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The Little Blackbird Returns

By AlquimistaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Theodor Vasile on Unsplash

Love can feel irrelevant or sometimes even serendipitous depending on the time, state of mind and happily-ever-after outcome. It can be magical, morbid, new, unexpected, or in my case – The Ghost of Unrequited Teen Lust Past returning from the dead for some unfinished business.

The timing couldn’t be any more perfect. I’d just ended things with my college fiancé and was feeling free and apathetic about love and life. In the end it felt more like a fling than two people promising to marry each other and be together forever. It was glorious while it lasted, but in hindsight, I didn’t realize how strong the prescription of rose-colored glasses I was wearing were – until the damage was done. Constantly squinting and searching through empty promises for someone who wasn’t there.

Timing and the universe have a funny way of teaming up and casting new opportunities before us when we least expect it. Love can jade the imagination, but true love finds its way into our lives in mysterious ways. Sometimes a serendipitous meeting with friends can lead to a chance encounter with a forgotten stranger.

By KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

I wasn’t in the mood for romance, which is usually the time Cupid strikes its bow. I was having dinner at an upscale seafood restaurant with a former colleague and an old boss visiting from London. We decide on an upscale seafood restaurant to dine and catch up. We order cocktails and delve deep into conversation. After about fifteen minutes there, I see the back of this man who is serving a fancy bottled beer to a table nearby. He’s tall and wearing a crimson periwinkle blue tailored suit and yellow mustard tie. As he walks away, we lock eyes and stare at each other. He walks right into a server and almost spills her tray. My head spins back around and I quickly turn away. I feel my face flush. I say nothing and the three of us continue our chat.

Ten minutes later a different server stealthily sets down three wine glasses. Deep in conversation, none of us pay attention to the gesture and we continue talking.

By wendymiao chen on Unsplash

Five minutes pass and the mysterious Sommelier comes over to our table with a bottle of red wine. My old boss looks puzzled and says, “We didn't order that and there must be a mistake.” The Somm says "No sir, I assure you, this IS the right table.” My face gets flushed again and I say "Shush. It's okay." I look up at him and say, “Yes thank you. Please continue.” He continues to present the bottle, and shows only ME the label and year on the Merlot bottle. He stares into my eyes with a coy smile and uncorks it. He proceeds to pour a little bit into my glass. I hold the stem down as he pours the lush velvet liquid before me. He smells of cologne and high society. He grins and waits for me to taste and approve. I swivel my glass around and take a deep inhale. I smile, take a sip and nod yes. I approve and he continues to serve wine for all three of us. He explains the history of the bottle and why the fine silky velvet acidity and ripe fruit and chocolate undertones pair up perfectly with our food. A feast of oysters, buttery crab claws, garlic mussels and a grand charcuterie board platter spread lay before us at the table.

By Adrien Sala on Unsplash

The Somm walks away and both my friends look at me confused and ask, “What just happened?” I wait for him to walk far enough away and say, "He was my best friend in high school. We studied abroad in Portugal together. On New Years Eve we were in Lisbon and spent it under the stars in a historic plaza by the sea. ‘Praça do Comércio.’ It was littered with people. We drank wine out of a bottle under the stars and statues. We stuffed twelve grapes into our mouths at midnight for good luck. We explored museums and local markets. We even went to Rome together. Our relationship was strictly platonic though.” I smile and see him across the restaurant. “He looked different then. I stopped talking to him a few years ago. We had a big falling out. We never dated. But he still might be in love with me." They smirk and commence to roast me and urge me to just forgive him already and how he deserves a chance after that beautiful of a gesture.

By Jack Prichett on Unsplash

We continue our dinner of lobster raviolis, crab sandwiches with pickled cucumbers and short ribs. I eye him at another table and toast my wine glass up in the air to him. He puts his hand on his heart and winks at me. I watch him strut into the kitchen and slither back with a platter of the fanciest desserts AND three dessert wines to pair with it. He then gives me his business card and says, “If you have anymore questions call this number.” We part ways and I take a taxi home with a floodgate of memories stirring.

I arrive home and send him a message and huge thank you. “It was my pleasure" he says. "What are you doing next weekend?” I can feel him smiling over the phone. Grinning ear to ear I say, “Perhaps having a glass of wine... with you.” “How does Merlot at the drive-in movies sound?” “You know me so well old friend.”


About the Creator


Writer, traveler, storyteller.

Bachelor of Arts in film & journalism

"Echo Eternal Love's Ripple Effect..."

Capturing mind's essence, feeling, thought, word, sound, visual & frequency.

Creating change within nature's heart to poesy's soul.

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