Natural Stone (Climb DC 12) The walls of this cave complex are all covered in crude drawings of vulture-like fiends committing murder and mayhem and incoherent ramblings in the Goblin language, including prayers to Memnon and what look like incomplete magical spells. All of these are drawn in dried blood.

Floor: Smooth Stone

Temperature: Average

Illumination: Dark (individual creatures may carry lights)

Doors: Rough wood with an iron bolt as a lock (DC 12 to open)

Secret Doors: These are hidden behind large stalagmites and boulders pushed in front of them by the goblins.

Wandering Monsters (1d6)

1 – 5 x Goblins, these humanoid warriors are patrolling the caves and the areas around the entrances for their boss, Zrak. Each wears the sigil of Zrak on his chest as a mark of his allegiance, and they will run to Zrak at once if he signals for them. (Goblin: A short, hairless humanoid with green skin and pointy ears. AC 11, HP 5, ATK 1 club +0 (1d4) or 1 shortbow (far) +1 (1d4), MV near, S +0, D +1, C +1, I -1, W -1, Ch -2, AL C, LV 1 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.)

2 – 1 x Monstrous Centipede, hiding in the rubble of the cave, between boulders, looking for prey. (Giant Centipede: Blood-red, feathery centipedes the size of a human arm. Their bite injects a burning poison that cramps muscles. AC 11, HP 4, ATK 1 bite +1 (1d4 + poison), MV near (climb), S -3, D +1, C +0, I -4, W -3, Ch -4, AL N, LV 1 Poison. DC 12 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.)

3 – 4 x Goblins, scouting from another part of the cave network, these goblins are not loyal to Zrak or Gorbia, being from another tribe. (Goblin: A short, hairless humanoid with green skin and pointy ears. AC 11, HP 5, ATK 1 club +0 (1d4) or 1 shortbow (far) +1 (1d4), MV near, S +0, D +1, C +1, I -1, W -1, Ch -2, AL C, LV 1 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.)

4 – 1 x Darkmantle, creeping from cave to cave along the ceiling, looking for small creatures to eat. The goblins sometimes toss it a rat or lizard to eat so it will leave them alone. (Darkmantle: A floating, black octopus with rows of red eyes and a webbed skirt of tentacles. AC 13, HP 4 ATK 1 bite +3 (1d4) or 1 darkness, MV near (fly), S -2, D +3, C +0, I -3, W +0, Ch -3, AL N, LV 1 Darkness. Extinguish all light sources in near. )

5 – 1 x Rat Swarm, investigating any strange noise that may lead to food then hiding in tiny holes in dark corners. The goblins occasionally catch one as a snack. (Rat Swarm: A screeching tidal wave of clawing and biting rats. AC 10, HP 28, ATK 4 bite +0 (1 + disease), MV near, S -3, D +0, C +1, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 6 Disease. DC 9 CON or 1d4 CON damage (can't heal while ill). Repeat check once per day; ends on a success. Die at 0 CON.)

6 – 1 x Zrak the Goblin Boss, is searching for a greasy bag of coins stolen from his lair. Zrak is a burly goblin in rusty chainmail who controls the other goblins for his mother, Gorbia, the tribe’s priestess. He will blow his alarm horn at the first sign of intruders to summon the other goblins, and will defend Gorbia at all costs. (Goblin Boss: A scarred goblin with knotted muscles and a crown of rusted iron. AC 14 (chainmail), HP 20, ATK 1 spear (close/ near) +3 (1d6), MV near, S +2, D +1, C +2, I -1, W +0, Ch +1, AL C, LV 4 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.)

Room #1

Room Features: This room is entered from just a mile to the west of the edge of Darkwater by a steep, sloping shaft at the base of a low hill in a thick forest. Someone has scrawled "Beware the mother of madness!" in faecal matter on the west wall, and the buzzing noise of flies fills the room. There is a small spring roughly 20 feet wide, a pool of water connected to an underground river, on the north side of this room. Sometimes the goblins catch small fish in the pool.

Creature: 1 x Burrow Beast nesting in a small hole it has dug near the cave entrance, waiting for prey. The goblins feed it small creatures they catch, like rabbits, squirrels, and fish. It burrowed out some of the tunnels leading to this cave system to find water. The goblins followed one of its tunnels to discover these caves. Now they have trained it to guard the room from intruders.

Burrow Beast: A massive, black scarab the size of a pony that makes tunnels by melting earth and stones with powerful acid. AC 15, HP 11, ATK 1 horn +1 (1d4 + knock), MV near (burrow), S +4, D -2, C +2, I -3, W -1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 2 Knock. DC 12 STR or be pushed a close distance and fall down. Spit Acid. Near range, DC 15 DEX or 2d10 damage. One random piece of non-magical gear the target carries is destroyed. Can dissolve a tunnel big enough for one person to walk through up to near distance in one minute through any earth or stone. Walking through the tunnel less than 1 minute after creation exposes you to acid fumes and droplets, DC 9 Dex or take 1d6 damage upon entering a newly made tunnel. Secret: The burrow beast loves rabbit meat, so it can be bribed to not attack. If it is tossed a dead rabbit it will drag the coney to its nest and leave the intruders alone.)

