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By ๐‘๐Œ ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐œ๐ค๐ญ๐จ๐งPublished 4 months ago โ€ข Updated 3 months ago โ€ข 5 min read
Write Club Rules!

Welcome to Write Club! Each month, I will be hosting an Unofficial Challenge (Prompt) from the project I have been working on (Chasm of Madness). In January, the Prompt was to write an Obituary or Eulogy. We had some fantastic entries.

Februaryโ€™s Prompt is to write about โ€œthe monster under your bedโ€. Your entry can be about a literal monster beneath your bed, or it may be about addiction, self-doubt, a relationship, or some unresolved conflict or trauma, etc. โ€“ that โ€œmonsterโ€ that haunts your life.

Your monster does not need to be frightening, although he/she/it certainly may be. Your โ€œmonsterโ€ can be friendly or bashful or playful or mischievous. Have fun with this! As with the January Prompt, you may creatively explore the topic in any genre and format. Donโ€™t be afraid to think outside of the box.

Tิ‹าฝ Mฯƒษณส‚ฦšาฝษพ Uษณิƒาฝษพ Yฯƒฯ…ษพ Bาฝิƒ Pษพฯƒษฑฯฦš:

  1. Write about โ€œthe monster under your bedโ€. Your entry can be about a literal monster beneath your bed, or it may address addiction, self-doubt, a relationship, or some unresolved conflict or trauma, etc. Discuss that โ€œmonsterโ€ that haunts your life or that ghost or skeleton in your closet, or an imaginary friend who comes out at bedtime. If you prefer, you can give us the story from the monsterโ€™s perspective (perhaps we are the monsters to them). You choose the format and style (make it in the style of a short story, a nursery rhyme, or diary entry, or write a newspaper column, poem, haiku, or limerick) โ€” you decide the format. โ€œI wanna see us push the outer limits of our creative abilities.โ€
  2. There is no specific word limit, and it makes no difference what Community your entry is submitted to.
  3. I have provided several AI-generated images for inspiration. You may use one (or more) of these images for your story or select or create your own if you prefer.
  4. You may work solo or collaborate.
  5. Post a link to your entry in the comments below by Sunday, February 25, 2024, and I will append it to this story. (If your Entry gets stuck in review, drop a comment below to let me know.)
  6. The top entries will be selected, and I will award each of those Authors a $5 tip.

Have fun, and Welcome to Write Club! ๐Ÿ‘Š

Celia in Underland has set the bar high with her painful tale about a lingering โ€˜monster of guiltโ€™:

Real Poetic also came hard and fast out of the gate with a moving poem about a โ€˜relationship monsterโ€™ who offered an empty promise of love:

Natasha Collazo introduces us to the cuddly โ€˜monster of addictionโ€™ who needs to be fed:

Stephanie Hoogstad introduces us to a familiar โ€˜monster of self-doubtโ€™ with her clever bedtime prayer:

Tommy Ballard has written a powerful poem about a โ€˜monster of obsession and self-doubtโ€™ that has haunted many of us:

Randy Baker has provided us with a very vivid description of a furious struggle with that nagging โ€˜monster of our pastsโ€™ in another brilliant poem:

Cathy Holmes delivered an instant Top Story with this ingenious creation combining multiple Prompts/Challenges. Meet her โ€˜nightmarish monsterโ€™ calling out from the other side of her bed:

Tommy Ballard has brought another frightening monster to the party with this heartbreaking poem about a sad โ€˜monster of loss and lonelinessโ€™ lurking beneath the bed:

Novel Allen gives us a glimpse into a frightening โ€˜monster of night terrorsโ€™ stalking her sleep:

Gerard DiLeo introduces us to a trio of monsters in this ghostly Dickens-like tale, but these are not the Ghosts of Past, Present and Future, but rather, the โ€˜monsters of Cooda, Wooda and Shoodaโ€™:

Rachel Deeming has invited a โ€˜guardian of dreamsโ€™ to the party with a beautiful story about the lovable monster, Barstable:

D. J. Reddall has introduced a frightening โ€˜monster of angerโ€™ to the party. โ€œMy Borutaโ€ is a chilling tale of how we feed this hungry monster:

Anna brings a โ€˜monster of childhood dreamsโ€™ to this Monster Mash. โ€œNaive as a Childโ€ is a powerful coming-of-age tale of learning to defeat our fears:

Donna Fox (HKB) presents an all-too-familiar โ€˜nagging monster of self-doubtโ€™, that little grammar policeman in her head waking her and urging her to edit her writing. Donnaโ€™s story, โ€œGo Awayโ€ is an incredibly well-told tale. No need for editing this one:

Poppy offers us a โ€˜monster of emotional baggageโ€™ in her raw, visceral poem, โ€œFangs and Clawsโ€:

David E. Perry gives us a delightful childhood โ€˜guardian of dreamsโ€™ with an incredibly well-penned tale โ€œPeanut and Tommyโ€:

Donna Fox (HKB)โ€™s imagination takes us on another frightful trip to meet the โ€˜monster lurking beneath her bedโ€™ in her vivid tale โ€œCan you Imagine?โ€

Hannah Moore introduces a lifetime of preserved memories, a โ€˜monster of relics pastโ€™ lurking beneath her bed with her clever story, โ€œAs I Lay me Down to Sleepโ€:

Bonnie Bowerman joins the party, with her guest, โ€˜a shadowy monster of childhood fearโ€™ in this exquisitely written poem that captures the essence of childhood innocence and fear, โ€œThe Monster that Lives Under my Bedโ€:

Anna captures perfectly the fear of the โ€˜beastly monster beneath the bedโ€™ in her clever Ukiah (reverse Haiku: 7-5-7), โ€œTalk to Meโ€:

