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I Think, Therefore I Meme

My Tenth Collection of Internet-snagged Stupidity & Once Again, I Call in a Superheroine! ⚡😁👍

By Lightning BoltPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

Hey there! 👋😁⚡

I'm back with another edition of Meme-ing Madness!

And this time there is literally something for everyone!

That statement ☝️ is "literally" true provided you define "everyone" as "twelve kinds of people"— thirteen if you count writers, or people who like green superheroines.

I'm _Lightning Bolt⚡ by the way. (That's not my 'real' name.) 🤷‍♂️

Here's how this nonsense works.....

Basically, I harvest memes off social media (Facebook) and then tell pathetic jokes about the junk I've found.

The Standard WARNING applies: this shit is lame, sometimes salacious, possibly even disturbing (especially to fresh fruit). Seeing all this could likely lead to lethargy, restless leg syndrome, and (hopefully) some laughter! Don't blame me if it gives you insomnia! Or cooties! Or an uncontrollable desire to punch a duck!!! 👊💥🦆 I can't be held responsible for anything you witness here (because I'm a completely irresponsible person. Just ask my only friend.)

You can certainly steal these memes, if you're so inclined, in order to return them to their natural habitat on the Internet. Like I give a crap if you do! 😂🤣

Thank you for your constant readership...

... and May God Have Mercy on Your Soul 😉.


#1-for the DIY dudes

Someone needs to open a Bone Depot

Certainly, nothing excites my appetite like seeing the skulls of my enemies!



#2-for all the parents

Dear God: DIRTY DISHES?!?! WHY?????!!!!!

Life is so unfair!!!



#3-for all the overworked people

3.5-- also for astronomers?

Enjoy your three-million-day weekend, kids!



#4-for all the paranoid people

Is it possible he ☝️ is just seeing everyone though a prism?

Speaking personally as a sometimes-Thomas, "Oh HELL no! It's always the other guys!"


#4-for the mathematicians

More accurately: π = 3.14159265358...


Forgive me for being irrational.


I'll make it up to you by throwing in this bonus meme for any divorced mathematicians in the audience.

NEVER ask y!!! (Unless you're asking God about dirty dishes)

And for those of us who have no head for math and generally loathe it 👇....

bad with math

I think I've now gone something like 88,115 days without using either algebra or trigonometry! (... he said with pride)!!!


We Pause Momentarily for this Brief Inspirational Message for Fellow Writers....

You should be writing. The End.


#5-for all the zookeepers

Monkey see, monkey DO see

It's 3 AM (somewhere).

Do you know where your bananas are?



#6-for all the Romeos out there

Furthermore, these lilies are from my aunt's grave! And you say I'm not romantic?

Women are so picky.

I mean, saying their eyes are black is accurate too! But try telling that to a babe and see if it helps get you laid.

(It won't.)


#7-for all those with extrasensory perception (who probably foresaw this coming)

Make up my mind for me while you're at it.



#8-for all those with overgrowth

8.5 Mailmen might like this one too?

Geeze! Someone's thorny!


Should I call in some help?!?


I can't help it!!!

I feel threatened!!!


Both hot and Disney+ topical, am I right?

Seeing her ☝️ fills a certain part of me with rage.



#9-for all the crop barons

ur worst?!? eally? ry agai !!!

olden from a fri


#10-for my fiancé

Dear God: DIRTY DISHES?!?! 😱 WHY?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That ☝️ isn't already stated or assumed in the unspoken contract?! ?



WOW!! !



#11-for all the other eggheads not already acknowledged

also for your extended family?

Relative to what?



#12-for all the doormen

The walls are unaware.

This post is amused.


#13- — (a bonus meme) for the baker's dozen

either that or you're full of mysterious blue squiggles

It was worth a try.



More Meme-ing Madness will be forthcoming soon! There are nine other installments every bit as worthy as this☝. Several are even better! 🤣😂

Have you read them all?

#1- Meme-ing For Laughs

#2- To Meme or Not to Meme? That is the Question!

#3- When the Meme-ing Gets Tough, the Tough Get Meme-ing!

#4- They Were the Best of Memes, They Were the Worst of Memes

#5- The End Doesn't Justify the Memes

#6- We Don't Stop Meme-ing Because It Grows Old; We Grow Old Because We Stop Meme-ing (👈awarded a Top Story honor for some bizarre reason. 🤷‍♂️)

#7- Bad Memes Rising (extra filthy)

#8- Quote the Raven: "Memeingmore!"

#9- That which does not Kill Us makes us Memer

❤️ this ☝️ nonsense, if you find it worthy. Copy the link to harass your boss or tantalize someone on Twitter. If you are mega-wealthy and can tip generously, I'd be extremely grateful, because I'm as dirt poor as my sense of humor.

I have bad brains.


As always, I thank you for your support!



This entire series of nonsense ️should actually be in the Comedy Community.

Oh wait — Vocal has no Comedy Community.

Doesn't it really suck ass that Vocal won't make a Commitment to Comedy?

Vocal Elite Administrators...

...if you're listening, I'll run a Comedy Club for you... and I actually have experience supervising an online humor department!

Upon reflection, I have lowered my asking price for doing so. You can hire me for a moderate five-figure salary.

Hurry! This offer expires when I die!


More👇 yucks....

humorpop culturesatiresocial media

About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

Vocal needs a Comedy Community!

Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (5)

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  • Colleen Millsteed 2 years ago

    Oh I do love this and needed a good laugh. Thank you

  • D-Donohoe2 years ago

    Thanks for a Monday morning laugh! And yes they NEED a comedy community!

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    Thanks for the laughter and smiles 🥰

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Laughter!!! Thanks, Bill!

  • LOL LOL LOL!!! 🤣 My favourites were 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10!

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