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Why Pecans Are The Bomb Dot Com

The Antioxidant Packer

By Ashley TerrellPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Why Pecans Are The Bomb Dot Com
Photo by Jocelyn Morales on Unsplash

Growing up, I remember my aunt Janet having a variety of nuts in the living room. Besides saltwater taffy, pecans were the hospitality offerings.

As a child, I wasn't fond of the earthly flavor tones. We didn't eat pecans on a normal basis growing up, so the taste wasn't one of my favorites.

I fell in foodie love with pecans upon discovering a handful of pecans was a remedy for headaches.

Over the recent years, I've minimized over-the-counter remedies with holistic approaches. And what do you know; I discovered the next best thing to aspirin.

As I began my kitchen-related career, pecans became an all-star. Whether I'm baking and cooking, pecans elevate the flavor of my recipes, adds texture, and promote positive health.

Pecans are nuts from a series of hickory trees. The rich, buttery nut with natural sweet notes is native to Mexico and southern areas of the United States.

Pecan can improve the cardiovascular system.

Pecans are a great source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which help reduce blood pressure. These essential vitamins have a purpose acting as an anti-inflammatory remedy.

Packed with omega-3 fats, enjoy eating pecans to reduce arthritis and reduce inflammation.

The brown oval-shaped nut contains monounsaturated fat which is beneficial for lowering "bad" [ LDL] cholesterol and probabilities of strokes and heart disease.

Monounsaturated fat is oleic acid with phenolic antioxidants.

According to the National Pecan Shellers Association, studies showed a handful of pecan can improve good [HDL] cholesterol and reduce bad [LDL] cholesterol.

A study of 204 participants with coronary artery disease showed eating pecans for twelve weeks saw improvements with HDL [good] cholesterol.

Studies showed pecans can prevent heart disease in people suffering from diabetes.

By ekrem osmanoglu on Unsplash

Pecans improve the immune system.

According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, studies showed pecans contain more antioxidants than any other tree nut, like cashews, almonds, and pistachios.

The low-glycemic food offers vitamins A, C, E, and zinc to boost your immunity system.

With illnesses on the rise, our immunity should be a priority. A strong immune system helps combat cell repair from blemishes, scars, radical damage, and infections.

The United States Department of Agriculture considers pecans to be one of the top 15 foods with high levels of antioxidants.

Pecans are high in gamma tocopherols, a type of vitamin E.

Ways to add pecans to your food lifestyle.

Pecans are free of cholesterol and sodium and low in carbohydrates.

I love how pecans can add texture and earthly flavor to my baked pastries and sweet casseroles. I've discovered ground pecans to be a flour alternative to coat and air-fry my proteins.

Here's the pecan flour I use in my recipes!

When I need a quick topping or a textured garnish, pecans have been my go-to! You'll find pecans are perfect as a snack throughout the day to keep your energy elevated and increase metabolism.

Pecans are flexible in flavor!

Add crushed pecans to your salads, holiday casseroles, or yogurt.

I like to add pecans to my morning parfaits, atop my spinach salads, sweet potato casseroles, and so much more. Crushed pecans are EVERYTHING in banana pancakes!

Here are the crushed almonds I use in my recipes - especially my baked goodies. Both versions of pecans are produced by the same company, Nature's Eats, so I know I'm enjoying the freshest pecans.

How do you add pecans to your diet lifestyle?

How were you introduced to pecans?

Do you prefer to eat whole pecans?

What recipes do you use for crushed pecans? Which pecan recipe is your favorite?

How has the tree nut improved your immunity?

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About the Creator

Ashley Terrell

Bestselling author. Entrepreneur. Seasonings and spices saved my life. Where sheep and angels share the same color. Newport News, VA. Conqueror and lover of all things Fine Arts.

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