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Finding My Voice: A Journey of Overcoming Social Anxiety

One Woman's Story of Facing Fear and Learning to Speak Up

By Quincy.VPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Growing up, I was always an awkward kid. I had a hard time making friends, and I often felt like I didn't fit in. It wasn't until I got to college that I started to come out of my shell a bit and make some real connections with people. But even then, I still had my moments of cringe.

One such moment happened during my freshman year. I had just started dating this guy, and things were going really well. We had been hanging out for a few weeks, and we were both really into each other. One night, we went to a party together, and I had a little too much to drink.

As the night went on, I started to get more and more flirty with my new beau. I was touching his arm, laughing at all his jokes, and generally being a little too obvious about how much I liked him. At one point, we were sitting on a couch together, and I decided to make my move.

I leaned in to kiss him, and he leaned back. "Uh, I don't think we should do this here," he said, looking around nervously. I was mortified. I felt like I had just made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone at the party.

The rest of the night was a blur. I remember stumbling around, trying to find my friends, and feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. The next day, I woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of deep embarrassment. I couldn't believe I had acted so foolishly in front of this guy I really liked.

I avoided him for a few days after that, not sure how to face him. When we finally did talk, he was really understanding. He told me he liked me too, but he didn't want to rush things or make a scene at a party. I felt relieved that he wasn't totally turned off by my cringe-worthy behavior, but I still couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment.

Over time, I learned to laugh at myself a little more. I realized that everyone has cringe-worthy moments, and it's okay to be a little awkward sometimes. I also learned that it's important to be true to yourself and not try too hard to impress other people. If someone likes you, they'll like you for who you are, flaws and all.

Looking back on that night at the party, I can't help but cringe a little. But I also remember how it led to a deeper conversation with my new boyfriend, and how we were able to be honest with each other about what we wanted. In a way, my cringe-worthy behavior brought us closer together.

Now, years later, I'm happily married to that guy. We still laugh about that night at the party and how awkward it was, but we also appreciate how it brought us closer together. Sometimes the cringe-worthy moments in life can be the most meaningful ones, as long as we're willing to embrace them and learn from them.

Bad habitsSecretsFamilyEmbarrassmentChildhood

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