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Star crossed love

Love, Beat friends, betrayal. It’s never a good combination.

By Tristyn JanaiPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I lay in my jail cell as they bring in a new inmate. She looks nice, friendly even when they get her inside she speaks “hi, I’m Haley, I’m in here for robbery, what about you?” I close my eyes before I spoke. I knew what was coming next. “My name is Royal, it’s nice to meet you!” She smiled, you seem nice what are you in here for” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, it never gets easier telling my story.“Do not read that it’s the devil!” “If you believe in horoscopes then you don’t believe in God!” These are just a few of the things told to me, as I clicked on my app once again to see what the day had in store for me. I didn’t care what anyone felt in this small town. My horoscope gave me a peace of mind. A sense of self. I mean who isn’t looking for direction from somewhere? And if I was one of the millions of people, who believed that your horoscope had truth to it then so be it! “Good morning Royal The sun is in Leo today, which means you will have a great day! Don’t wear the color red, remember to look out for new relationships.” I mean how could you not get a great feeling about your day when you read that it was going to be a good day for you? My horoscope could not ever steer me wrong.. .. I mean they had my characteristics down to a science. I’m a strong, fierce, leader who loves being praised and worshipped like a baptist church on Sunday! I smiled as I closed my horoscope app. I looked over to my best friend, “you know one day you’re going to believe something in your horoscope and it’s not going to come true.” She gawked. I rolled my eyes in disbelief, just like a small town mind, to believe that the only thing real in this world is oxygen, and Jesus. Before I could give my response, the smell of YSL filled my nostrils. I knew that smell from anywhere! It was him! The love of my life, the man I was planning my future with, it was destined to be! I was going to be Riot Reid. Not only did my heart tell me so, but so did my horoscope, he just didn’t know it yet. I longed for the day he would wake up and come to his senses, but instead I just settled for small casual hellos. “Hey Royal, hey Jen” my mouth instantly went dry and wet at the same time. It was as if my throat was dry but, if I spoke my mouth would ooze with saliva! Luckily he didn’t wait for a hello and just continued his walk to the homework basket. I laid my head down on the hard cold wooden desk. Why did this boy make me so crazy? My friend Jennifer just rubbed my back, and said “how will you ever be his, if you can’t even say hello?” I hate that she’s such a realistic person. That’s the exact reason why I keep her around. I mean, someone has to keep my head out the clouds every now and again. “I knoooow! It’s like he just makes me forget anything that I’ve ever learned.” I whined. “What does your horoscope say about your compatibility?” I couldn’t tell if her question was sincere, or if she was making fun of me. Looked up at her to check her eyes for clues, but they gave away nothing. I decided to check it once again for good measure, and to show my friend why I’m the perfect girl for Riot. He was an Aries, and I a Leo we were a match made in heaven. I began to read the results out loud “both of you share creativity love to laugh and have big hearts, you both have a desire for independence. You are very vivacious signs. Aries rarely interferes with the life of Leo, and that is what makes this couple very compatible with each other. Need I go on?” I mocked her just in case the question was asked to make fun of me. “Then what’s stopping you girl?” I was taken back by this question. I mean if the horoscope have been so right about my characteristics, why wouldn’t I have faith in my budding relationship with Riot? Who’s to say that our love was not written in the stars as well! “I really don’t know.” I stammered I went on to give more excuses but I couldn’t think of any. It was the time. I had to let him know how I felt. Should it be a note? Should I walk up to him and tell him how I feel in person? I decided to just go ahead and let him know. How I felt in person. I tell Jennifer about my idea, and she has the bright idea to talk to him for me. I mean how could that not be the perfect solution to my issue? She’s my best friend, our horoscopes match up perfectly, and she’s knows me just as well as I know myself. She gets up and walks over to his desk. I wish there was a better way to explain the way my heart fell into my butt! It felt like forever, the longer they talked the longer it felt like my stomach was doing cartwheels! I tried to look busy as they chatted amongst themselves like my heart wasn’t on the line. She finally walked back to the desk with a sunken loom on her face. I waited patiently for her to tell me my fate. “I’m sorry Royal,” she said slowly. My eyes filled with tears “when I went over there he asked me on a date before I could explain to him my reason for coming over. I said yes, and before you get upset with me, he said that he didn’t see you in that way.” My tears ran hot down my face I wanted to attack her, so I did! “How could you! You’re my best friend!” She just sat there looking wounded, as if it wasn’t my cheat that was ripped open and my heart that was crushed into a million pieces by their infatuation. The night I lay in my bed still outraged. I had to make them hurt the way they hurt me. They had to know how it feels to watch live die! I lost a friend and my love in the same day. How? How could my horoscope not warn me of this?” I don’t know how I finally drifted off to slee. The next morning I wake and check my horoscope ‘Good Morning Royal, the sun is in Virgo today which means you will feel rather emotional today. Try to end any unfinished problems that may hurt you.” Say no more. I grabbed my fathers gun out the top of my closet and went to the car ready for school. When I stood outside class I could see them laughing, like they have loved each other for years. Before I knew it I had pulled the trigger and killed them both! I blacked out. I can’t really give details. But now I lay in this cell not knowing what tomorrow holds, there is no horoscope in prison.


About the Creator

Tristyn Janai

my name is Tristyn Janai, I’m lovely and have a great imagination.I have two children, I believe in my ancestors, My God, and my craft. I’m 24, married, and my life has been a difficult one, which all makes for good stories!

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    Tristyn JanaiWritten by Tristyn Janai

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