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The shadow of Lost Son of a billionaire.

Lost son of a billionaire

By Christopher Otika KilamaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
The shadow of Lost Son of a billionaire.
Photo by Tom Kotov on Unsplash

In the dusty dusk of 2003, Kitgum, a small town in Uganda, held its breath. The sun, weary from a day's labour, began its descent, casting long shadows on the rugged terrain. Among these shadows, young Isaac Pitkomi heir to the Pitkomi’s fortune, embarked on his usual journey home from school, 100 kilometers away.

Isaac's father, Charles Pitkomi was a self-made billionaire, a man whose wealth was only surpassed by the love he held for his only son. He had built an empire, but in the heart of it, Isaac was his most cherished gem.

That fateful day, Charles found himself at the Kitgum airstrip, a small aircraft waiting to carry him to a business meeting in the capital. He hugged Isaac tightly, his eyes filled with pride, and watched as the boy trudged towards the road that led to their estate. Little did he know, it was a farewell they would never share.

As Isaac walked, the fading light painted a melancholy scene. The whispers of the wind carried tales of distant tragedies, stories of the Lord's Resistance Army, a ruthless rebel group that had plagued the region for years. Their atrocities were legendary, a symphony of suffering that echoed through the land.

Isaac's footsteps resonated with a certain innocence, unaware of the perilous world outside his privileged bubble. The road stretched endlessly, a path winding through the heart of Uganda's untamed wilderness.

Meanwhile, high above the earth, Charles gazed out of the aircraft window, lost in thought. He believed in progress, in the power of his wealth to uplift communities, but he couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at him, a premonition that clung to his heart like a shadow.

Back on the ground, the shadows grew longer, cloaking Isaac in an eerie embrace. Suddenly, the distant rumble of approaching vehicles shattered the silence. The LRA rebels, masked in darkness and fueled by hatred, descended upon the road like vengeful spirits.

Isaac's heart raced, his steps faltering. Panic swirled within him as he comprehended the gravity of the situation. He was just a boy, a lamb in a land of wolves.

The rebels, cruel and merciless, showed no mercy. Their eyes bore the weight of countless sins, hardened by years of violence. They demanded valuables, their voices a sinister chorus that chilled Isaac to the bone.

In the heavens above, Charles felt an inexplicable shiver, a connection that transcended time and space. His heart raced, instinct warring with reason. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Back on the road, Isaac's voice trembled as he spoke of his father, the billionaire who could save him from this nightmare. The rebels, indifferent to his pleas, were deafened by their own desperation.

In the fading light, Isaac's world shattered. A gunshot echoed, piercing the stillness like a thunderclap. The cruel hands of fate had conspired against him, stealing away a life of promise, a future that would never unfold.

As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, a dark pall settled over Kitgum. Charles, unaware of the tragedy that had unfolded, touched down in the capital, his heart heavy with an unshakable dread.

In the years that followed, the Pitkomi estate stood as a solemn testament to a life lost too soon. Charles, once a titan of industry, was now a broken man, haunted by the memory of his son's final moments.

And in the hearts of those who knew the tale, Isaac's legacy endured, a reminder of the fragility of life, the capriciousness of fate, and the shadows that linger long after the sun has set.

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    COKWritten by Christopher Otika Kilama

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