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DNA - Your Past and Future

Become a time traveler

By Chip RussellPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Imagine you can look back in time to see your future, and discover what may be in store for your life.

DNA has been doing this since time began for man, hidden in plain sight. DNA has a memory, it knows everything about your being and soul. It is the one thing that connects all civilized people. DNA acts as a telegraph through time to transfer your essence to a future generation.

Let's discover why the apple doesn't fall far from the tree together.

To a certain extent, we all go wondering through life not knowing where we came from. And some of us ask the big question, why are we here? At some point, we all think about our world and our place in this lifetime. Where do you see yourself right now in your life? If I gave you a microscope that can view your past and determine your future would that be amazing? DNA has the key to your past and your future

After all, these are the questions that connects all of us. And as you can imagine, everything connects to everything else. What is the glue that makes that connection?

Here is a quote from Dr. Jordan Peterson.It might be wise for you to step out of your routine of daily living to focus on your story.

“We must see the world through the lens of our story.”

- Dr. Jordan Peterson

Your challenge is to take on a quest of discovery to know yourself and understand your story. Are you curious? Were you that curious kid who always asks questions, driving your teachers nuts in the quest to find the why?

Recently authoring a book about my dear wife Lily relit my passion. We all have stories and Lily’s account of her life inspired me to start writing. The title of the book is Jungle Child Born In The Jungles Of Vietnam because she was!!!

We all have stories handed down from our family's life. Perhaps you will discover something in your life that will put shivers of amazement up your spine.

Step back with me to the 1800s to meet Mr. Samuel Peters Brown. Samuel was a curious fellow, and was quite a character! I found Samuel’s story printed in a 123-year-old book sitting on the shelf in the New York Public Library. This book became a time machine for me to understand the life of a man who was my great-great-grandfather. A true treasure of discovery.

Understanding your history will help you direct your future. My ancestors directed my future without my permission or knowledge.

You are about to receive a first-hand account of how DNA can act as a telegraph through time to direct your path in life.

Beginning my research, I found my great-great-grandfather’s story. Complete with a photo! The library scanned the book in 2018 and made it available on the internet. It opened up a revelation to me about myself.

DNA and destiny have a role to play in all of us.

Samuel was a self-educated man born in Maine, in 1816, 207 years ago, and was 81 when he died. Yet his life had unique parallels to my life.

He had multiple businesses and operated coal mines, lumber, and granite quarries. He leased the seal islands in Alaska to ship fur pelts to the east coast. He even shipped ice to Florida and down the east coast before the invention of refrigeration.

Here are some revelations about granddad. Some passed on to me, others did not.

He was an entrepreneur and an Architect. As it turns out, so am I! At 18, I chose Architecture as my major coming out of High School. Little did I know my ancestor choose the same profession and interests.

Samuel had 18 children. That one did not come through for me, thank you very much.

Besides being an Architect, he changed careers many times. I have switched careers 7 times in my life.

The most amazing story of all is Samuel's acquaintance with President Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln knew of Samuel's business dealings and skill in moving materials. As a result, the President appointed him Navel Agent to supply the Union Navy with fuel, and supplies to support the Civil War. A forerunner to being a modern defense contractor in today's world.

Me, a Presidential Appointee? Not yet! However, I worked in the defense industry for many years.

The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse. Only 5 days later President Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford's Theatre. Even though Samuel and America were shocked and saddened at Lincoln's untimely death, he did not let his grief stop him from going on to do other great things in his life.

Even now, these stories from my ancestor inspire me in life. Life is exciting, and in America, endless possibilities exist.

Finding those treasures of my past was a gift that technology revealed to me. Your past is a window to your future. If you are young it might just be a door to open to see what life has in store for you. Take the best and discard the rest.

With what is available today, you can become a time traveler complements of DNA. You make the choice. Become an empty vessel to let the river of life happen. Know thyself.


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  • Starlight Tucker11 months ago

    Amazing read!!!! I'm interested to know if you've seen any movies that have introduced the same or similar ideas. I thought of Cameron Crowe's 𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑆𝑘𝑦 as I read this, as well as Disney movies like the 2000s version of 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 starring Tia & Tamera Mowry and 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑦 𝐷𝑜𝑔. I think you'd really be interested in giving any of those a watch, especially the Disney ones.

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