Creature: 1 x Water Leaper is swimming around in this little pool, waiting to knock an unwary target into the pool to drown.

Water Leaper: This 3 foot long fish has a body shaped like a frog’s, but with a long tail instead of hind legs and long fins like a flying fish instead of forelegs. They have wide mouths full of sharp teeth and are notorious for knocking fishermen off their boats and into the water. AC 13, HP 4, ATK 1 bite +1 (1d4) + knock or 1 shriek, MV double near (swim), S +1, D +3, C +0, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 1 Knock. DC 9 STR or be pushed a close distance and fall down. Shriek. All creatures within near range make DC 9 CON check or cannot attack for 1 round.)

Treasure: 10 sp in a greasy pouch hidden under a pile of small rodent and fish bones by the northern wall of the cave near the spring. It belongs to Boss Zrak and was stolen by another goblin.

Room #2

Room Features: An entrance to the north connects to the bottom of an abandoned well. A tunnel to the east leads to another cave the goblins have not explored. This wide room has a high domed ceiling out of the reach of torchlight. A narrow shaft descends from the room into a midden chamber below, and a stone sarcophagus sits in the centre of the room. Inside of it is the mangled, desiccated corpse of a dead goblin chieftain. A rusty, dented shovel near the pit will be used later to bury the dead chieftain and fill the shaft with dirt.

Trap: Barbed net triggered by a switch 1d6/blind. This dusty, worn tarp covered in fish hooks hangs over the shaft to the sarcophagus high up in the shadows of the cave, ready to be dropped on anyone getting too close to the coffin, blinding them until it is removed and dealing 1d6 dmg. It is activated by a switch hidden on the wall nearby.

Treasure: A pair of elf-forged shortswords (14 gp) wrapped in a sheet of vellum can be seen sticking out of the corpse’s tunic. The blades are caked in dry blood and show heavy usage.

Clue: A vellum page from a tome written in Goblin and Diabolic is under the corpse’s shirt, wrapped around his swords. It is part of a tome about demons discussing vrocks and includes what may be the beginning of a summoning spell.

Room #3

Room Features: Piles of bloody rags, flea infested furs, moss, and rotting straw form the beds used by goblins here. Sometimes (5-6 on 1d6) there is a small campfire in the middle of the room lighting the area that the goblins use to cook their meals. A tunnel to the east leads to another cave the goblins have not explored.

Creature: 1 x Spider Swarm hanging from small webs across the ceiling. They catch flies and other vermin attracted by the campfire and smell of food.

Spider Swarm: A scurrying carpet of spiders. AC 13, HP 9, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d4 + poison), MV near (climb), S -1, D +3, C +0, I -3, W +1, Ch -3, AL N, LV 2 Poison. DC 12 CON or paralyzed 1d4 rounds.)

Creature: 1d6 x Goblins will be here if the campfire is lit, otherwise they are elsewhere.

Goblin: A short, hairless humanoid with green skin and pointy ears. AC 11, HP 5, ATK 1 club +0 (1d4) or 1 shortbow (far) +1 (1d4), MV near, S +0, D +1, C +1, I -1, W -1, Ch -2, AL C, LV 1 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.)

Trap: Opening the door from the east tunnel shaft triggers a poisonous cloud of mushroom spores. 1d6/paralyse.

Room #4

Room Features: Stinking of human waste and fear, this room has a wide ten foot deep pit that captives are held in.

Creature: 2 x Goblins are always guarding the captive peasants from Darkwater village. Sadistic bullies, they enjoy throwing small rocks at the bound peasants and teasing them with bits of food on a rope dangling just out of reach of the captives.

Goblin: A short, hairless humanoid with green skin and pointy ears. AC 11, HP 5, ATK 1 club +0 (1d4) or 1 shortbow (far) +1 (1d4), MV near, S +0, D +1, C +1, I -1, W -1, Ch -2, AL C, LV 1 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.)

Creature: 4 x Peasants, unarmed, hands bound behind their backs, each one tied to a stake in the middle of the pit with a 10 foot long leash, and their mouths gagged, waiting to die at the bottom of the pit. These are the town potter’s two sons, Endric and Rowan, Tinenrius, a sheep farmer, and Remy, an apprentice carpenter. All of them are terrified out of their minds, shaking with fear.

Peasant: A commoner in worn clothes. AC 10, HP 4, ATK 1 fist+0 (1d3), MV near, S +0, D +0, C +0, I +0, W +0, Ch +0, AL L, LV 1).

Room #5

Room Features: A stone altar table caked in dried blood sits in the centre of the room. On it is the bound form of a human peasant about to be sacrificed. Grooves in the altar have funnelled blood from past sacrifices into clay pots that flies are buzzing around. A pile of furs in one corner is where Mother Gorbia sleeps.

