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By sam sPublished about a year ago 3 min read

what are the things that Normal people want to addict

1. Social Media: Social media has become one of the most popular addictions in the world today. People often become addicted to scrolling through the feeds of their friends and family, and even strangers, to see what they are up to or to compare their lives with others. People can easily waste hours of their day on social media and become addicted to the feeling of being connected with the world.

2. Shopping: Shopping is another common addiction that people often fall into. The feeling of satisfaction that comes with buying new items or clothes can become very addictive. People will often shop for things they don’t need, or that they can’t afford in order to get that feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

3. Video Games: Video games can also be very addictive, especially if they have a deep storyline and engaging characters. People can become addicted to playing video games, either to escape reality or to become immersed in a different world.

4. Gambling: Gambling is one of the oldest addictions and is still prevalent today. People become addicted to the feeling of gambling, either in the form of slot machines or card games, and will often continue to put money in despite losing.

5. Exercise: Exercise is often seen as a positive addiction, as it has many health benefits. However, it can still become an addiction if people become obsessed with exercising in order to achieve certain goals or look a certain way.

6. Work: Workaholism is becoming more and more common in today’s society. People become addicted to working, and will often stay late at the office or take on more than they can handle in order to feel a sense of accomplishment.

7. Alcohol and Drugs: Alcohol and drugs are some of the most dangerous addictions, as they can have serious physical and mental health consequences. People can become addicted to the feeling of being high or drunk, and will often continue to use despite the risks.

8. Pornography: Pornography has become increasingly accessible in recent years, and people can become addicted to viewing it. People can become addicted to the feeling of pleasure or arousal that comes with viewing pornography, and this can have serious consequences for their personal relationships.

9. Food: Food addiction is becoming more and more common, as people become addicted to the feeling of satisfaction that comes with eating. People can become addicted to unhealthy foods, such as junk food, and will often continue to eat despite feeling full or experiencing negative side effects.

10. Technology: Technology addiction is becoming more and more common due to the increasing accessibility of smartphones and other devices. People can become addicted to being connected to the internet and to their devices, and will often spend hours on their phones or laptops without realizing it.

Can people addict to korean drama???

Yes, people can become addicted to Korean dramas. Korean dramas often have compelling storylines and characters, as well as attractive visuals and soundtracks, which can draw people in and make them want to watch more. Additionally, Korean dramas often focus on themes such as love, friendship, and family, which can be very appealing to many viewers.

why people addict to some one

People can become addicted to someone because they provide an escape from reality, a feeling of safety, and a sense of belonging. They may also become addicted to the idea of being in love, or they may be addicted to the feeling of being needed. People may become addicted to someone because they have a need for validation, attention, or acceptance. Additionally, the person they are addicted to may be providing them with a sense of stability or security.


About the Creator

sam s

Basically i am a UG student writing is my passion and a way expressing untold ideas and my mind depression so on .. ..


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