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Human Dormancy Stage

By VANcy FANcyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

To err is human.

Its natural for human beings to make mistakes.

No one is perfect

Everyone has had their darkest moments.

Problems are part of life.

Life is not always a walk in the park.

Whenever I come across the term "dormancy", the next thing that usually clings to my mind is the topic of seed dormancy.

This stage has been defined as the incapacity of a viable seed to germinate under favorable conditions.

The main reason behind these conditions is that they require a period of rest before being capable of germination.

These conditions may vary from days to months and even years.

These conditions combine light, water, heat, gases, seed coats, and hormone structures.

Without dwelling much on the biology part of it, I'd like to relate it to the life of a human being.

Do humans have some kind of inertia stage?

A period in which they cease to grow and develop despite having favorable conditions.

And which conditions would these be?

Social, Financial, or psychological- it's a long varying list.

Different people from different walks of life have their part.

That time when you're just stagnated in life.

You feel neither going forward nor going backward, but you eventually end up stuck in the wrong place.

The Untimely doing of wrong things with the wrong people.

Until the wrong becomes part of you.

Falling from pressure seeking to deep obscessions.

Adoption of new behaviours.

Development of new habits.

Establishment of new characters.

What started as a source of joy turns into misery.

From between a rock and a hard place to the extreme rock bottom situation.

This anxiety not only knocks on your door but also offers itself a warm welcome.

The worse part is that it doesn't come like a stranger, but as a long-time buddy whom you've known since junior grade.

This makes it even harder.

You become incommunicado and incognito.

Your folks think you're in your comfort zone when you're totally living in hell in your own house.

Nobody will come to kick out a visitor in your own crib.

Only you can vacate the fellow.

The problem is, you want to, but you're unable to.

And it's embarrassing to ask for help for such a personal task.

So unless you swallow the pride and ask for a hand in this, you have to declare war to defend yourself.

These are the kind of battles that aren't won solely.

You need a backup army to help you secure the win.

What's even better about this regiment is the fact that you don't even have to be the commander.

The One who lives is forever in place.

Your duty is just to make the effort.

Doing your best and He'll do the rest.

Knock that door and it shall be opened.

Let go and let God take control.

Your disheartenment may seem so prolonged and impenetrable but to Him, it's very swift.

It doesn't matter how long you've grappled, or how deeper you've sunk.

Don't fall into the dangerous pit of self-resentment.

Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.

When things change inside you, things change around you

You may have walked a thousand miles away from the right path, but it'll only take you a step to get back.

If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.

Forget the old bad days, focus on the light at the end of the tunnel-reassurance.

Where there's a will there's a way.

And where there's breadth there's hope.

Where there's hope there's faith.

Where there's faith miracles happen!

FamilyTeenage yearsSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipEmbarrassmentBad habits

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