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Change the history of mankind

By Chip RussellPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 21 min read

There is this old phrase, ‘Hindsight is twenty-twenty.’ It is believed to have been originally coined in the mid-20th century by the American humorist and writer, Mark Twain, who reportedly used a similar phrase in one of his letters around 1876.

This phrase has become a common idiom in English, used to describe how people have a clearer understanding of events after they have happened. It is popular in politics, business, and sports discussions, where people reflect on how past decisions were made, and could be made better, with the benefit of hindsight.

It is a simple phrase to set the replay in your mind of a series of highly complex events in motion. In effect, we are wishing we could go back to before the event happened to change the direction of the event to create a different outcome.

My colleague, Dr. Brown, who holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics, and I discuss these thoughts with regularity as we both agree to begin a new endeavor, one must have clarity of thought and project the best outcome with minimal defects. This endeavor is the notion of time travel. Is it possible to travel back and forth in time? Is it possible to also manipulate travel, meaning where does the journey take us? These thoughts of time and travel manipulation consume much energy so we chose to break down these events which were of particular importance.

Choosing the event to change is only one part of a complex series of processes to manipulate historical events. One must have a deeper understanding of Time Travel. Let us consider Einstein’s theory of relativity first published in 1905. This theory suggests that time is relative and can be affected by gravity and velocity. Setting this theory in motion creates a process of time dilation. The result of time dilation is a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity, which states that time appears to move slower for an object in motion relative to another stationary object. The faster an object travels, the more time appears to slow down relative to a stationary observer.

There is something ethereal about this concept. The components are speed of movement, time, and gravity.

Let us lay out the problem components.


Most people can understand the speed of movement. If you drive a car, it is a simple concept to understand to describe how fast an object is traveling, without regard to its direction.


Then we move to time, it also can be considered a simple concept. Or is it that simple? You look at your wristwatch and can see the device marking time like a good soldier. Our friend Einstein skipped ahead of everyone when he considered that time is a dimension of space-time. Here Einstein is combining a way to use the linear concept of time and throwing the dimensions and geometry of space.

At this point, you also need to consider that time is a completely made-up concept of man at least in terms of that nice timepiece on your wrist measuring hours, minutes, and seconds. Animals and butterflies do not need an Apple Watch to know when winter is coming. This makes time an ethereal concept integrated with nature. These concepts are the ones hidden in plain sight that obscure the true nature of our universe.

You can say that time measurement describes the base of nature, i.e., the seasons as the earth travels around the sun, and combines with the rhythm of life as we know it on Earth. Man has yet to figure out the nature of time, and the natural forces of the universe. These are properties of time yet to be discovered.

Until now.


Now we must introduce the most mysterious feature of the universe, gravity. A fundamental force of nature that man has yet to fully understand. No element on the periodic table is specifically associated with the force of gravity. The periodic table lists all of the KNOWN elements, which are defined but their atomic number, chemical properties, and unique structure of their atoms. The most exciting thing about the periodic table is it is a work in progress. It is by no means complete. There are critical puzzle pieces not yet discovered to crack the code of the universe.

Gravity is not associated with any particular element or atom we know of today in science but is a combination of the mass and energy of objects in space. The behavior of gravity is described by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. It describes how the force of gravity arises due to the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass and energy.

This begins to make sense as we think about how all creatures on our beautiful earth can walk, run, sit, and sleep without fear of flying into space. Even the molecules of the air we breathe and the wind in our faces are attracted by this ethereal concept called gravity.

Einstein is on a path of understanding that surpasses all of us when he states that gravity arises due to the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass and energy. Think of this beautiful earth we travel through space on. It is everyone’s spaceship curving in its space-time around the sun.

JOURNEY IN TIME - Origins and the mechanics of time concepts

Dr. Brown and I wanted to do something about our fascination with time travel and advance our understanding of the universe. As physicists, we were trained to use ‘First Principles’ to tackle any problem. To be sure, this would be a monumental task. First Principals drill down to the heart of the matter. Finding the smallest degree of an element and building from there to solve a problem.

This is a perfect prescription to figure out how to time travel. There a many unknowns, we would only need to fill in the blanks to find the missing keys. Easier said than done. We must also consider others who have different gifts. There are people in this world, hidden in plain sight who can communicate with other dimensions of the universe. The input into this process is necessary to develop and engineer systems to break the code of time, and gravity.

