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fangs and claws.

An RM Stockton Challenge

By Poppy Published 4 months ago 1 min read
Image Created on Midjourney

I look you in the eye

Write your name

With my shaky

Scarred hands

In a desperate attempt

To fit the key in the lock

To fling the cage door open

Because isn’t that how you

Escape your ghost?

You face them

You look at the ground

Your reflection

Their faux reassurances

Anywhere but my face

Because isn’t that what

The guilty do?

Admit it

I deserved more

Than you gave me

I deserved more than

Gaslighting and insanity

Eventual abandonment

And cruelly crafted

Unanswered questions

You can paint your moods

A high vis happiness all you want

Wear it as a neon vest to prove a point

But you cannot escape the truth

You let me down in a way

I would’ve never done to you

You gave me the kind of brutal

Gaping, almost irreparable wound

I used to try and save you from

You are the memories

I hide under my bed

Despite the way you make me bleed

You have no fangs or claws or horns

Just a face that is all too familiar

A face that used to look like safety

I vomited up all my confidence

Labelled myself as unlovable

All because you gave up on me

Yet sometimes

When I am trapped in


I wonder

Do you place your remorse

In the same place I store

My lack of closure

The cage I can never break free of

Do I haunt the space

Under your bed like

You fill mine?

Yet here is the truth

I have buried my own key

Grown my own fangs

Clawed my own skin

I am my own cage

My own monster

I have failed myself

More than even you

Have let me down


sad poetryFriendshipFree Versefact or fiction

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Comments (16)

  • Mackenzie Davis4 months ago

    "You can paint your moods A high vis happiness all you want Wear it as a neon vest to prove a point But you cannot escape the truth" UGH among so many wonderful lines, these stood out to me. Such a cool metaphor here and it rings true; the guilty assuage it by acting perfectly fine, better than fine. "Vomiting up confidence" is sending me into a while imagining. Confidence being an internal thing, that to vomit it up is to lose it. You don't say that, though. The image is much more violent, brings to mind the circumstances that lead to the vomiting. WOW. What a powerful poem, Poppy. I adore how the ending makes it come full circle, makes the reader wonder if the speaker could be talking to herself the whole time, or maybe in the first reading, it's another person and on a second reading, it's herself. How creative, to characterize an acceptance of someone else's harm on yourself as being worse than their actions. By letting it be true, you commit a worse crime, become a worse beast, than they. Sorry for the length, I just kept writing, lol.

  • There is so much about this I loved but.. I have buried my own key grown my own fangs clawed my own skin I am my own cage my own monster blew me away. Simply excellent Poppy

  • J4 months ago

    "Do I haunt the space under your bed like you fill mine?" sent a wild ripple through me. This poem made me feel the way I did as a child at the Principles' office, sitting in my unearned shame for showing bra straps at school while simultaneously beaming with raging defiance as my mother told another parent off for teaching their son it's ok to snap them.

  • C. Rommial Butler4 months ago

    Well-wrought! Unrequited love is the most painful thing I ever experienced. This despite having lost both my parents, and many other things besides. You captured the pain here so well. I wish I could say you captured it so well no one would ever have to go through it again. We'd all know better, because who would ever want someone else to feel the way Poppy described? But it doesnt't work that way and it never really stops hurting, at least for me. I learned to bear the weight until I was strong enough to shed it. Perseverence was worth the price of admission, but I cannot recommend it. However, if it creates diamonds from coal like this poem here, we have every reason to believe there is yet hope for us. You must be a hearty soul! Bless you!

  • Hayley Matto4 months ago

    Woahhh, stunning Poppy!!! There are so many lines I loved from this! “You let me down in a way I would’ve never done to you You gave me the kind of brutal Gaping, almost irreparable wound I used to try and save you from” & “Just a face that is all too familiar A face that used to look like safety”. I’ve been right there with that one, some people live as ghosts to us now because they aren’t who we once knew. This was killer, powerful stuff! 🤍

  • Holy smokes, Poppy! What an emotional piece this is. "I am my own cage, My own monster." WOW! It is remarkable how our emotional monsters haunt us and drive us to where we become our own prison. Fabulous writing!

  • "Because isn’t that how you / Escape your ghost? / You face them". What a way to start! You've made another wonderful poem here!!

  • Beautifully written… sounds like you both have monsters under your beds… Time to give them the boot!

  • Hannah Moore4 months ago

    Brutal. But you still have scope to make amends to yourself, too.

  • "A face that used to look like safety". They're just so good at putting on masks. The ending was so sad and it hit me so hard. Loved your take on this challenge!

  • Alex H Mittelman 4 months ago

    Great work! Well done! ♥️💜💙❤️

  • There is such visceral pain & truth in this, Poppy. And yes, people can only hurt us emotionally & personally if we allow them to. But if we don't allow at least for such a possibility, how will we ever know love, compassion, kindness, or grace?

  • Alexander McEvoy4 months ago

    “You are the memories I hide under my bed” Oh hot damn! That really hit me where I live Poppy This was a beautiful, sad, touching poem. Everything about it was amazing but that was sure as heck my favourite part 🤩

  • sleepy drafts4 months ago

    Wow, Poppy. This is stunning, visceral, and beautifully raw. I adored, "Do you place your remorse / In the same place I store / My lack of closure" Just gorgeous. 💗

  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    Powerful & brilliant!!! Love it!!!♥️♥️💕

Poppy  Written by Poppy

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