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Life Snatcher

Life Snatcher

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 22 days ago 3 min read
Life Snatcher
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Rain lashed against the grimy windowpanes of Amelia's tiny apartment, mimicking the frantic beat of her heart. The power had flickered out hours ago, plunging the room into an inky blackness illuminated only by flashes of lightning. Every creak of the old building, every gust of wind howling down the alleyway, sent shivers down her spine.

Tonight was the night. Tonight, the Life Snatcher would come.

Whisers of the creature had been circulating for weeks, a chilling rumor that spread like wildfire through the city's underbelly. It was said to be a skeletal figure cloaked in shadows, its touch stealing the life force from anyone unfortunate enough to cross its path. Amelia, a woman perpetually teetering on the edge of financial ruin, had been unfortunate enough to receive a cryptic note – a crudely drawn figure with glowing red eyes and the chilling message: "Your time nears its end."

Terror had clawed at her for days, but the note offered a sliver of hope. It mentioned a ward – a small, silver amulet with a glowing inscription. Amelia had scoured pawn shops and back alleys, spending her meager savings on anything remotely resembling the description. Today, just as dusk settled, a grizzled old woman with knowing eyes had offered her a tarnished amulet for a price that left Amelia's pockets bare.

Clutching the amulet in her clammy hand, Amelia felt a sliver of doubt. Was it real, or just another cruel trick from a world that seemed determined to push her down? The sudden flicker of a stray spark ignited a gas lamp in the narrow hallway, casting an eerie glow on the room.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling silence descended. The rain stopped, the wind died down, and an unnatural coldness seeped through the cracked windowpanes. It felt like the world was holding its breath. Amelia's eyes darted towards the doorway, a darkness deeper than the shadows seemed to pool there.

A long, skeletal hand, tipped with razor-sharp claws, reached through the doorway. Moonlight, filtering through a tear in the old curtains, revealed a figure cloaked in swirling shadows. Its eyes, two burning red embers, seemed to pierce through the room, searching for her.

Panic threatened to consume Amelia, but the fear was laced with a desperate defiance. She rose to her feet, clutching the amulet tightly. "I won't let you take it!" she screamed, her voice shaking but surprisingly strong.

The figure tilted its head, a movement both fluid and unnatural. Then, with a speed that defied logic, it lunged across the room. Amelia barely had time to raise the amulet before the creature's icy hand clamped around it.

A searing pain shot through the amulet, then surged up Amelia's arm. It felt like a thousand icy needles were digging into her flesh, draining her life force. Her scream died in her throat as darkness threatened to engulf her.

But then, a surge of warmth emanated from the amulet. The inscription glowed brighter, repelling the creature's touch. The skeletal hand recoiled, a hiss escaping the figure's shadowed form. With a surge of strength, Amelia ripped the amulet free.

The creature recoiled further, the burning light emanating from the amulet seeming to sear its form. It roared in fury, a sound like wind whistling through broken bones. Then, with a last, desperate lunge, it lashed out with a long, whip-like tail.

The tail, tipped with a barbed stinger, moved with horrifying speed. Amelia threw herself aside, but not in time. The stinger grazed her arm, sending a jolt of searing pain through her. The creature hissed again, its touch leaving a dark, sickly mark on her skin.

But before it could attack again, a rooster crowed in the distance, a sound that seemed to pierce the creature's very essence. With a guttural scream, it dissolved into a swirling vortex of shadows, vanishing through the doorway just as quickly as it appeared.

Silence descended once more, broken only by Amelia's ragged gasps. Exhausted, she sank to the floor, the amulet clutched tightly in her hand. The mark on her arm burned, a reminder of the encounter.

The rain started anew, the wind returned with a renewed fury. But the terror was gone, replaced by a weary determination. She had survived the Life Snatcher. Now, she had to find a way to heal the mark and figure out what the creature wanted. Perhaps the amulet held answers, a hidden language waiting to be deciphered.

One thing was certain, this wasn't over. The night may have taken the Life Snatcher, but it had left her with a chilling truth – she wasn't just fighting for her life anymore, she was fighting for something bigger, a secret war against the shadows threatening to consume the city.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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