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My Lonely, Not Funny Valentine

Songs to get you through the day

By kenishaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
My Lonely, Not Funny Valentine
Photo by Muesli on Unsplash

Anti-Valentine's day, otherwise known as 'frantically searching dating apps for a last minute date day' or 'I don’t even have enough friends for a Galentines day celebration day' is here again to bombard us with advertisements for cards and flowers. It is a particularly annoying holiday because it reminds me of my anxiety and depression that has left me struggling to connect romantically or even platonically with friends. However, music is the escape that distracts me from constantly thinking about being alone. Why? Because you get to live vicariously through an artists' mood whether it be pain, excitement, or freedom. After all music uplifts you.

There are some artists so well known for their anti-love songs that you could have a playlist filled with just that artists' songs. Most notably, both Beyonce and Taylor Swift have excellent discographies if one wants to pretend that you are sticking it to a guy who lost out on a good thing. For instance Beyonce has songs such as 'Irreplaceable', 'Single Ladies', 'Sorry' and my favourite Beyonce tune 'Me Myself and I'. Ignore the fact that she is happily married while singing about being a single lady.

Beyoncé - Single Ladies

Beyoncé - Me, Myself and I

A popular remix of the classic holiday is Galentines day. Definition: a group of single women who gather together to distract each other from the fact that they have no dates, no boyfriends, no promising prospects to settle down with. Or if you are an optimist; a celebration where you get together to uplift your girlfriends. Friends that make you realise that maybe it's better to be single than go through the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being in some relationships. Below are some fitting songs for a Galentines day celebration.

Nicki Minaj - Feeling Myself ft. Beyoncé

Drake - Nice For What

Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am

Taylor Swift - I Forgot That You Existed

As for me, do I tell myself that I will spend the holiday engaging in self care rituals but instead, end up eating junk food and watching cringe worthy shows? Absolutely! Also, in a moment of desperately searching the internet while drinking fireball whiskey, I came across a potential match on Bumble who advertised himself as ethically non-monogamous. I think maybe this is what I have to settle for. Also, good on him for being ethical about his non-monogamy! But on a positive note as someone who isn't a big drinker I did discover that I like fireball whiskey. I eventually come to the conclusion that if I don't have anyone in real life to celebrate with, I might as well spend the day with some of the best female vocalists.

For a song that can double for despair over a failed relationship or despair over all of 2020!

Sade - King of Sorrow

For those who refuse to leave a relationship they know they should:

Mariah Carey - Can't Let Go

and lastly, probably the most beautiful ballad you will hear about the end of a toxic relationship:

Christina Aguilera - You Lost Me

Ultimately, I do not hate Valentine's day or what it stands for. It is however, cathartic to make fun of myself for being single on a day where you are surrounded with images of loving couples. This is where my playlist comes in to keep me distracted and in a good mood, from poppy up tempo songs to beautifully haunting tunes. The cynical will say it's just a day for companies to sell flowers and cards (and they would be correct), however, no one can deny that it feels good to receive a gift from someone who genuinely cares about you. Furthermore, if you don't receive any gifts or greetings it is not the end of the world. No need to frantically search for a date you're not really into. With that being said Happy Anti-Valentines Day!!!


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