One such avenue was to research how man originally came up with the idea of Time Travel.

Turning to history, there is a story first handed down as a Japanese folktale by Urashima Tarō a Japanese legend from the 8th Century. His work is entitled “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.” Of course, one must include H.G. Wells's work, “The Time Machine.” The ancient view of folklore versus a fictitious work by one of the most famous writers of the modern age. There is perhaps a link between Tarō and Wells in that they may connect to the universe that the common man does not comprehend.

The Bamboo Cutter is a curious tale about a poor farmer visited by The Moon Goddess, a tiny beautiful female humanoid who appeared on earth from a beam of light from some ancient past preceding Tarō’s existence on this Earth. Remarkably, this tale was told in the 8th century. Perhaps it may have been the first account of a being from another world visiting earth at that time! If you equate this to current thinking in physics, it is possible to shrink space and time to travel the immense distances of the universe.

It is conceivable that beings from other galaxies have visited Earth in the past. The craft that took them from distant galaxies to earth is said to have shrunk in size and appeared on Earth as tiny ships. These creatures came in curiosity to discover the blue marble we call Earth.

I digress here a bit to discuss the importance of how myths and legends passed down through thousands of years of human societies have shaped our beliefs, values, and cultural identities starting at the beginning of time.

Using the Bamboo Cutter and the appearance of the Mood Goddess as an example, folk tales provide us with a glimpse into the history and worldview of a particular society.

Gods, heroes, monsters, and magical creatures are a part of civilized man's makeup and inhabit the recesses of our souls. These were used to explain natural phenomena, teach moral lessons, and entertain us.

The most important of the explanations is the teaching of moral lessons. These lessons advance man to the next level while discarding the temptation of man’s dark side to allow greed and power to rise and control everything. It is the attainment of balance to create a better world for all people.

When men on Earth allow darkness to invade the mind, the balance becomes tainted with chaos. A better world begins to decay like some radioactive isotope. We as a society have become a hive mind each staring into the screen we each hold in our hand of the enemy not realizing the enemy is in plain sight, manipulating every decision and thought. Directing our civilized minds like an arrow shot into the chaotic darkness of hell.

We know this type of hive mind is destructive to man’s advancement in almost every area you can think of. Just think of what has happened in the last few years in this country. We want to get back to the ‘Cowboy Science’ of the 1960s and 1970s. We want the greatest thinkers of our time to be involved in this process. This notion of deciding what gender one is, and meatless hamburgers is of no value to science. It is generating the hive mind and wastes precious time to advance man.


To get a clearer understanding, Dr. Brown and I broke down the problem further. We discussed the time element and separated it from travel. Now let us drill down to the space part of the equation.

Getting a better sense of space travel understanding it is but a component, a cog in the wheel of the universe. The additional component of traveling in space is the really exciting part of this problem.

Where will we travel to? Will we stand in one spot to travel to the future or the past only to be embedded in a tree trunk from a thousand years ago? Not!

Where do we want to go? Should we stay on Earth or explore the Moon or Mars? Is our thinking or map too small? I think it is. In life, we limit our thinking to the size of the map of our imagination.

We need to think about intergalactic travel. One is not going to do that with chemical rockets. Even though the genus of Elon Musk has lit up space travel, perfecting the rocket engine will not be the tech that will reach outside the solar system in a human lifetime.

The tech that is needed is to crack the code of gravity. We do not understand gravity. The need to harmonize gravity is required to use it as a force to propel us into the universe. Equations have not been discovered to describe what God has created and is hidden in plain sight.

As of September 2021, there are 118 known unique elements on the periodic table. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom. Element 118 or Oganessian is a synthetic element that is highly unstable. This element in a more stable form may prove to be the component to harness gravity.


Technology alone will not rip open time, space, and new dimensions. To do so requires correct thinking and asking the right questions.

Here are some parameters we considered.

The God Particle or Higgs boson is a subatomic particle predicted in the 1960s and discovered in 2012 at CERN. It is the fundamental particle for the Standard Model which describes the forces and particles that make up the universe. The ‘Standard Model’ will forever be in flux as discoveries are made.

