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šŸŽ¼ In The Painted Room šŸŽ¼

Allow me to take you on a musical fiction journey with Poetic Vocalist Karen Gibson Roc

By Kayleigh Fraser āœØPublished 11 months ago ā€¢ Updated 11 months ago ā€¢ 13 min read

Fellow Poets & ā€˜Poetophilesā€™

If you havenā€™t heard this song before then I can promise that you are in for an absolute treat.

Although not written by Roc, this song is a lyrical masterpiece that is performed in a way that makes you believe it could only ever be hers. In the way that certain Whitney Houston or Celine Dion songs will always remain theirs so too shall this remain Rocā€™s. I would be surprised if anyone ever attempted a cover of this art.

Roland Voss; DJ, music producer and founder of Lemongrass record label is the genius behind the lyrics and production. I feel he deserves his own article of appreciation which I may well write at a later date. He is responsible for the creation and sharing of some truly godly music on our planet.

If you wish to jump in and explore then this playlist is an excellent introduction. It provides chill out and inspirational vibes perfect for those short (or long) breaks between writing. Put this on now it serves as a nice calming introduction to the music that Iā€™m about to introduce and will be nice in the background as you begin the story.


This article was initially intended to be a music review to showcase this incredible song but as I began writing it evolved into something entirely different. Something I kind of want to name Playlist Fiction.

I donā€™t know if I am the first to do such a thing (because in a world of billions itā€™s hard to be first at anything!) but itā€™s not something Iā€™ve seen before. Is it already a thing that Iā€™m just unaware of?

Well, either way, we are embarking together on a journey combining Rocā€™s music and my writing. A fictional journey inspired by the very music that I present to you. As I write each section the song has been playing through my headphones and the story has organically developed from there.

When a song link appears, please click play before continuing āÆļø

The Painted Room

Fiction Inspired by the Song

The vocals and lyrics to The Painted Room have you believing that Roc must surely be the love child of Maya Angelou and God. I envision her as a slim black woman who is elegantly dressed. She is not wealthy but she carries herself so and would not look at all out of place in the front row of a New York couture fashion show.

Her kitten heels show off both her slender, toned legs and the confidence she likes to project to the world. At a little under 6ft in height it takes a heaven of a confident woman to choose heels over flats. She has just stepped out of a taxi in the vieux carrƩ, New Orleans. After tipping the driver in cash she walks towards her hotel entrance.

The street is unusually deserted tonight. A couple pass by on the opposite side of the street laughing and playful with each other. She smiles as she briefly glances their way whilst returning her purse to the inside of her bag, snapping it shut. The edge of her black glove catches between the metal clasps and she sighs in mild frustration. This night really hadnā€™t to plan at all.

As she remedied the snag, her ears caught note of soft, jazzy music in the near distance weaving to her through the still night air. Curiosity pulls at her and urges her to follow the sound. She hesitates briefly as she considers her safety. She had only been here for one night and didnā€™t know the area well. Was it safe?

The joviality of the passing couple still lingered in the air telling her that it was. She trailed the enchanting notes to a small, elite looking Jazz club that she was certain had been birthed from her grandmotherā€™s bedtime stories many decades ago. There was no one on the door but she could hear laughter emanating inside. A quick glance at her watch concluded the lateness of the hour - it was already 11pm. The bar would likely be closing soon given that it was a Tuesday night. Staying for one drink surely wouldnā€™t hurt.

The doorway led her down a narrow staircase and into a realm where time appeared to had woven itā€™s own distinct rhythm. She felt like Alice discovering a the portal to Wonderland for the very first times. As she descended she could feel the vibration of the saxophone. This had been a good decision to come. She already knew it.

At the bottom she took a deep breath to supercharge her confidence and pushed open the already ajar door. The flickering glow of candles and amber-hued lights revealed walls adorned with vintage posters and faded photographs from nights long ago. Roc was already immersed in the warm glow of the atmosphere surrounding her and realised this place was unlike anywhere she had ever been.

There was a vinyl record player in the corner oozing blues music and an elderly man in bright blue suit and top hat playing saxophone alongside it. She saw the small stage with instruments that appeared recently abandoned and what looked like the rest of the band gathered by the bar. There were maybe 12 or so people in total. Rocā€™s eye was immediately drawn to a woman standing with them, dressed in a floor length diamantĆ© gown. She was captivating.

The other half of the eclectic group were dressed somewhat more casually and lounging on the various seating. Purple satin draped from the ceiling and emerald velvet chaise lounges brought life to the mahagany room. Yellow sofa chairs were decorated with women who looked like they were wearing bohemian wedding dresses next to men in brown linen.

