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Review of 'Reacher'

Peach Pie, Stirred Not Shaken

By Paul LevinsonPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Hey, see Reacher on Amazon Prime Video. At its best, and that's more than some of the time, the lead character named Jack Reacher but known just by his last name has some of the quick thinking and lethal delivery of another Jack, last name Bauer, on 24. And sometimes Reacher even recalls James Bond, with his wit and penchant for the sharp retort.

And Reacher has two assistants all his own: Roscoe, a bright and beautiful and deadly when necessary young cop in a small town down in Georgia, and Finlay, detective captain in the same small town, who came down there from Boston. There's almost constant action, unpredictable twists, bad guys and worse guys in this thriller based on the Jack Reacher book series by Lee Child.

Which I haven't read. Come to think of it, I've been saying that about a lot of series and movies I've been streaming and reviewing here in the past few years, and that's likely because there are so many good series and movies out there and up there to stream. Reacher is one of the best.

Here are some of the things I liked most in this eight-episode series which has just been renewed for a second season, and I'm sure will have more sequels:

  • Reacher and the peach pie (I figured I'd start the list with a rhyme)
  • Reacher and the dog (which Finlay names Jack -- ok, a spoiler)
  • Reacher's tendency to say no to things he doesn't want to do, even when that answer is not socially advantageous
  • The folk wisdom of even the minor characters, like the woman who says about her dead husband, something like it's amazing what a woman will put up with, if her man "throws" her a good "hump"
  • The range of cities in which the action takes place, not just the small town, but Atlanta, New Orleans, and New York.
  • Alan Ritchson as Reacher, Willa Fitzgerald as Roscoe, and Malcolm Goodwin as Finlay.

So, ok, you get the picture. See what you think when you see the picture, actually, the series. And I'm wondering where possibly up here north I can get a piece of that peach pie. (I'm also very happy I was able to deliver this review with no real spoilers at all.)

tv review

About the Creator

Paul Levinson

Novels The Silk Code, The Plot To Save Socrates, It's Real Life: An Alternate History of The Beatles; LPs Twice Upon A Rhyme & Welcome Up; nonfiction The Soft Edge & Digital McLuhan, translated into 15 languages. Prof, Fordham Univ.

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