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How was the discover of coffee?

By MEHMET CALISKANPublished about a year ago 4 min read

For many people, coffee is essential. Many researchers have assumed that coffee is based on between the 6th century and the 8th century. The shepherd born in Ethiopia was called Khaldi, whose sheep were grazed by him in the mountains. He watched his sheep, who had extraordinary behavior after they had eaten something in certain environments.Although some sheep were older, they could never fall asleep at night. That's why he had eaten the same plants, so he discovered many changes in his mouth and in his body. At that time he had distributed this information with famous people.

Until the beginning of the 11th century, coffee was used by many sellers as a commodity. Coffee was first exported to Arabia, few years later coffee camed in Mecca. Many Muslim people showed great interest in coffee. Even they called coffee the wine of Islam because wine was forbidden for them.

At the beginning of the 1600's the coffee was brought to Europe by Venetians. In a short time of period the coffee had been both famous and wanted in London, Paris, and Vienna. In many popular Europian cities many coffee shops were opened, so coffee became a popular in the world. In some shops, milk was offered alongside the coffee. It was becoming fashionable to drink coffee with milk.

Some Europeans began to give coffee to their workers instead of beer, which allowed the workers to work more efficiently, more accident-free and more effectively.

Todays Daily routine is no longer possible without coffee. Our body is already used to drinking coffee everywhere. At work you enjoy a cup of coffee, so you can be effective and focused on it. Before many students begin their lessons, they prefer to prepare coffee at home to drink during a break. If you meet your friends in one place over the weekend, you might think of a cup of coffee as a drink. The coffee culture has grown day by day, and has become almost indispensable to everyone.

Coffee is an important part of many people's lives for a few reasons:

Energy Boost: Coffee is a natural stimulant due to the caffeine it contains, which can help improve alertness, concentration, and cognitive function. Many people use coffee to help them wake up in the morning or stay alert during the day.

Social Connection: Coffee is often consumed in social settings, such as cafes and coffee shops, and it can be a way for people to connect with each other over a shared experience. Coffee breaks can also provide a much-needed pause in a busy day, giving people a chance to recharge and socialize with colleagues or friends.

Health Benefits: Coffee has been linked to a number of health benefits, including reducing the risk of certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and Parkinson's disease. It may also improve physical performance, boost metabolism, and improve mental health.

Ritual and Comfort: For many people, the act of drinking coffee is a daily ritual that provides a sense of comfort and familiarity. The smell and taste of coffee can be soothing and comforting, and the routine of making and enjoying a cup of coffee can provide a sense of stability and routine in an otherwise unpredictable day.

Economic Impact: Coffee is also an important commodity around the world, and the coffee industry employs millions of people in countries around the world. Coffee is a major export for many countries, and the coffee trade can have a significant impact on local economies and communities.

Coffee has played an important role in many cultures around the world, and it has been associated with creativity, productivity, and socialization. In some countries, such as Italy and Turkey, coffee is an important part of daily life and has a strong cultural significance.

Overall, coffee is an important part of many people's lives for a variety of reasons, from its energizing effects to its social and health benefits. While it's important to consume coffee in moderation and be mindful of its potential negative effects, for many people, coffee is a welcome and important part of their daily routine.

Written by Mehmet Caliskan

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