She walked towards the bar slowly, unsure of her intrusion. The others appeared to be joyfully sharing philosophical theories on life and love. She tentatively sat down on one of the high stools, feeling the plush velvet fabric under her hands as she tried to distract her mind from rising insecurity. She questioned whether she should stay or leave.

ā€œSweetheart,ā€ came a voice from the yellow chair, ā€œorder yourself a juice or coffee on us and be comfortable. Stay. Your beautiful energy is more than welcome here.ā€

Roc turned and smiled at this woman warmly, appreciative that she had known to say this. The woman introduced herself as Dawn and explained that this was a prohibition bar.

ā€œItā€™s not government enforced, obviously! It was our choice. None of us enjoy being drunk, or the company of drunks. But we live for good music and vibes. So we got together and created Harmony Roots. Normally thereā€™s a cover charge to help Marve pay the bills,ā€ Dawn winks and nods towards the elderly man polishing glasses behind the bar. Roc looked at him and he smiled kindly. ā€œbut donā€™t worry about that tonight. Tonightā€™s my birthday and some people couldnā€™t make it last minute, so consider your night already paid for.ā€

Roc thanked her for her generosity and ordered a mock piƱa colada. Dawnā€™s soothing voice and introduction had calmed any doubts she had about intruding. She was also relieved at it being an alcohol free venue. She too hated drinking and the company of drunks but loved live music. Thinking of it, she only ordered alcohol in these places in order to tolerate the drunks she was inevitably surrounded by. It never felt like a choice.

She had only intended to stay a short while and return to her hotel but within the hour she had her jacket and shoes off was crying with laughter at the stories being shared and felt like she had found her soul family.

The clock kept turning faster as no one minded it and soon the sun was beginning to rise over the city and the noise of the outside world was intruding upon their cosy artistā€™s utopia. For those who had been in the bar all night, tiredness was beginning to kick in. But not for Roc. She was still basking in that ethereal and godly place that comes only from being in the company of genuine and truly loving humans.

Roc looks up as she hears the drummer begin to share a slow and slick beat with them. She asks Dawn if she can join but she already knows that she is welcome to do exactly as she pleases here. She walks to the small circular stage and takes the mic from the stand.

The others musicians join tentatively and Roc begins to speak. Her words are being channeled directly from the frequency of heavenā€™s reality. The song naturally births from her in a sophisticated flow that prompts everyone else to stop talking and focus only on her. The intrusion of the outside world dies away and the energy of the group immediately rises as they attune.

Press play šŸŽ§


In the painted room, the dark disappears

With the birth of light, it shadow serenades

An' moves to take flight

From life's aura comes a sacred dance

Carefree hands hold balance and chance, you see

By watching the walk, the soul learns more

Gathering the courage to explore more of the space beyond the mind

That infinite opening beyond time, time, time, time

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

The dark disappears with the birth of light, light

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

The dark disappears with the birth of light, light

Water and faith feed the ultimate phase[?]

Creating a masterpiece to share with all

As the day makes way for night to fall

From life's aura comes [...?]

A fruit bearing tree without a name

Beautiful and free; giving life to all who master themselves

And open to the call of the painted room

The place where flowers bloom

Opening the heart is a clear place to start

Making way for love to shine, shine

Reminding us all that life moves in God's time, time

The place where flowers bloom

From life's aura comes a new way to live

A new purpose set forth a new way to give

Bringing unity is a gift unwrapped and unadorned

Healing separation long ago torn

In the painted room

The place where flowers bloom

People are learning to grow, learning to let go

And flow, and flow, and flow

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

In the painted room

Continuing the Story

As Roc and the band gradually fade out the song, they all look to each other and smile. The kind of smiles that gift medicinal reassurance to the heart. Conveying such a sense of deep inner peace, acceptance and appreciation for each other as they share this special present moment. Roc looks to the keyboard player giving him just the slightest of nods as she slowly blinks. He understands. As do the others.

Everyone waits. They wait out of respect to the music, honouring the reverberation still felt in the room.

Press play šŸŽ§


Who will you be on that day?

With no more words and nothing left to say?

Who will you be on that night?

When mother morning blesses you with insight?

Who will you be when your adrift at sea and you canā€™t feel the shore anymore?

Who will you be when things are different not like they were before?


Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who are we?

Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

Who are you? Who am I? Who are we?

(so connected)

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who are we?

(to a higher place. are you connected? to love. are you connected? connected to love?)

Who will you be on that day?

With no more words and nothing left to say?

Who will you be on that night?

When mother morning blesses you with insight?

Who will you be when the illusion is revealed

When the fruit of life is peeled?

Continuing the Story

The room breaks into applause. Smiles are wide and Dawn calls to her ā€œGirl! You are really something. What a gift that was! To all of usā€. Others chime in agreement and there is a shout from someone for more.

