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America's Dad

America's Racial Double Standard Concerning Money and the Justice System

By Quintina .Published 6 years ago 6 min read

I was visibly upset. I was shaking. With every letter I typed on my phone, I had to erase because I managed to make some sort of error. Although I was upset, I stayed glued to all social media outlets discussing the case.

How long would he be in there?

What are people saying?

Why is no one upset like I am?

The internet took two different sides. Some were upset like I was. Others were glad he's being locked up and hope he rots. People question my anger. People asked why I "support" him. People asked why I am so sympathetic towards the situation.

It has nothing to do with him being America's Dad.

It has nothing to do with the positive influence he has had on this world.

It has everything to do with the racial double standard in this country.

Bill Cosby is a man that many people have grown up with. Whether you first heard his comedy, listened to his music, watched his television shows and movies, or read his books, Bill Cosby has influenced you in a positive way one way or another.

I remember my dad raving about shows he used to watch when he was a child: Fat Albert & the Cosby Kids. From what I remember, that was my father's favorite show to watch as a kid. I remember when the movie came out and my dad took my siblings and me to go see it in 2004. After seeing it, he bought the film and the corresponding TV show to go along with it. It didn't take me long to research the genius of Bill Cosby. Soon, I would watch The Cosby Show. Theo was a favorite character of mine and so is Denise. The Huxtables were the perfect black nuclear family on television that all of America needed to see. And let's not forget the spin-off, A Different World, a show I've laughed, cried, and identified with over the course of my college years.

We've all known Bill Cosby for this positive image that he has put forth into the media. However, many women across America knew him to be their rapist...

From my recollection, this case began at the beginning of my junior year in college, 2015. I remember seeing things about the case all over social media, but to be quite frank, I didn't care for it nor did I believe it. As it was only one woman then. Based on my readings at the time, Bill Cosby was preparing to purchase NBC, a notable television network which a good portion of his television shows have appeared on. I found it to be quite a coincidence that this case came out when he was preparing to purchase a television network...

And it reminded me of Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson, a black American singer known across the globe as the King of Pop, purchased ATV Music in 1985 for $41.5 million, which meant he owned all of your favorites music and then some. Eight years later (1993), Jordan Chandler (coerced by his father Evan Chandler) accused Jackson of molesting him. Jackson maintained his innocence, and there was no evidence of Jackson molesting Chandler. To summarize, in 1994 Jackson settled with the Chandler family for $22 million. Jackson suffered a great deal because of the case, as I'm sure anyone who the entire world looks up to would be. Jackson became addicted to painkillers, his home was raided by police, and photos of his naked body were taken, all of which tore him down, physically, emotionally, and I'm sure mentally. In 1995, Jackson agreed to merge ATV Music with Sony Music Publishing in 1995 for a 50:50 joint venture, creating Sony/ATV Music Publishing. He also went on to release the HIStory album which features tracks in response to what he had been through.

Over time Jackson was pressured to sell his portion of the Sony Catalog, in which he refused. His album Invincible suffered a great deal because of this. Come to find out his attorney was also representing Sony, which was a conflict of interest, especially since Jackson felt he was being pressured to sell his portion of the catalog to Sony.

Fast forward nine years (2003), Jackson was again accused of this time molesting Gavin Arvizo. Jackson was arrested and charged with child molestation. In January 2005, The People v. Jackson began and ended in May. Jackson maintained his innocence and was acquitted of all charges.

Towards the end of his life, Jackson was continuously pressured to sell his portion of the catalog to Sony but refused time and time again. According to Jackson's children and various family members, Jackson expressed his fear that "they" would eventually kill him in order to obtain what "they" wanted.

June 25, 2009, they did.

March 14, 2016, Sony bought Jackson's 50 percent of stake in the Sony/ATV Music Publishing Catalog for $750 million.

July 2018, Sony/ATV also bought his stake in EMI for $287.5 million.

Granted, Michael Jackson was completely innocent in the cases he went up against, but from my understanding and other Michael Jackson fans in the world, all of it was a plan to obtain his share of the music publishing catalog.

So, is it a coincidence that while Bill Cosby was interested in purchasing NBC, all of a sudden a woman comes forth 30 years later after her rape?

A total of 33 women came forth to discuss their similar situations with Cosby. It was at this point, I realized this was not good at all. One woman had me suspicious, but 33?! At that point, I chose not to discuss the case, as I felt a kind of betrayal by Bill Cosby. Who wants to believe that America's Dad would do something like this? No one. It's still hard for me to believe and he's in prison now.

I've never looked up the case as I'm not interested in discussing it or even thinking about it. To my understanding, Bill Cosby admitted to the allegations. He did indeed rape these women. At least he's admitting to his wrongs.

But do you know who else admitted to raping, assaulting, or molesting others?

Charlie Sheen—an HIV positive male who continued to have sex with women unbeknownst to his status.

Donald J. Trump—raped his ex-wife, sexually assaulted and sexually harassed at least 19 women. His accusations have been discussed since the 1980s...

Stephen Collins—admitted to sexually abusing young girls.

Harvey Weinstein—More than 80 women in film have accused him of sexual abuse and assault.

Brock Turner—raped a passed out party goer behind a dumpster

Stephen Collins is roaming free. Charlie Sheen is living his best life. Donald Trump is America's president. Brock Turner's case was filled with him being an athlete and that he has his whole life ahead of him, so you know he's living his best life. All of these white men have received a slap on the wrist for sexual assaults and rape, and you mean to tell me they decide to lock Bill Cosby up for cases 30 years ago?

I do not excuse rape.

I do not excuse sexual assault.

I do not excuse sexual harassment.

I am not supporting Bill Cosby in this case.

But what kind of justice system do we have when we allow a rapist to become President of the United States; meanwhile we allow another rapist of a darker hue to go to prison? They should both be locked up.

Judge Steven O'Neil, in charge of Cosby's case, while reading out Cosby's sentence said, "No one is above the law and no one should be treated differently or disproportionately based on where they live or who they are."

My question to Judge Steven O'Neil and to others of America's Justice system is this: Does this qualify for all Americans or Black Americans only?

Because that statement is null and void unless proven otherwise.

I am mad.

I'm mad at how racist America is.

America treats black Americans ten times worse than white Americans.

America's justice system is trash.

I will continue to be upset about this case, because like stated before it reminds me of Michael Jackson.

You have powerful black men living out the American Dream that you can do and be anything—America, you sold them that dream, by the way. But I guess you expected Michael Jackson and Bill Cosby to just be entertainers. Not owners of large establishments. You just wanted them to continue to shuck and jive for America. And since they didn't, you chose to make an example out of them as you've done Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Huey P. Newton.

America is greedy and unfair to Black Americans, because America gives white Americans a slap on the wrist, but are quick to punish Black Americans.

And when it's all said and done, just like America wept after killing Martin Luther King, Malcolm, X, Huey P. Newton, and Michael Jackson, notice how these are all Black Icons...

The same will happen to Bill Cosby.

racial profiling

About the Creator

Quintina .

Music lover.

Injustice hater.


I can be very liberal & very conservative.

I write about anything I feel strongly about.

My work has been featured on Janet Jackson's website.

I'm on my way to being the Black Carrie Bradshaw.

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