Supernatural phenomena: Some would consider this to be the place where the magic happens. Things that are outside of our general understanding and are not able to be explained. A key example is what is occurring right now with the military seeing UFOs. If these objects are real, they appear to disobey our understanding of physics as we know it. The placeholder of such events is thrown into the ‘magic box’ until technology can explain it.

Human consciousness: The mind is an amazing gift that even the latest technology is unable to fully describe. Aspects of human consciousness such as subjective experience, emotions, and creativity, are still not understood and are beyond technology. To be able to fully understand such concepts would be the key to altering how we think or even controlling what we think. Primitive attempts to mind control have already begun by the most devious minds on earth. Attempts at mind control have always been a part of war such as Psy Ops during the Vietnam war and other wars in history.

Ethics and morality: As of yet, technology is unable to make informed decisions to improve our lives. It only carries out instructions and has no input as to what is right and wrong. Humans are needed to protect technology from going off the edge which may destroy us all as a civilization. At the time this paper is being composed in 2023, the leaders of the world still reside in some ancient despotic age. Most people can be controlled by these unimaginative leaders with fear or plain ignorance. This is where Time Travel may prove to be the most valuable in the ability to go back in time to throw the switch in our collective brains to reduce conflict and invent a different set of incentives to live life.


We then asked the question, what would happen if a person was able to leave Earth and travel very close to the speed of light for several years and then return to earth after 30 years?

Einstein’s theory states that a person moving at light speed produces several interesting effects due to the principles of special relativity.

First, due to time dilation, the person would experience time passing more slowly that a person on Earth. This would mean they would feel only a short time when decades or centuries would pass upon their return to Earth. They would return to a future Earth while only aged a few years.

However, there is a problem with a part of the equation, E = mc2

In that the mass changes as the speed increases. Think of an atomic bomb, we would want to avoid the human subject turning into plasma and blowing up in space as a result of reaching the speed of light. The foundation of Einstein’s theory works when applied to building a bomb but has serious problems when one wants to put a human in a position to travel in space.

Therefore we concluded using First Principles that there is a big piece of the puzzle missing to get a solution to the problem. Einstein poured the foundational knowledge to solve the first part of the problem. It is up to us to continue his monumental work.

There is a big puzzle piece missing. We have concluded that the Periodic Table of the Elements is part of that puzzle piece, it is not big enough. There are elements not discovered yet that would allow time travel.

Let us open the book of curiosity to seek out what is required. One curious element is called Oganesson named after the Russian Physicist. It is an element concocted in a lab but it is very unstable as its half-life is only milliseconds. Our current technology cannot extend a half-life to exist for a longer period. Science has made progress to extend isotopes for medical purposes but not for anything quite exotic as time travel.

There is an answer to this problem and it is hidden in plain sight.

Instead of inventing a new element in a lab, it would be much easier to find it and experiment with it.

We can now announce that these materials have been on Earth for many years. Buried deep in the catacombs of Ohio. There is a highly secret place that has decided to open its doors to discover new ways of travel. This will open the door to a new freedom for man and still keep the traditional ways and rich culture of each country intact.

Any new power released would be a disaster in the hands of tyrants. This is the reason that a new Universal Order of rational men and women has secretly come together to bring these new ideas to light.

We all know about the current state of affairs on Earth. Old men currently rule the Earth with their archaic methods of control and power. It is always these psychotic minds that want to eliminate anyone that disagrees with them so they can bathe in luxury, and power and keep the belly of their egos full. Then the poor subjects they control rise up and overtake them only for the insane cycle to eventually repeat itself. For thousands of years, it has taken over and over. History repeats, man forgets, but not this time. The mind of man has discovered the control of time.

Leadership is a high-wire act without a net. The balance between power and freedom. It is always power that wants to overcome the mind to self-enrich. It is as old as man. Our time team is tired of the aimless approach to life these old men want to impose on civilized men.

We appear to be at an intersection of timeless unchanging history. If allowed to continue will result in more chaos. Going back in time, we will have an opportunity to eliminate some chaos of man’s greatest fault, power, greed, and self-enrichment at the expense of everyone else.

The question of power and leadership then becomes the one piece of the puzzle to go back in time to change the history of mankind.

Upon discovery of this result, we asked a hard and unconventional question.

How can we keep the moral compass of world leaders intact so they will not become tyrants?

Top-down leadership will eventually get the masses to comply. Here is what we came up with as a framework to go back in time to change the history of mankind.

