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Ripar returns to Earth (Part 2)

Chocolate Heaven

By Robert KegelPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Ripar returns to Earth (Part 2)
Photo by Ayesha Firdaus on Unsplash

A few hours later, Ripar and his comrades were doing scans on the ship of nearby land and settlements when they heard the barn door open. Mike and John returned with food. They had fried chicken, corn, potato salad, green beans, and chocolate cake. Upon entering the aliens smelled the food and they liked the scent that was coming from it. Ripar told them of human food and that it was tasty, what they ate at home was bland and they never ate meat, but neither had Ripar. He was debating on whether he wanted to try it, but eating something that was alive just seemed wrong...even though it smelled really good.

They each had a bit of everything, except the chicken. They told the men that they didn’t eat meat and the guys understood. the taste of human food was amazing, Vocar the scientist asked if they could have some seeds so they could try and plant them in their soil. John said “Sure, why not, just remind me later and I’ll get you some. I’ll even give you some grain as well so you can make baked goods.”

When they got to the cake, it blew their minds. They never had anything sweet and moist like that cake and chocolate, the taste of it was so good! Mike said “We don’t have any cacao beans, but we can get you some and we can give you some recipes from the internet so you can make this type of food when you get home”. The aliens couldn’t wait to share this with their people, humans were a very unique race. If they could just learn to be peaceful with each other, they could be a great ally to their species.

“We have to go into town tomorrow, if you want, we can take you with us?” John said

Ripar looked at the other two aliens and Captain Roj shook his head in agreement “That would be nice, thank you.” Ripar replied

The barn door opened and an earth female walked in.

“You didn’t think I’d see you leave with all this food? Who are these people?” Mikes wife yelled

“Well, their car broke down and they needed a place to stay for the night. I told them they could stay in the barn.” Mike said in a calm but nervous voice.

“Why wouldn’t you come to me and introduce them” She asked

“We didn’t want to be a bother.” Ripar said

“It wouldn’t be a bother, we have spare rooms. You can stay in them for the night. Where is your car?” The woman said calming down.

“We had it towed to the shop, it’ll be fixed in a couple of days, a part had to be ordered.” John replied quickly.

“Well, then that’s it, you’ll stay with us until your car is fixed. My name is Jody.” she said warmly, extending her hand to Ripar and friends

“It’s nice to meet you Jody, I’m Ripar, this is Vocar and Roj.”

The six of them walk to the house. Jody set up the rooms for them while they sat by the fireplace. The fire was nice and warm, the house was comfortable, and nicely decorated. The three aliens talked about the possible questions Mikes wife will have for them, they had to get their stories straight. They quickly looked at a map on the computers on their wrists and talked about what they were going to say. They came up with a simple story before Jody came back into the room.

As they sit and relax, Jody brings out some coffee. She hands each of them a cup and the aliens take a sniff, it had an interesting smell to it and it was hot. Vocar took a taste and made a face at the bitter taste.

“How do you all take your coffee? Here is some sugar and milk.” She said warmly

Vocar took some sugar and put it in his cup and then took another taste. This time the mixture of the sweet and bitter tasted good to him. He drank the cup. The other two followed what he did and the three of them enjoyed their first cup of coffee by the fire. A few minutes later caffeine hit them and they uncontrollably changed to their normal form. Jody screamed and dropped the pot on the floor, spilling coffee all over.

“What? Who? Call the cops, call the military.” Jody yelled

“Honey, its ok, they’re friendly, just calm down please.” Mike said in a calming voice

“Here, sit down, we’ll clean this up.” John said while setting Jody in a chair

“We’ll explain everything.” Ripar said

Ripar and the other two explained everything to her, and she surprisingly understood. They took her to their ship and gave her a tour and then went back to the house and talked.

Vocar wondered why the coffee had such an effect on them. He did an analysis on it and could only guess the caffeine in it sped up their system and made it difficult for them to keep human form. He told his comrades he can probably make something that can take the caffeine out of their system, or it should be out by the morning and since there wasn’t any other effects it should be safe. They’d just have to not drink coffee any more, or anything with a large amount of caffeine.

They all sat up a little while longer and talked. They told Jody that she shouldn’t tell anybody about them and she agreed. When they woke up, the aliens were able to shift back into human form. They smelled something really good and walked out into the main room where breakfast was on the table. There was eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, pancakes and orange juice. Of course, they ate the biscuits, and pancakes and drank the orange juice. They told Jody they didn’t eat meat and she looked a little sad but was ok with it.

When they finished breakfast, they got ready to head into town.


About the Creator

Robert Kegel

I'm a rocker, a gamer, a romantic, a Dom, a hiker and l like camping. I'm a geek, who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and technology. I'll try and write about a variety of topics ranging from relationship, tech and every day rants.

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