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Ripar Returns to Earth (Part1)

Ripar and comrade's adventures on Earth

By Robert KegelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

After Ripar returned home they talked to the elders of their world. They told them about the people, the possible dangers and the wonders that were found. The elders decided that Ripar should take Vocar, their top scientist and Captain Roj from their armed forces unit to Earth to assess the planet and the beings that inhabit it.

The three took a class 3 science vessel which can fit up to 5 passengers it also can cloak and phase, so they could land anywhere and the ship would not be found. Upon getting to Earth, they cloaked themselves and did some scans of the planet.

“These beings had a lot of garbage floating around their planet, that looks like a simple housing vessel over there (looking at the space station)” Vocar said aloud.

“Yes, their technology is by far more primitive than ours, but after reading some of their history books they’re much younger than we are.” Said Ripar

Slicing through the atmosphere, as their ship peaked through the clouds, they can land with huge buildings jetting from it like spires. An aircraft flied past them. They find an area which Ripar said was farmland with animals and crops all around them. They scan for a place to land.

“That dwelling looks like a good place, we can phase through it and if the ship stays cloaked and phased it won’t even be seen” Captain Roj pointed out.

The ship enters the old barn and lands. The three passengers exit the ship and take a look around. We should shift into humans like I showed you on Targof. Ripar morphs into a male, Captain Roj changes into a male and Vocar shifts into a female. Walking around the barn they see hay and tools.

“How dirty humans are” Vocar says in a soft voice

Captain Roj tries to open the barn door but it’s locked.

“We can’t get out, we’ll have to find another place to land”

They hear a human talking “Do I hear something in the barn, it can’t be”

Then another voice “We better check it out” as he pulls out a gun from a holster on his hip.

They hear the humans unlock the door and it opens. The two men see three other people in their barn.

“What are you doing in here? How did you get in here?” one of the men shouted holding the gun on them.

“We don’t mean you harm, we got in from the window, it was unlocked. We just need a place to stay for the night.

The man with the gun nervously says “you’re trespassing, if you don’t leave, I’ll have to fire”

Captain Roj moves closer and the man fires. The bullet doesn’t even hurt him. Roj angerly runs up to the man and takes the gun.

“Stop! they don’t know any better, they're just scared.” Ripar quickly said

Captain Roj put down the gun and stood back with his comrades.

“Like I said, we don’t mean you any harm, we just need a place to stay for the night” Ripar explained

“But how did my bullet just bounce off him? Who are you?”

“We might as well tell them” Ripar said looking at the other two who both nods back at him.

“Well, we’re actually not from this planet. I came to visit a few weeks ago and our elders thought we should bring a small team to see and take scientific readings” Ripar told the men

“From another planet, you look just like us!”

Ripar changes into his form, a non-descript blob. The second man faints while the first man just stares in disbelief of what he’s seeing.

“When we find a planet with inhabitants, we check it out to see if they’re friendly or not. If they are, we introduce ourselves and try to make an alliance and if they aren’t we just leave without them knowing. I guess we underestimated the situation here and thought we wouldn’t be seen. If you really want us to leave, we will”.

The second man wakes up and looks around, seeing the alien. “I guess I wasn’t dreaming. What did I miss? You’re not dead Mike so I guess we’re captured?”

“John, no we’re not, they say they’re friendly and I’m willing to believe them.” Mike said

“So, can you change into anything?” Asked Mike

“As long as we’ve seen it, we can change into it or them” Ripar explained

“So, you climbed through our window to stay here” John asked

In their language Captain Roj said “Maybe we shouldn’t tell them about the ship that’s in their barn”

Ripar answered “We have to trust them, not all humans are bad, plus they’ll never get into the ship, no one can but us”

“I hope you’re right” Captain Roj muttered as he pressed a button on his wrist which un cloaked the ship.

“Holy shit!” Mike said

John faints again. This time Mike walks over to John, pulls out a water bottle from his pocket and pours water on his face.

“What the fuck Mi” John starts to yell as he sees the ship again “I guess I wasn’t dreaming again.”

Mike helps him up and then asks “Can we see the inside?”

The door opens and Ripar says “Follow us, but touch nothing.”

They walk into the ship and have a short tour.

“Where do you sleep” John wondrously asks

“We don’t sleep like you humans do. We rest in our seats.”

The two men shrug their shoulders at each other.

“Well, you can stay here if you like, I don’t know if I want to tell my wife about you just yet, she’ll faint like old John here” Mike said with a little laugh

“Shut up Mike” John jokingly pushed him.

“So just stay here, I’ll sneak you in some food if I can later and tomorrow, we’ll figure out what we’re going to do” Mike urged

“Ok, thank you” Ripar said

“John! Mike! Where are you?” A voice yelled from the house

“We had to go to the barn for something, we’ll be there in a second” Mike yelled back

“Gotta go, see you later, and remember stay here.”

The two men walk out of the barn, close the door and walk toward the house.

Short Story

About the Creator

Robert Kegel

I'm a rocker, a gamer, a romantic, a Dom, a hiker and l like camping. I'm a geek, who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and technology. I'll try and write about a variety of topics ranging from relationship, tech and every day rants.

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