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Working Mom


By Samantha MazolaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The working mom is strong, the working mom is independent, the working mom is tired, and the working mom works and then goes home and works again. She doesn't get breaks and take vacations, she doesn't have certain luxuries or does she? The journey is bigger than the result. The journey is the importance of it all. How did we handle it? How did we handle ourselves? Not what did we accomplish but how did we accomplish it? Sacrifices have to be made to raise a family and that's the fact. Are we choosing our sacrifices wisely? What's important to the working mom? Is the stress of the working mom worth it? Are we making a difference if the kids are paying the price? How about stress, how about life? Where told to balance and have faith. You're a mom you can figure it out. Is that what we chuck it up to? What do we have to prove? And who are we proving it to? No man, not the man, not the employer, not the owner will ever amount to the legacy left behind by the working mom.

How about the caring mom, the nurturing mom, the mom that's looked at as the broke mom, or the lazy mom? Is the world set up for mom? Is the world set up only for a working mom that deals with the work, the stress, the house, the multitasking, and the management of multiple lives and well-being? What does it take, and for mom's sake who thinks about about mom when things start to shake? Every sport has a team with players. While moms have to face a world of haters. Any and everyone playing against her. We don't have a system set up to help her so how does she win? Does she lose it all and keep starting again? Is this world set up for moms a sin? If she fails then who prevails? Mom is the backbone, the friend, the lessons teacher, and the best preacher she has to practice what she preaches while she's learning and still teaches. All odds against her thank god, god was with her. If she loses herself who shows her back to the light? What if she spirals cause she just might then who tucks the kids in at night? Even while she spirals the kids are always in sight, an arm's length away wishing mom could just stay but she has to go she is a working mom. With every day racing the clock even her stomach was in a constant knot racing to her kids for pick and drop off did she have the time to be truly soft? When we lose time with our kids isn't all lost? But we have to feed them, they need a place to live even with all odds against her she wasn't going to give in she had to keep living looking within stopping then starting all over again. Telling the kids don't worry we're going to get it all over again. Sometimes we have to lose it all before we can really win because this world wasn't set up for mom and it's an absolute sin. Villages are built around mom with resources that make everyone strong and a sense of safety that kids can be raised around gracefully but this world is different and money makes it go around so there's no room and we have to let our kids down, things have changed and the villages collapsed because greed took over and now we have laps not just in our system but in our homes. Life is changing but moms should be home.

parentssingleimmediate familydivorcedchildren

About the Creator

Samantha Mazola

I’m Sam and I have stories, poems and feels to share. I’m the girl that does all the things and feels all the feels. I’m excited to share with everyone 💕

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