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The Abandoned Asylum

if you dare.

By Ali HamzaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

As Sarah stepped out of her car, she couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spine. She had heard stories about the abandoned asylum, but she had never believed them until now. The building loomed before her, its broken windows staring back at her like dead eyes.

Sarah had always been interested in the supernatural, and when she heard about the abandoned asylum, she knew she had to explore it. She had been warned not to go inside, but the temptation was too great.

As she walked through the overgrown grass and up to the front door, Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The door was boarded up, but she managed to pry it open with some effort. As she stepped inside, she was hit with a musty smell that seemed to cling to the walls.

The inside of the asylum was just as creepy as the outside. The paint was peeling off the walls, and the furniture was covered in dust. Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, even though she knew she was alone.

As she walked down the hallway, she heard a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. She tried to ignore it, but her curiosity got the better of her. She pushed open the door, and her heart stopped.

There, sitting in the middle of the room, was a man. He was dressed in a white gown, and his face was covered in bandages. Sarah tried to run, but the door slammed shut, trapping her inside with the man.

She could hear his labored breathing as he got closer and closer to her. She tried to scream, but no sound would come out. She was frozen with fear.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and Sarah was plunged into darkness. She could hear the man's footsteps getting closer, and she knew she had to get out of there. She fumbled for her phone and turned on the flashlight, illuminating the room.

To her horror, the man was right in front of her. She screamed and ran towards the door, but it wouldn't budge. She was trapped, and she knew she was going to die.

Just as the man reached out to grab her, the door burst open, and a group of people came rushing in. They had heard her screams and had come to her rescue.

As they led her out of the asylum, Sarah couldn't help but feel relieved. She had survived the ordeal, but she knew she would never forget the terror she had experienced inside the abandoned asylum.

From that day on, Sarah never ventured into abandoned buildings again. She knew that the supernatural was not something to be trifled with.

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Title: The Haunted Forest

The sun had long since set, and the moon was hidden behind thick, dark clouds as Emily and her friends made their way through the woods. They had been hiking for hours, and they were starting to feel tired and hungry. But there was no sign of civilization, and they were lost.

As they walked, they started to hear strange noises. It sounded like someone was following them, but every time they turned around, there was no one there. They tried to shrug it off, but their nerves were starting to get the better of them.

As they continued on, the trees grew thicker, and the underbrush became more dense. Emily could feel something watching her, and she knew she wasn't alone.

Suddenly, her friend Sarah let out a blood-curdling scream. Emily turned around just in time to see Sarah being dragged away by something unseen. She ran after her, but she was too late.

As she caught up to her friend, she found her lying on the ground, her eyes closed and her face contorted in pain. Emily tried to shake her awake, but Sarah wouldn't respond.

Panic set in as Emily realized they were lost, and now one of her friends was hurt. She tried to call for help, but there was no cell service in the woods.

Suddenly, they heard more noises coming from the trees. This time, it sounded like something was moving through the brush, and it was getting closer. Emily could feel her heart pounding in her chest as the fear took hold.

As they tried to run, they stumbled upon an old, abandoned cabin. They were desperate for shelter, and they didn't have anywhere else to go.

As they entered the cabin, they could feel the cold air around them. The cabin was abandoned and had been for years. Emily could see dust and cobwebs everywhere, and the wood creaked beneath her feet.

But they were relieved to be inside, away from whatever was following them. They barricaded the door and tried to get some rest, but they knew they wouldn't be able to stay there forever.

As they huddled together, they heard a strange sound coming from outside. It was a low growl, almost like an animal. Emily knew they were in trouble.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and they were face to face with a creature they had never seen before. It was tall and thin, with long, spindly arms and glowing red eyes. It was unlike anything they had ever seen, and they knew they were in mortal danger.

They tried to run, but the creature was too fast. It chased them through the woods, and they knew they couldn't keep up for long.

As they stumbled and fell, they could hear the creature getting closer and closer. Emily could feel its breath on the back of her neck as it reached out to grab her.

Just as all seemed lost, a figure emerged from the darkness. It was an old man with a long beard and kind eyes. He held out his hand and led them away from the creature, towards safety.

As they made their way back to civilization, Emily couldn't help but feel grateful for the old man's help. She knew they would never forget the horrors they had experienced in the haunted forest, but at least they had survived to tell the tale.


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    AHWritten by Ali Hamza

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