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Passing the Torch Arc Three (Volume 2)

The Story of the Shira Clan Continues

By LUiS Wrote THiS UNiVERSEPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"Dedicated to the Unknown Fire Family."

I had another vision last night, of the realm of Dark Souls birthing hybrid kaiju's...

Chapter 5: Inferno Unleashed

Hiro's powers surged to match the escalating threats as the war between light and darkness reached its crescendo. Within this tumultuous clash, the ancient legacy of the Shira Clan unveiled its long-guarded secrets, unraveling a tapestry woven with hidden history and boundless power. Now, Hiro, a beacon of hope, found himself at the heart of an epic battle, one that would determine the destiny of both the earthly and spirit realms.

Yet, the enigmatic choice of Hiro as the guardian of the mysterious egg remained a perplexing enigma. Its shell radiated warmth, and sporadically emitted peculiar sounds. Night after night, vivid dreams consumed Hiro's slumber, portraying the fantastical vision of the egg hatching and an awe-inspiring creature emerging from within.

"My clan would’ve been astounded to discover that my elemental control extended beyond the realm of earth and stone; it encompassed the transformative forces of fire and searing heat." Imprinted upon my back, a mark branded me, carrying a weight of shame I believed would forever haunt my existence.”

If any of the Legendary Shien Shoguns are still alive, I must seek their advice.

Chapter 6: Igniting Destiny

In the face of relentless darkness, Hiro confronted the malevolent powers that sought to eradicate light from existence, and in doing so, his true potential unfurled. As the boundaries between ally and foe blurred into obscurity, the price of triumph escalated to staggering heights. Amidst the raging inferno, Hiro would find his ultimate purpose, realizing that his mission encompassed not only the salvation of the world, but also the profound journey of self-discovery.

In our realm, my father, Zata Sr., commanded a revered reputation for his extraordinary prowess in manipulating earth and water from a tender age. The seamless fusion of two elements, coupled with his prowess as a formidable swordsman, bestowed upon him an unprecedented status in our world. It was this exceptional lineage that led me to believe I was destined for a newly awakened talent, handpicked for a higher calling. Perhaps, it was this very calling that compelled me to shoulder the weighty responsibility of safeguarding a child like monster, alone and in pilgrimage.

I now have a better understanding of my visions; the boy has a deep buried darkness in him as well.

Chapter 7: The Eternal Flame

In the decisive clash that would shape the destiny of all realms, Komi and I confronted our greatest nemesis, an ancient malevolence that loomed over the precipice of devouring all that held meaning to us. In a climactic battle, prices were set, foundational trust strained to their limits, and the true essence of power and sacrifice stood unveiled in the battle with Fire Torch Prisons Warden. As Hiro's flame blazed with unparalleled intensity, the heart-wrenching conclusion etched a legacy that would endure throughout The Flame Realms history.

From a tender age, my powers instilled fear in the hearts of those around me. The world turned its back, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty, devoid of purpose, while the path ahead seemed to spiral endlessly into desolation. The Elemental Kaiju's assault upon our once tranquil town became an inexorable catalyst, compelling me to flee in sheer terror, clad in naught but the meager garments on my back, and burdened by the weight of the kaiju egg strapped fervently to my body.

The rumors about a war planet coated in lava and magma invading our solar system has been circulating recently.

Chapter 8/Epilogue: Embers Rekindled

Hiro returned to his village, forever changed by his grueling adventure and triumphant over the forces of darkness. While the world celebrated his victory, the weight of his responsibilities continued to bear down upon him. The saga of the Shira Clan persisted, promising new experiences that would challenge Hiro's resolve and reshape the very essence of their existence.

The haunting screams of terror echoed in my mind almost every night, reverberating through the depths of my being, as the insect-like beast ruthlessly rammed its beetle-like horns into the once-peaceful abodes of my clan. Their cries became eternally etched in my consciousness forever. It was during a peaceful slumber beside another cascading waterfall, a simple gravel pebble, and now Koji as my young apprentice, that the memory of that figure emerging from the distance. Cloaked in blue and crimson attire, the towering swordsman approached me with an air of mystery that day. In this moment, it became clear that the Minaro sword had granted me a vision whenever deemed necessary, revealing paths where I could prevent the young one from being consumed by the encroaching darkness of our world. Perhaps, like the legendary Dynasty Warrior Fengxian, a fellow hero of mine growing up, I could impart upon young Koji the wisdom and strength needed to navigate the perils that lie ahead.

Instead of allowing the youngster to be consumed by the darkness of this world, perhaps I can teach him the ways of the Dynasty Warriors like Fengxian.

Copyright © 2022-2023 LUiS Thompson

adventure gamesvintagerpg

About the Creator


When he's not designing or laying down brutalities in Mortal Kombat, LUiS Thompson is establishing a foundation the writing communities.


Email: [email protected]

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    LUiS Wrote THiS UNiVERSEWritten by LUiS Wrote THiS UNiVERSE

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