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The Power of Love: February 2021's New Moon in Aquarius

On Thursday, February 11th, 2021, there will be a New Moon at 23'16 of the idealistic and innovative sign of Aquarius. Here's what to expect.

By Kaitlyn MauraPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Soulmates Can Communicate From Across the Universe

On Thursday, February 11th, 2021, there will be a New Moon at 23'16 of the funky and futuristic sign of Aquarius. Here's what to expect.

What is a New Moon?

A New Moon represents the beginning of the lunar cycle when the moon is conjunct the sun and invisible to the human eye. New Moons are a good time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It is a good time to start a new project or make a radical change. It's also a good time to find clarity on what you want, and release what no longer serves you. The effects of a New Moon generally last for about two weeks, up until the next Full Moon.

With the New Moon in Aquarius, we can expect new beginnings related to innovation, science, technology, politics, the arts, philosophy, and humanitarian social causes.

It may be helpful to think back to what was going on in your life during the Full Moon in Leo or the Full Moon in Aquarius six months ago, for certain themes may be repeating themselves.

Whatever intentions you set now should come into fruition by the time of the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27th.

Those with any personal planets or angles between 18 and 28 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most especially affected by this New Moon.

Swans, an Animal Sacred to Venus

New Moon in Aquarius February 2021

The New Moon on February 11th will happen at a time when six planets are aligned in Aquarius, a fixed air sign ruled by the planet Saturn and represented by the figure of a person carrying a jug of water. It's often associated with new ideas and the ideological thought frameworks which govern society. The "waters" Aquarius bears are believed to be the waters of technology, progress and purification: washing away the dirt of society to replace it with something newer and more efficient. Of course, Aquarius opposition to the old order gives the sign a reputation for rebellion and even contrarianism. Ruled by Saturn, the farthest classical planet from the Sun, those born under the sign of Aquarius are not known for being the warmest people. As concerned as they are with the fate of humanity, they are often believed to be detached or dispassionate towards people as individuals. Their friendly and egalitarian nature means they treat everybody more or less the same, not seeing anyone specifically as more "important," than the other, the way you usually do when you're in love. Why on Earth then does the Sun's transit through this sign coincide with Valentine's Day?

It's worth noting that the modern celebration of candy hearts and hallmark cards actually has it's origins in Catholicism. It is the feast day of St. Valentine, a 3rd century priest who defied the Roman emperors orders by performing Christian weddings, in secret, for soldiers who were forbidden to marry. But aside from this man's defiance and ability to stand up for what he believes being characteristic of Aquarius, the date of this holiday might make sense when we consider the decan. The February 11th New Moon (which takes place three days before Valentines Day) will take place in the third decan of Aquarius, the decan ruled by the Moon, planet of emotion and domesticity, and Venus, planet of love and sexuality. This last decan is certainly the most romantic and the most affectionate. It aligns with many stars in Cygnus, the constellation of the swan, a bird associated with romance and sacred to Aphrodite, Venus's Greek counterpart. I would go as far to say the sign of Aquarius on it's own is much more relationship-orientated sign than stereotyped even if not romantic in the emotional sense. Aquarius is of the air element, the element that governs over the social-relational sphere, and of the fixed modality, making those born under the sign loyal to who they spend time with and more given to monogamy and marriages than casual flings. Aquarius is free-spirited and hates possessiveness, but the more stereotypically possessive sign of Scorpio is actually Venus's detriment. Because true love isn't about owning another person. True love is about friendship. True love is about accepting another person for who they are, flaws and all, allowing them the freedom to be themselves and wanting the best for them no matter what, even if their free will contradicts our own desires.

Venus & Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius: Good Omen for Valentines Day

It makes perfect sense than that this Aquarius stellium should include an exact conjunction between Venus and Jupiter at 12 degrees of the sign. The two benefic planets in alignment with each other should bring good luck all around, but it is an especially lucky time for love. This is a blessing for couples as well as anyone else looking for that special someone, bringing positive feelings of connection & relatedness. Those working with art, beauty and/or aesthetics might also benefit from this influence. All in all, this is a perfect omen for Valentines Day.

Meanwhile, Mercury is Retrograde at 16'16 degrees and heading towards a conjunction with Venus & Jupiter which will be exact on the 14th. This is a good aspect for communication and flirtation, but Venus also brings a pleasantness to our communication that might make it easier for us to have difficult conversations or smooth out any conflicts. Because Mercury is Retrograde, there could be a conversation with someone from our past or we may have a conversation with someone about the past: this would be a good time to work out any pent up issues. Despite the Aquarius Stellium, the New Moon's closest aspect is actually a square to Mars at 18'35 degrees Taurus. This brings a more aggressive aspect to this New Moon, perhaps indicating interpersonal conflict. However, while it is separating, Mars is closer to a square with Mercury. This conflict may take the form of harsh words or arguments, possibly even break-ups, but because Mercury is in Retrograde, these are unlikely to last. This could be an argument resulting from pent-up feelings of anger, about something from the past or maybe an argument with someone from the past who we don't even speak to anymore.

Saturn is in Aquarius as well, farther apart from the rest of the planets at 6'32 degrees but making a square to Uranus at 7'04, which for the collective, indicates a conflict between the forces of progress and the forces of conservatism.

True Love is a Radical Act


With the New Moon at 23'16 degrees of Aquarius taking place three days before Valentines Day, I really think of it as the "Valentines Day New Moon." While the square between the New Moon and Mars, especially with Mercury involved, may bring conflict and arguments about unresolved issue, February 11th's New Moon is all in all a positive one. Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter (and widely conjunct the New Moon as well) is a perfect omen for love, bringing positive feelings of connection and relation with others. It is a beautiful time for a date night or even if you just want to let your friends know you care about them. With Mercury Retrograde heading towards a conjunction with Venus and Jupiter as well, there is good communication and even flirtation and this aspect can be helpful in mending problems from the past, having healing conversations and even bringing closure. This is a positive sign for relationships overall, both romantic and platonic, and in the sign of Aquarius, it could bring new beginnings that revolutionize the way we love.


About the Creator

Kaitlyn Maura

My name’s Kait. I would define myself mainly as a truth seeker. I write about a lot of things, primarily astrology, religion & spirituality, relationships and social issues.

Website: https://www.astrologybykait.com/

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