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Stop with the rules already

Your expectancy is suffocating me!

By Nakia PalmerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Stop with the rules already
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Rules to adhere to:

1) Always choose a navy, black, brown, or grey skirt or pantsuit for interviews.

2) Be wary of red lipstick. It can come off very seductive and you don't want to send the wrong message to anyone.

3) When working in groups, try not to come up with too many ideas. You don't want people to think that YOU THINK you are smarter or better than they are.

4) In life, it's best to play it safe! Work a regular 9-5, invest in a 401K, and retire at 65.

5) Chignons look great for any occasion, and if you must get highlights or change your hair, make sure that it's subtle...nothing too dramatic.

Well, RULES, this letter is for you:

Dear Rules,

Blah, blah, blah! I've had it with you! Ever since I've walked this earth, all I've heard was, "don't do this...don't do that!" Well, what if for a moment I want to do this and try that? Isn't that what life is about, you know, the experience and culmination of it all?

Did you know that I once wore a navy blue pantsuit to an interview and I still did not get the job? I asked tons of questions to show a genuine interest in the company, and I even laughed at the panel's corny jokes, which I thought made me a shoo-in for the position, but it was actually a shoo-out! By the way, it has always vexed my spirit to fake a laugh! Jokes should be funny, authentic, and plain funny, otherwise, you're simply telling a story! Period! On the contrary, I was called to another interview whereby which I paired a striking red pantsuit, with a polka-dotted cami, and I was hired! Go figure! I guess for that job red was the new black!


What if I told you that I think it's okay for me to embrace my feminine curves? I understand how bodycon dresses, leopard print skirts, or low-cut tops and ballcaps may prove a bit much for the office, but I am unapologetically female. So after I've pulled a full shift at work, please do not confront me about what I choose to wear! It will not be trashy or obscene, but you better believe that it will be sexy!

As for my hair, I may opt to get faux locs, again! Or maybe I'll get ridiculously long extensions so that I can pull it up in a high ponytail and channel my inner Ciara! Either way, I have decided that on my next appointment, I am going to convince the stylist to integrate sprinkles of red, blonde, or even pink highlights throughout my hair because I'm feeling a bit sassier than usual, and I'm tired of "your" mundane chignons.

And I know that I've birthed a few children before. I have the battle scars to prove it, but when Saturday comes around again, and I choose to sit poolside and rock a teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini...umm (clears throat) that is exactly what I'm going to do!

You would be surprised to know that I deliberately chose to stay home today! I decided that NOW was the best time for me to practice honing my crafts and/or skills as a designer and writer. Don't worry, my work is all caught up, but if I continue to force myself to fit into the box that you created for me, I will never evolve into the me that I was born to be! The creative...the playwright...the author and designer! If I continue to allow you to smother me with these rules, I will not ever trust that I have what it takes to produce a sexy, action-packed, page-turner of a story. The type of story that would pose my literary works as irresistible to the world and even, dare I say it, you! The person who throws elegant dinner parties with both aesthetically pleasing, palate seducing dishes made by me with all of the intelligence, wit, charm, and personality to converse with diverse groups of people.

You see, I would be willing to wager a bet with you and suggest that in every person therein lies this being trying to remove the conditioned status quo, but because of the box that you make us conform to, most people never figure out who they are, and by the time some do, they are too old to enjoy themselves or too conditioned to step out on faith and try anything new.

So, for the record, rules, I'd like to go on record to say that I am officially breaking up with you! Deuces! You had me for thirty+ years, but you stifled my growth, and made me feel as though I was the one who didn't belong! When all along we were never meant to mesh together anyway, you and I. I finally found balance in my personal stratosphere!

Work+Work= Misery

Work+Play= Absolute Bliss

I understand that for some, the ability to vacate conformity can be difficult. Everyone cannot do it, but for those of us that are daring to try, the world is within our grasp.


Yours Truly


About the Creator

Nakia Palmer

I am an avid writer and reader. I enjoy life and manage to creatively intertwine my life experiences in most things that I write. It's therapeutic! I am thankful for all of my gifts, creative energy, and you. Thank you for reading my work!

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    Nakia PalmerWritten by Nakia Palmer

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