Democratic systems: A democratic system can help prevent the emergence of tyrants by ensuring that leaders are accountable to their constituents. Free and fair elections, an independent judiciary, and a robust media can act as checks and balances on the power of leaders.

Ethical standards and education: Leaders should be held to high ethical standards, and these standards should be enforced through legal mechanisms. Additionally, education and training on ethical principles could help instill a sense of responsibility and accountability in leaders.

Transparency and accountability: Governments should be transparent about their decision-making processes, and citizens should have access to information about how their leaders are using their power. The media should be free to report on government activities without fear of reprisal.

International cooperation: International cooperation and dialogue can help foster a culture of democracy and human rights. Global institutions such as the United Nations can help hold leaders accountable for their actions.

Civil society and activism: Civil society organizations and activists play an important role in monitoring government activities and holding leaders accountable. Governments should ensure that these groups are free to operate without fear of reprisal.

Ultimately, preventing the emergence of tyrants requires a commitment to democratic values, transparency, and accountability at all levels of government. It is the responsibility of citizens, civil society organizations, and governments to work together to build a more just and equitable world.


Now we have an answer. Now First Principles demands a call to action.

Of all the experiments of civilized man, the one revolutionary idea that has caused much harm to the advancement of civilization was two works by Carl Marx. “Das Capital” and the “Communist Manifesto.” These two works were the genesis of an entire movement to crush the little man under the guise of making everything ‘equal’ for every person. The results of history this has done nothing but create abject poverty and suffering for millions of people all over the world.

The resulting chaos and deaths of employing the Marxist-Communist ideology was an unintended consequence that Marx and Engles did not foresee!

Starting with Lenin and then Stalin, tyrants of the modern age. His actions lead to over 9 million deaths. Both Stalin and Hitler were outdone by China’s Mao Zedong whose Great Leap Forward policy left up to 45 million dead in his own country of China. All in the name of Communism.

The violent aspects of Communism attracted and lead these despots to use ideology as an excuse to eradicate people. It lures the populace in by promising equal treatment, effectively creating a bait and switch after the assumption of power.

The suppression of free speech is only the beginning. If the common person did not agree, you were killed. What better way to get rid of your detractors, just shoot them? This was the tactic Mao used in China After silencing the opposition Mao pushed for the creation of communes and nationalized farmers’ property, eliminating private ownership of land. People shared everything from equipment to livestock and production. The food was allocated by the state. The nuclear family was broken up creating a desensitized population. These are a few examples in history.

We wanted to understand why these men turned to such cruel tactics to control their fellow men. It all has to do with the brain.

Throughout history, we have seen many examples of how power can easily corrupt the actions of man. When one is given too much power, it can become easy to succumb to the temptations of authoritarianism, leading to the emergence of tyrannical leaders. Three notable examples of such leaders are Mao Zedong of China, Adolf Hitler of Germany, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. In this essay, we will explore how the unchecked power of these leaders led to their authoritarian regimes, atrocities committed against their people, and the devastating consequences of their actions.

Mao Zedong was the founding father of the People's Republic of China and the leader of the Chinese Communist Party from 1949 until he died in 1976. Mao's rise to power was a result of his revolutionary efforts to overthrow the nationalist government and establish a communist state. However, Mao's power became absolute, and he became increasingly paranoid about his leadership, leading to the infamous Cultural Revolution.

The Cultural Revolution was a period of political and social chaos that lasted from 1966 to 1976, in which Mao mobilized young Chinese citizens to rid the country of what he saw as bourgeois elements. The result was widespread violence, the destruction of cultural artifacts, and the persecution of intellectuals and anyone who disagreed with Mao's ideology. Millions of people were killed or imprisoned during this period, and the country was thrown into chaos.

Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany in the 1930s, riding a wave of nationalism and anti-Semitism. Hitler promised to restore Germany to its former glory and create a pure Aryan race. Once in power, Hitler consolidated his power by eliminating all opposition and establishing himself as the absolute leader of the Third Reich. Hitler's regime was characterized by extreme brutality, with concentration camps, mass killings, and the Holocaust being some of the most infamous examples of his atrocities. Hitler's unchecked power led to the deaths of millions of people, including six million Jews, in what remains one of the darkest chapters in human history.