Kelli Sheckler-Amsden gives us a โ€˜surprise monsterโ€™ with a clever twist in her Seusslike poem, โ€œRougarou in Disguiseโ€:

Matthew Fromm delivers a real punch-to-the-gut story that is expertly crafted to reveal โ€˜a real monsterโ€™ from the pages of history with his must-read short story, โ€œThey Came from Belowโ€:

Liam Storm is escorted by Greg, a โ€˜friendly monster reaching outโ€™ in a heartfelt letter in the clever story, โ€œThe Monster Under Your Bed?โ€

Accompanying Anna to the Monster Mash is a โ€˜monster of childhood innocence in her touching story, โ€œBelly and Mayaโ€:

Catsidhe delivers another Top Story with a clever and humorous tale about a common โ€˜monster that even the monsters fearโ€™ with this fun story, โ€œWith Sharp Teeth and Clawsโ€:

Mackenzie Davis presents her little beast, Ralph, a โ€˜monster in therapyโ€™ with a deeply layered short tale titled, โ€œAn Exercise in Receiving Kindnessโ€:

Mackenzie Davis gives us another deeply philosophical piece to chew on with her incredible poem, โ€œSay it's Goodnessโ€. This one describes a โ€˜monster of banishmentโ€™ and the consequences which follow:

John Cox delivers a fantastic Top Story titled, โ€œThe Little Dreamerโ€, about a โ€˜monster of free willโ€™ and the conflicts that accompany it:

Kelli Sheckler-Amsden gives us another spooky poem with perfect verse and rhyme, a warning of those โ€˜monsters of the nightโ€™ in this clever poem, โ€œBedtimeโ€:

Rebekah Conard is escorted this evening by her โ€˜critical, nagging weekly monsterโ€™ that little voice inside her head, who, with no eyelids, sees and recalls all and is quick to point out every fault, whether real or perceived. Check out โ€œKeeping You Awakeโ€ here:

J gives us โ€œMonsters Made of Sandโ€, a dark and intense Poe-like tale of a โ€˜monster beckoning from the depths belowโ€™:

David E. Perry has followed up his earlier tale about โ€œPeanut and Tommyโ€, with a companion tale about โ€œHiss and Susanโ€. Enjoy this โ€˜Guardian of the Nightโ€™ here:

K. Stockton (my daughter) has submitted a powerful tale about her โ€˜lifelong monsterโ€™ companion, but, sadly, this monster is still being held captive by the all-too-real โ€˜monster of Vocal reviewโ€™!

If I have somehow overlooked an Entry, please let me know.

I count 33 Submissions. WOW! This is so incredible. I am compiling a final Write-up with the February winners which will be posted soon!

Writing ExerciseVocalPromptsLifeInspirationCONTENT WARNINGCommunityChallenge

About the Creator

๐‘๐Œ ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐œ๐ค๐ญ๐จ๐ง

หœโ€*ยฐโ€ข.หœโ€*ยฐโ€ข Time is our most valuable asset. Thank you for spending some of your time with me! โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ.โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

Add your insights

Comments (41)

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  • Rick Henry Christopher 3 months ago

    This is so wonderful. Please let me know when the next prompt is published. This sounds like a great challenge. Please post the prompts on Vocal + Assist: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vocalplusassist/ Thank you!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • There are a total of 32 Submissions, and they are all so fantastic! I am sorting these and re-reading a few of the older ones to refresh my memory. I will post a Wrap-up in the next several days! Thank you for the BRILLIANT SUBMISSIONS! I am truly in awe!

  • J3 months ago

    Posted this a few days ago but forgot to add the link. Sorry I'm late! https://vocal.media/poets/monsters-made-of-sand

  • Rebekah Conard3 months ago

    Hope I'm not too late! I just submitted, so it's still under review, but I'm pretty sure this will be the link when it's up: https://vocal.media/fiction/keeping-you-awake

  • Thank you for the illustrations Here is my second attempt https://vocal.media/poets/bedtime-nci0zal

  • John Cox3 months ago

    RM - I would like to submit The Little Dreamer, published last night: https://vocal.media/horror/the-little-dreamer-a61t801e4 Thanks!

  • Mackenzie Davis3 months ago

    Hoping this one counts. Sorry for two last minute entries. ๐Ÿคž https://vocal.media/poets/say-it-s-goodness

  • Catsidhe3 months ago

    I went with a microfiction: https://vocal.media/fiction/with-sharp-teeth-and-claws Thanks for the fun prompt!

  • Anna 3 months ago
  • Liam Storm3 months ago

    A great prompt! I have attempted one here: https://vocal.media/humor/the-monster-under-your-bed Hope you enjoy!

  • Matthew Fromm3 months ago

    I'm dumb and didn't quite read the prompt....anyway I wrote this in response to it. I'll DQ myself out of stupidity but I really appreciate your prompt. https://vocal.media/history/they-come-from-below

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Here's an unusual haiku I wrote. It's special, because I changed the 5-7-5 rule into 7-5-7: https://vocal.media/poets/talk-to-me-v7k60b6k

  • Bonnie Bowerman3 months ago

    Here you go. Thanks so much for running such a fun challenge! https://vocal.media/poets/the-monster-that-lives-under-my-bed

  • Poppy 3 months ago

    Not sure if I'm happy with my attempt but wanted to enter something because I love this challenge idea! https://vocal.media/poets/fangs-and-claws

  • Donna Fox (HKB)3 months ago

    Here's my first entry! I think I have one more I can muster up before the deadline!! https://vocal.media/fiction/go-away-e720m02w9

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Here's my attempt for the prompt: https://vocal.media/poets/naive-as-a-child

  • D. J. Reddall4 months ago

    Here is my modest addition to your growing menagerie of monsters under the bed: https://vocal.media/fiction/my-boruta

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