Roc gleams and looks to the band. They nod and begin to play, dropping the tempo and silence falls over the crowd again. Roc looks at Dawn and tells her ā€œThis one is just for you, sweetheart. Happy Birthdayā€

Press play šŸŽ§


I donā€™t know what came over me

I know thereā€™s more to life

More than what I can see

In front of me

I am contemplating the fragrant way life unfolds becoming somewhere new to choose the distance between happiness and pain

On my own time

I walked into that space between these notes so close to perfection

I could never reject them cause God said hello to me today

and she saved my life

she saved my life

I donā€™t know what came over me

I know thereā€™s more to life

More than what I can see

In front of me

I donā€™t know what came over me

I know thereā€™s more to life

More than what I can see

In front of me

I donā€™t know what came over me

I donā€™t know what came over me

I donā€™t know what came over me

I donā€™t know what came over me

I donā€™t know what came over me

Continuing the Story

As the last note of reverb fell into silence, the group applauded again. Dawn had tears in her eyes as she walked to the stage to hug Roc. When they separate from their embrace, the two women stood in silence, looking deeply into the each others eyes. They both knew. They had known each other across the millennia, since the beginning of time itself.

They each recognised God in the other. It was a perfect mirror. Silence fell over everyone in the room as they watched the two women. Words or sound could only serve to spoil this impossible and holy moment and everyone knew it. They too knew and could feel the radiance emanating from the stage.

As they each drew breath, they could feel the immense power entering their bodies. Marve steadied himself on the bar, suddenly feeling him arthritic bones free themselves of pain and causing a blood rush to his head. The man in the blue suit was flexing his knee in disbelief, suddenly unburdened from itā€™s ever present ache. The woman in the white dress looked positively drunk on joy. She saw exactly what just played out in this room and her dreams had just been confirmed. She had always known this kind of healing was possible but hadnā€™t seen it, not in this way with this many people.

Roc whispered to the room ā€œanother song?ā€.

The men could only look on in disbelief as they struggled to adjust to the realisation that chronic pain was no longer theirs to carry. The women nodded to Roc, unwanting to change the energy in the room by speaking.

Roc looked to the band and said quietly ā€œletā€™sā€.

Press Play šŸŽ§


Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

From the inside


Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

From the insideā€¦ out


Everyday Iā€™m bombarded with thoughts of what Iā€™m supposed to be,

Supposed to look like

But what about how I feel and what my heart is telling me to do and to say?

Sometimes I still sit in plastic puddles weeping for my childish ways to return

So everyday I sit and sing the song that I wanna sing

From the insideā€¦out

From the insideā€¦out


Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?


Truth be told I like the way I live

Especially the moments when I feel bold and in control of natural and fly

The way god made me

no effort no try

Iā€™m all grown up and

Being an example to my little girl is what is important to me

I wanna teach her to be herself

To be free

To never let anyone influence her in a way

Other than what she desires to see for herself deep in her heart


Donā€™t you wanna know who you really are?

From the insideā€¦out

Continuing the Story

Everyone continued dancing and swaying as the music faded out and blended into the next song.

Press Play šŸŽ§


Iā€™m always looking for the light (the light)

Iā€™m always looking for the light

My heart beats to a different kind of drum

My soul vibrates under a blazing sun

I move my feet at a different pace

Never regretting

Always for giving chase (the chase)


I keep my life simple

No silly games

I am part spirit without defining names

My soul is free

Demanding me to look

Demanding me to see that excess of truth holds a different

(always looking for the light)


Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light


My eyes now see differently

making me behave lovingly

To my life and my family

Everywhere there is so much strife

Cutting my heart like a knife


What could be the remedy for our global malady?

Is it to love more and more from distant shore to shore?

Is it the truth we canā€™t seem to see or are we doomed to be

Never free

Never free

Never free

(Always looking for the light)


Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light


Sometimes I move fast

Sometimes I move slow

It all depends on what God wants me to know

Iā€™m always looking for the light


Into the night I fly so high

I feel like I can touch the sky

No need for yesterdays

No need for tomorrows



I drag my swollen tears and I accept lifeā€™s sorrows

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

Iā€™m always looking for the light

ThemeFictionFeedback Requested

About the Creator

Kayleigh Fraser āœØ

philosopher, alchemist, writer & poet with a spirit of fire & passion for all things health & love related šŸ’«

ā€œWhen life gives you lemons,

Know you are asking for them.

If you want oranges, focus on orangesā€


INSTAGRAM - kayzfraser

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  4. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran11 months ago

    This was such an amazing concept, the Playlist Fiction! I loved your story so much and I loved how you incorporated the songs and lyrics into the story as well!

Kayleigh Fraser āœØWritten by Kayleigh Fraser āœØ

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