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My introduction to going yellow from grey

An insight into the company behind the Yellow Master Mind program

By Nichole RileyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Team or Group, Your choice awaits?

Go To Yellow has given me the opportunity to build many skills and also meet some fantastic individuals. It has really made me face many reflections and encouraged me to break many bad habits. Let me start you from the beginning so you can really understand the journey.

I found the infectiously positive Tammy on Acadium. This is a site that allows you 3-month apprenticeships with many companies to develop your skills and get involved in the field. It allows you to approach jobs that you would really enjoy doing or intrigue you. My first meeting with Tammy was also my first meeting with Toast as they decided it was something they much simply oversee. I think the thing that shocked me the most was how normal Tammy was. Unfortunately, we all associate set words with other words. When you think business owners, you think well off, can have so many lay-ins and start whenever, money means they can be carefree and hates taking orders so makes sure they worked to ensure they are so far up they don't have to.

Clearly, it went very well and lead to us staying together after the apprenticeship. Tammy was very supportive and approachable with what she does in her life coaching. She has taught me many things from short segments of her courses and programs that I can take into my life.

The lady of honor herself.

My biggest realisation was I was a mixture of every grey type Go To Yellow promotes tools to overcome. I had a bit of the best, a busy badge wearer, an uninspired and a people-pleaser in me. I was unable to delegate because of the fear of being seen as inadequate while working all the time to ensure it seemed everything was okay even if I wanted to scream. I would never take time for myself and everyone described me as never stopping. I was just going through the day with the expectations of others and not asking if its the outcome I wanted. My root problem was I struggled to sleep in case someone needed me, I couldn't say no as my soul was so dependent on making other people happy. I needed the accountability of someone to say to me "How is your progress but more importantly what are you doing for yourself this week?"

Go To Yellow has many programs and tools. An example of just two I created for an advertisement for the magazine below but if you want to look at other programs like Unleash the best you or the Yellow Mastermind here:

Diary Detox® uses five simple steps to help you or your team to take a step back out of the weeds, look at how they’re spending their time today and reassess which activities adds value, now and in the future. That extra space is where you and your teams growth begins.

The value add for me, so far, is that Tammy doesn’t just talk about the tools but actually shows you how to use those tools to help you make refinements.For example, I was struggling with continuously carrying over uncompleted actions from one week to the next. This left me feeling frustrated and pessimistic about my ability to get things done. Within the first coaching session Tammy coached me how to set smaller and realistic goals. Within 2 days I’ve achieved progress.Whereas I struggled for a whole month, previously, to even make a start.

The Yellow Mastermind crafts your team around the common goals of each business owner. Maybe those goals are building an online business, franchising, engaging with ideal clients, etc. After careful consideration, we curate a team of 6 that leverages all skill sets and fulfills all requirements. You’ll be in a complete team incorporating finance, marketing, and operations – all fundamental in any business-growth journey

Being with other business owners has helped me get clarity on my business goals. Sometimes I need the extra accountability before tackling the next project.

I was lucky enough to get offered a chance to work on the Yellow Magazine team. Everyone has a story and has learned some sort of vulnerable lesson to share. I have taken so much motivation from this and have been able to communicate with some great people like Poppy Duffree, Jackie Roby, and Jerry Bignell. Along with Tammy's encouragement to stand up for myself and the big personal achievement of putting myself as unavailable on my calendar to work contacts. I know sounds like a silly example but I could be at a wedding and would still check my e-mail worried someone would be put off by seeing an out-of-office e-mail response. Me putting that unavailable notice there was me putting myself first and committing to not feel stressed that I missed anything. It was a day to force myself to face my reflection and ask what self-love I needed that day.

I worked with many people alongside this opportunity some being the Billy Bog Brush Adventures and Suresh Thadani Financial Academy. The Billy Bog Brush Adventures is a children's books collection that encourages children to embrace confidence by breaking down barriers. As adults, we carry the world on our shoulders and some things we much need to accept can't be done without breaking it down. As we grow we are culturally drilled to believe work is everything but being fearless of making mistakes to be able to reflect and grow is. If you want to hear more watch below:

Suresh Thadani's Financial Academy allowed me to learn how to vocalise my opinion. It has taught me how to streamline my creativity and my love for the creative process. While Tammy has guided me earlier in the process of my journey with how to approach clients this is coming into its element. Tammy taught me and challenged me to make invoices and business proposals which I had never done before. If you want to know more about Suesh Thadani's Financial Academy look at this:

I plan to carry on growing and developing further. I urge you to check out Go To Yellow and see how you can help your town be part of the yellow nations. Let us all treat every day like a Friday!

Bad habitsFriendshipHumanityWorkplace

About the Creator

Nichole Riley


Artist and writer in her 20s looking for a place to express myself in the art of word. I have Autism so apologise in advance is there is an unattended harsh tone.

"For every petal of the rose that opens a new secret is revealed."

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