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A Break in the Game

Balancing Love and Passion

By Christopher Otika KilamaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
A Break in the Game
Photo by Gregoire Jeanneau on Unsplash

Otii was a man in his early thirties with a passion for pool. Tall and lanky, he moved around the table with the grace of a dancer. His eyes would light up whenever he stepped into the dimly lit bar such as Los Angeles Bar in Kitgum Town, the familiar scent of chalk and the sound of balls clinking together welcoming him like an old friend.

As the years passed, however, Otii found himself spending more and more time at different pool arena, much to the dismay of his wife, Laluku. What started as an occasional night out with friends had evolved into a near obsession. The neon lights and the camaraderie at the bar became his refuge from the stresses of daily life.

One evening, after a particularly long day at work, Otii arrived home to find Laluku sitting on the couch probably waiting, her face etched with worry.

"Sisto (as she prefers to call him with his Christian name), we need to talk," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

He dropped his keys on the table, the clatter echoing in the silent room. "What's wrong, Delfina (as he also prefers to call her with her Christian name too)?"

She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. "Sisto, it feels like you're never here. You're always at the bar, playing pool. We hardly spend any time together anymore."

Otii's brow furrowed. He hadn't realized how much time he'd been spending away from home. His love for the game had blinded him to the growing distance between him and Delfina.

"I'm sorry, Delfina. I didn't realize it was bothering you this much," he said, genuine concern in his eyes.

Tears welled up in Delfina's eyes. "I miss you, Otii. I miss us."

The weight of her words hung heavily in the air. Otii knew he needed to make a change, to find a way to balance his love for pool with his love for Delfina. That night, he made a promise to himself to be more present, to be the husband that Delfina deserved.

Over the next few weeks, Otii tried his best to strike a balance. He limited his visits to the bar, opting instead to spend evenings with Delfina, sharing dinners, taking long walks, and rediscovering the small things that had once brought them joy.

As the days passed, their connection grew stronger. Delfina's smile returned, and the spark in her eyes reignited. It was as if a piece of them that had been lost was finally found.

One evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Otii surprised Delfina with a heartfelt gesture. He took her to the very bar where he had spent countless hours playing pool, but this time, it was different.

The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, and the familiar scent of chalk brought back a flood of memories. Otii led Delfina to a corner of the room where a beautifully set table awaited them. Candles flickered, casting a soft glow on their faces.

"Otii, this is amazing," Delfina whispered, her eyes glistening with gratitude.

He smiled, his heart swelling with joy. "I wanted to show you that you are my priority, Delfina. You mean everything to me."

As they sat together, laughter and conversation flowed effortlessly. Otii realized that he didn't need to choose between his passion for pool and his love for Delfina. He could have both, as long as he made a conscious effort to balance them.

From that day on, Otii and Delfina found new ways to weave their lives together. They shared their dreams, supported each other's endeavors, and, most importantly, cherished the time they spent together.

The bar became a place of happy memories, a symbol of their journey back to one another. Otii never forgot the lesson he had learned, that love and passion could coexist, as long as they were nurtured and prioritized.

And so, they continued to dance through life, each step bringing them closer, knowing that as long as they held onto each other, they could weather any storm that came their way.

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    COKWritten by Christopher Otika Kilama

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