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Reset Your Password

Challenge submission, co-written with Chat GPT

By Nicole CPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Reset Your Password
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

As the lead cybersecurity expert and Head of IT at a major corporation, it was Jordon's job to ensure that all of the company's sensitive information was kept safe from hackers. They had implemented the most advanced password protection measures available and regularly trained their colleagues on how to create strong, unique passwords.

But despite all of their efforts, one day, the company's entire system was breached. Jordon was baffled as to how this could have happened. They immediately launched an investigation and began combing through the company's logs, trying to find any clues as to how the hacker had gained access.

As they delved deeper into the system, they started to notice strange patterns and anomalies. It quickly became apparent that the hacker had somehow managed to obtain the passwords of several employees and was using them to infiltrate the system.

Jordon knew they had to act fast. They gathered a team of their most trusted colleagues and they worked around the clock, trying to track down the source of the breach.

Jordon: "Hey team, have any of you noticed any unusual activity on our company's network lately?"

Jesse, Cybersecurity Analyst: "Now that you mention it, I did see some strange logins coming from an unfamiliar IP address last night."

Jordon: "That's definitely suspicious. I need you to run a report about this right away."

Jesse: "Right on it. And in the meantime, we should also remind everyone in the company about the importance of strong passwords and not sharing login information."

Jordon: "Good idea. I'll send out an email reminder and make sure to emphasize the need for vigilance when it comes to cyber security."

Jesse: "Definitely. The last thing we want is for our company's data to fall into the wrong hands."

Jordon: "Absolutely. I'll brief the heads of other departments and we can work together to make sure our network is secure."

These minor attacks however returned over time, and every time they thought they were getting close, the hacker seemed to stay one step ahead.

As the days turned into weeks, the tension in the office reached a boiling point.

The weekly conference meeting was filled with expressionless faces as the heads of each department stacked on top of each other in the video call, side-eyeing one another. The CEO, who had called for these weekly meetings, looked around the room with a frustrated expression.

"What is going on here? I thought we were a team," the CEO said.

Brian, the head of the sales department spoke up. "We are a team, but the marketing department has been undercutting us at every turn. They keep promising our clients that the data will no longer be breached, but evidently this is something that we can't deliver, and it's ruining our relationships."

Suzie, the head of the marketing department shot back. "That's not true. We've been working hard to pacify public reactions and preventing this company from getting cancelled, but the IT team keeps dragging their feet. We can't make promises if we don't have the resources to follow through on them."

Jordon threw up their hands. "We're doing the best we can, but we're understaffed and overworked. And the finance department keeps cutting our budget."

Amanda, the head of the finance department shook her head. "We have to be mindful of the company's bottom line. If the other departments were more efficient, we wouldn't have to cut budgets."

The CEO let out a sigh. "It's clear that we have some serious communication issues here. If we lose any more data to these hackers it's going to cost all of our jobs, there won't be any company left to show up to work in."

Weeks went by with continued animosity amongst peers. Working from home was always more advantageous than having to show up with fake, polite small talk.

Just when they were about to give up hope, Jordon had a breakthrough. They had noticed that the hacker had made a small mistake, leaving a trace of their activity on one of the company's servers. It was a tiny clue, but it was enough for Jordon to finally track down the perpetrator.

To their shock, Jordon discovered that it was one of the heads of department who had been behind the breach the entire time. It turned out that the executive had been embezzling money from the company and had hired a team of hackers to cover their tracks.

Thanks to Jordon's quick thinking and dedication to password security, the company was able to catch the thief and bring them to justice. And from that day on, Jordon made sure to implement even stricter password protection measures to ensure that something like this would never happen again.


About the Creator

Nicole C

Writing sporadically... I tried some challenges but never won anything. Sometimes my poetry helps me process whatever has been going on... sometimes it is pure fiction. Sometimes I like to write about pop culture and astrology.

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