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 until he died in 1953. Stalin's rise to power was marked by his brutal tactics against political rivals, which included purges, show trials, and executions. Stalin's unchecked power led to the deaths of millions of people, both through his policies of collectivization and forced industrialization and through direct purges of anyone who posed a threat to his power. The most infamous example of Stalin's brutality was the Holodomor, a man-made famine that occurred in Ukraine in 1932-1933, and killed millions of people.

Mao, Hitler, and Stalin illustrate how too much power can corrupt the actions of man, leading to the emergence of despotic leaders. When leaders are unchecked and their power absolute, they become prone to paranoia, cruelty, and the elimination of all opposition.

The result is often violence, death, and chaos on a massive scale. We must learn from these examples and strive to prevent such abuses of power from occurring in the future. We must hold our leaders accountable and ensure that they do not become despots who are willing to sacrifice the lives of their citizens for their gain.

The chemical processes in the brain that may contribute to the emergence of paranoid, cruel, and authoritarian behavior in government leaders are complex and not fully understood. However, some researchers have suggested that there may be several factors at play.

One potential explanation is related to the psychological concept of "power corrupts." Research has shown that when individuals are given power, they tend to become more self-focused and less concerned with the needs and perspectives of others. This can lead to a sense of entitlement and a belief that one's interests and desires should take precedence over those of others. This self-focus may contribute to a decreased ability to empathize with others, leading to a lack of concern for the suffering of others.

Another potential explanation is related to stress and the body's response to stress hormones such as cortisol. When individuals are under chronic stress, their bodies release cortisol, which can have a range of effects on the brain and behavior. Research has shown that chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels can lead to impaired decision-making, decreased empathy, and increased aggression. These effects may be particularly pronounced in individuals who are already prone to authoritarian or narcissistic behavior, as they may be more likely to perceive threats to their power and respond with aggression.

There is also evidence to suggest that certain brain regions may be involved in the emergence of paranoid, cruel, and authoritarian behavior in government leaders. For example, studies have shown that individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (which is associated with authoritarian tendencies) may have structural and functional abnormalities in brain regions involved in social cognition and emotion regulation.

Using the ontological paradox we will go back in history to visit Carl Marx. His ideas were shaped by time to see how people were treated in factories with the capitalist system. Marx’s ideas were the biggest backfire in history. The good intentions of Marx to elevate the plight of the worker during the industrial revolution were manipulated by tyrannical leaders of the day after the death of Marx.

The reasoning of communism is to destroy capitalism and supplant it with Communism without debate. It illustrates the danger of unintended consequences and one-sided thinking. The result is only the enrichment of the few and the destruction of the rest.

Dr. Brown has a Doctorate in BioPhysics and has deduced issues with Marx that directed his life to write the playbook that future leaders used as an excuse to destroy the lives of millions of people. Marx wrote about feelings of alienation and despair, particularly in his earlier works. For example, in his Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx wrote about the alienation of workers from their labor, as well as their estrangement from their human nature. In his later works, such as Das Kapital, Marx's writing became more focused on political and economic theory, rather than on the individual experience of alienation and despair.

It's worth noting that Marx experienced significant personal and professional challenges throughout his life, including financial struggles, political persecution, and the deaths of several family members. These experiences could certainly have contributed to feelings of sadness, despair, and hopelessness. Knowing this information Dr. Brown will return to meet Marx personally and befriend him to work on his depression. There is a great possibility that this depression contributed to his thinking and writing.

Again we are using First Principles to determine the root cause of why people do what they do.

Without The Communist Manifesto, the development of communism as a political movement may have been slower or different. The Manifesto was a highly influential work that helped to galvanize and organize communist movements across Europe and beyond. However, it's important to recognize that the Manifesto was not the sole cause of communist movements or the actions of communist leaders like Mao and Stalin. Many other factors, including economic conditions, political power struggles, and personal ambition, played a role in shaping the history of communism and its impact on the world.

As of September 2021, the nuclear clock was set at 100 seconds to midnight, which is the closest it has ever been to midnight. This suggests that the risk of global catastrophe is very high, mainly due to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and increased political tensions between major powers.

Pushing the nuclear option would be the last result of ‘man’ fighting over a chunk of earth and is the result of one ideology idea fighting with another idea. A plan to wipe out the theory of Marxism so that it never existed could eliminate our desire to vaporize ourselves into oblivion.

-La Fin

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