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Everything you need to know about 'Breeding' in Fish Tycoon 2


By Nancy DPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

When you first start the game, one of the most fun things to do is to discover new species of fish. Unfortunately, the delay in waiting for the fish to grow up can really be confusing on how you bred that specific fish. Luckily, there is one way to help with that. If you click on any fish and then click on the 'species' button on the lower left corner of the screen; then you get taken to another screen where you can see exactly how you bred that fish.

By now you are probably noticing that your task board is requesting that you discover a certain amount of species. There are only so many species you can get from hatching eggs, eventually you will have to cross breed to find more species.

There are two ways to breed more species in this game, by species and by fin colour.

Breeding By Species

The second part of each fish name is their species type. Strangely enough, breeding two different species will often result in another specific breed. My personal favorite is how to make Gold Fish: Spotanus + Beta = Goldfish. You can get a wide variety of species from hatching eggs as well. Keep in mind that while you are breeding that you can only keep rare fish alive in a tank with a high quality environment. In other words, you need to upgrade your tank in the research section.

Species Solutions

Shark + Stickfish = Goldshark

GoldShark + Shark = Snout

Stickfish + Goldshark = Flashfish

Shark + Fatfish = Arrowfish

Arrowfish + Spotanus = Comet

Comet + Shark = Snooper

Stickfish + Tigerfish = Rainbowfish

Rainbowfish + Shark = Snooper

Shark + Foxface = Flashfish

Breeding by Fin Type

The first part of the fishes names are their fin type. There are so many different fin types that they are commonly mistaken with each other.

Getting a Specific Fin Type

I wanted to make a specific example on how breeding for the more rare fish works. You need to make generations worth of breeding to get some of the more rare fin types. So here is how I got the Bluetip fin for betas. I could see on my 'Findex' that I was missing the Bluetip fin, but getting that specific fin type proved to be a harder task than I had originally anticipated.

To get the Bluetip fin I needed to breed a beta with a Greenfin with a beta that has a Spined fin. I already had a Spined fin beta, but I still needed the Greenfin Beta. I looked at a chart and found that I can get a Greenfin beta by breeding the fin types Spined and rusty with each other. Luckily, I did have a Rusty finned Beta.

To quickly sumarize, here is the forula below on how to get a Bluetip finned fish. All you need is a Spined Fin fish and a Rusty finned fish.

  • Spined + Rusty = Greenfin
  • Spined + Greenfin = Bluetip

Fin Type/Colour Solutions

Daffodil + Canary = Snubbed

Canary + Spined = Crimson

Spined + Daffodil = Striped

Silky + Snubbed = Imperial

Crimson + Spined = Orange

Striped + Crimson = Sapphire

Snubbed + Orange = Pink

Orange + Imperial = Royal

Spined + Rusty = Greenfin

Silky + Serrated = Peachy

Daffodill + Snubbed = Seratted

The Most Rare Fin Types

Silky + Peachy = Hooked

Spined + Greenfin = Bluetip

The 7 Magic Fish

While breeding you will run into 7 different magic fish. Each one has a 'special power' that will help the other fish that are in the same tank. For example, if you have the Magic Fish of Spawning then pregnant fish that are in the same tank will have one extra offspring. Which means that pregnant fish will now have 3 offspring.

Here is a list of the 7 Magic Fish:

This list is presented starting from the most common to the least common.

  1. The Magical Fish of Nutrition
  2. The Magical Fish of Recuperation
  3. The Magical Fish of Vigor
  4. The Magical Fish of Maturity
  5. The Magical Fish of Spawning
  6. The Magical Fish of Transformation
  7. The Golden Guppy of Isola


About the Creator

Nancy D

Facebook @NancyDBlogging

Twitter @BlogsNancy

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