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Why Your Amazing Short Video Isn't Going Viral: Common Reasons and Solutions"

here are 10 tricks to help make your short video go viral:

By Ifa IfaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Sure, here are 10 tricks to help make your short video go viral:

1..Keep it short and sweet: People have short attention spans, so try to keep your video under a minute if possible. This will also make it easier to share on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

2. Create an attention-grabbing thumbnail: The thumbnail is the first thingpeople will see when scrolling through their feeds, so make sure it’s eye-catching and represents your video well.

3. Use trending hashtags: Research popular hashtags related to your video's topic and use them in your post. This will increase your video's visibility and attract more viewers.

4. Use a clear and concise caption: Your caption should be informative and succinct, giving people a clear idea of what your video is about. It's also a great place to include any additional relevant hashtags.

5. Share on multiple platforms: Don't limit your video to just one platform. Share it on all your social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

6. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with other creators can increase your reach and introduce your content to a new audience.

7. Utilize humor: Funny videos are more likely to be shared and go viral. So, if appropriate, add some humor to your video to make it more shareable.

8. Make it relatable: People are more likely to share a video that they can relate to. So, try to create content that speaks to a shared experience or emotion.

9. Include a call-to-action: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your video. You can also ask them to follow you on social media or visit your website.

10. Mae it visually appealing: Use high-quality footage, good lighting, and sound to ma

ke your video visually appealing. This will make it more shareable and increase its chances of going viral.

Subtitles are also important to consider, as they make your video more accessible to a wider audience. Many people watch videos on their phones without sound, so including subtitles can make your video more engaging and shareable.

To add subtitles, you can either use the built-in subtitle feature on the platform you're posting to, or use a video editing software to manually add them to your video. Just make sure the subtitles are clear and easy to read, and use contrasting colors to make them stand out.

There can be several reasons why a good quality short video may not go viral, even if it's well-made and interesting. Here are a few possible reasons:

1. Lack of promotion: Even the best videos need to be promoted to get noticed. If you're not actively promoting your video on social media or other platforms, it may not reach the right audience.

2. Competition: With so many videos being uploaded to the internet every day, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Your video may be good, but if it's similar to other videos that are already popular, it may get lost in the noise.

3. Timing: The timing of your video's release can also affect its s.ucces. If you're posting during a time when your target audience isn't online, your video may not get as much engagement as it could have.

4. Platform algorithm: Different platforms have different algorithms that determine which videos get recommended to users. If your video doesn't meet the algorithm's requirements, it may not get recommended to a wider audience.

5. Lack of shareability: Even if your video is good quality, it may not be easily shareable. People are more likely to share videos that are relatable, funny, or informative, so if your video doesn't meet these criteria, it may not get shared as much.

6 . Content fatigue: Sometimes, even if a video is a good quality, people may be tired of seeing similar content. If your video is part of a trend or popular topic, it may not get as much attention if people have already seen similar videos.

It's important to keep in mind that going viral is never a guarantee, even if you follow all the best practices. However, focusing on creating high-quality content and actively promoting it can increase its chances of success

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    IIWritten by Ifa Ifa

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