Creature: Mother Gorbia, the Goblin Shaman, preparing to sacrifice another peasant to her patron god Memnon. Her tattered brocade robes are drenched in blood and she is chanting in Goblin to Memnon. A sadistic crone, she likes using her spell Bug Brain to torment captives, and finds torturing captives with her dagger highly entertaining. She wears a necklace made of vulture feathers, beaks, and talons on a leather cord.

Goblin Shaman: A swaying, chanting goblin wearing necklaces of teeth and a robe of musty rat pelts. AC 12 (leather), HP 19, ATK 1 dagger +0 (1d4) or 1 spell +3, MV near, S +0, D +1, C +1, I +0, W +2, Ch +1, AL C, LV 4 Keen Senses. Can't be surprised.

Bug Brain (WIS Spell). DC 13. Near range, one target. Target's INT drops to 1 for 1d4 rounds.

Skitter (WIS Spell). DC 12. Self. Climb like a spider for 5 rounds.

Stink Bomb (WIS Spell). DC 12. One target within far 2d4 damage and DC 12 CON or DISADV on next check/attack.)

Creature: 1 Peasant, bound and gagged, waiting to die. This is Hana, Corina the widow’s pretty, young daughter, a mere teenager. She was kidnapped by the goblins while picking wildflowers and has clearly been tortured and abused by the goblins. She is so terrified of Gorbia that she will resist being rescued, preferring to cower in the nearest corner if untied.

Peasant: A commoner in worn clothes. AC 10, HP 4, ATK 1 fist+0 (1d3), MV near, S +0, D +0, C +0, I +0, W +0, Ch +0, AL L, LV 1)

Treasure: Green crystal statuette of Memnon (50 gp). This statue is covered in blood and its gaping mouth has a small pool of blood in it.

Secret: Mother Gorbia has somehow found a way to summon a demon. She thinks that it requires the sacrifice of 13 innocent humans to become possible for her to summon, but she barely knows how to count. She will perform 1d4 more sacrificial murders before performing the ritual. If she succeeds, a Vrock will be released from the Abyss. The hapless goblin shaman has no hope of controlling this monster but in her madness she either does not know or care that it will likely murder her first before flying out of the cave to lay waste to the countryside.

Upon being summoned, the demon will screech, tear out Mother Gorbia’s heart, then attack anyone between it and the nearest exit before flying out of the cave complex. The greedy, rapacious demon will fly to the nearest large town or city to start hunting for prey to murder and rob, hungry for blood and gold.

Demon, Vrock: Wagon-sized, filthy vultures with four limbs, midnight-blue skin, and a rash of mangy feathers. AC 14, HP 24, ATK 2 talons +4 (1d8) or 1 screech, MV near (fly), S +2, D +2, C +2, I -1, W +1, Ch +0, AL C, LV 5 Carrion Mist. Each time vrock is hit, 3:6 chance of carrion mist in a near-sized cube centred on vrock. All enemies DC 15 CON or violent vomiting 1d4 rounds. Screech. All enemies in double near range DC 12 WIS or DISADV on checks and attacks for 1d4 rounds.)

Room #6

Room Features: This is Boss Zrak’s lair. Roll 1d6, on a 5-6 he is here. It is decorated with the heads of his enemies, mostly other goblins, a few kobolds, and some humans and dwarves. A pile of furs in one corner is his bed. The corpse of an adventurer in black leather armour, drained of blood and eviscerated, lies shrivelled on the floor. Sticky spider silk clings to his body. It looks as if a silk cocoon has been cut off the body. The dead man's finely wrought silver front tooth gleams in the night, revealed by his gaping mouth frozen in a terrified scream.

Creature: 1 x Cave Reaper Spider, hanging attached to the ceiling waiting for prey, ready to rappel down, this creature looks like an ordinary greyish stalactite. This cave monster is Zrak’s pet, “Sticks”, that he named for its gangly, grey legs.

Cave Reaper Spider: A giant spider that has adopted camouflage for hiding in caves, the cave reaper looks like a large stalactite or stalagmite, and can usually be found clinging to the ceiling of a cave. They do not build webs, but can rappel down from cave ceilings on their silk threads to attack victims from above. AC 13, HP 13, ATK 1 bite +3 (1d4 + poison), MV near (climb), S +2, D +4, C +0, I -1, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV 3 Poison. DC 12 CON or paralyzed 1d4 hours)

Treasure: Dusty, leather armour dyed black (10 gp), silver tooth (1 gp) possessed by the dead adventurer.

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About the Creator

Samuel Wright

I am a writer & tarot reader in Oregon. I'm a TTRPG fan, love all types of sci-fi & fantasy books, movies, & games, & read voraciously. I write a variety of content, mostly RPG blogs. Tell me where you found my page.

Art by Google/Unsplash

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Comments (1)

  • Dawnxisoul393art9 days ago

    The inclusion of personal backstories and missing loved ones adds depth and emotional weight, further motivating the heroes to act. This introduction skillfully sets the stage for an epic confrontation between good and evil, where the fate of the captives hangs in the balance. Great job, Samuel!

Samuel WrightWritten by Samuel Wright

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