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Why Women Wellness?

Sisters Woosah, It's Women's History Month!

By Jilana BookerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Why Women Wellness?
Photo by Ale Romo Photography on Unsplash

It is my belief that if a writer pens the biography of a woman, they will at some point and without intention, stumble upon a truth that illuminates the life of every woman- yes I do mean You, yOu, yoU and YOU!

And what if a writer, through mere defiance, decides to pen a book that combines these truths as if it were a biography- A Biography of "Women". Indeed, eyebrows will arch at the mere audacity of seeing the word biography etched on a book that focuses on an entire species. Defying the very definition of a word would be brushed aside as a current, twenty-first-century trend. Defying an entire branch of literature, however, would surely be astounding.

What I can affirm, is if such a biography is written, one will be sure to discover many truths that all women can readily agree with. One such truth would stand out like a sore thumb on a freshly manicured hand. Somewhere between first-wave feminism in 1850 and the evolution of the modern woman, the female species has struggled unsuccessfully to balance our commitments with our right to wellness.




Energize, and

Nurture others.

Yet fears and unfulfilled desires prevent us from acknowledging the following.

Wellness is our right, our desire to strive for

Ownership of our true emotions, and the

Opportunity to share our values.

Serenity is necessary; a calm inspiring

Affirmations that feed our very soul. Promoting

Harmony, as we live a life unveiled and unencumbered.

By bruce mars on Unsplash

When women refuse to bridge the gap between our commitments and our rights, we give life to the Freudian Shadow. It is evident that women, by their thirties and beyond, often find themselves entangled in an ivy web of commitments, that if unchecked, can hide personal gaping holes of need. When our commitments are allowed to spread like ivy naturally does, it becomes invasive and uncontrollable, leading to a troubling reality, where our emotional experiences are limited. A reality overcome by dysphoria: a general state of unease.

So today I invite you to join me for a new "March Mentality", and hopefully its not just a mentality that you will take on for Women’s History Month…

Oh did you forget?

That's typical of us ladies to forget when it's time to celebrate ourselves. So buckle up buttercup, and join me for a mentality switch to fortitude and forward-thinking, where we as women strive to flourish and show up in every space in our life fully. Where each part of us: the wife, the mother, the employee(er), the student, the relative and friend, can co-exist in harmony.

There is something very special about this time of the year! It's been a year since Women’s History Month and a year since a global pandemic has plunged us into the lives we chose head first! The presence of Covid-19 was the absence of sanity for some, the sorrow of loss for others, and the endurance of weird voice overs in international shows when we finished most of Netflix around June 2020! The global pandemic caused some of us twelve months of enduring our own bad habits, gave our children every opportunity to test our limits, and stripped us of escape! So hear me when I say that this is a call to action!

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

Tip #1 Meditate

Take a breath in a quiet room away from prying eyes and little feet. Empty yourself of meandering thoughts and identify the commitments that overshadow your right to wellness, ownership, opportunity, serenity, affirmations, and harmony? Let out everything that restricts in a big, loud, gush of air, letting it rush from you as peace takes its place. Whatever they may be, find a deeper place of release, breathe in greedily, holding on to the peace you find in that breath. Visualize the things that would soothe your soul and stay there for a moment. As you release your breath, be reminded of all the blessings in your life, the rainbows in the storms. Repeat as many times as necessary.

By Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Tip #2 Journal

Make a Wish List. Yes, Write your dreams, small and big, in the same way you write down your desire to buy that Louis Vuitton bag! The one never goes on sale. Why, you ask? Because I believe Louis Vuitton knew his worth from the first day he sold his first bag, and therefore promised himself that he would not accept anything less than his worth. And the company keeps the tradition. That price never gets lower, so why do you scale down your dreams as you grow? My advice?

Write down your dreams, then in Robert Greene’s words:

Be relentless in your pursuit of expansion”

While a global pandemic changed the way we existed on planet earth, I have cheered on some of my sister friends as they bought their first home, started a business, and started a podcast among other amazing things. Where there is a will there is a way! List the smart goals that will help you get there! Then list some bite-sized action steps, taking it one day, one step at a time! Trying is in your power!

By Libby Saylor on Unsplash

Tip #3 Let it Glow

Not the glow you get from a bottle dear! That inner glow that makes you shine!

Have you ever had a chunk of your life where you’ve seen yourself be dull and lifeless. For instance, I come alive when I am writing. I need the creative energy flowing through me to stimulate my energy, which brings a gush of fresh blood pumping to and through my heart and around my body. My glow when writing is amazing. My glow when I get on a plane and conquer my fear of heights to experience a new part of the world is beautiful, and the glow I feel when I see my daughter happy is transcending. No one but you should dictate your glow! Your decision to be there for yourself should be unwavering. For in seeking the things that set you on fire, you are able to routinely execute the necessary mundane tasks of everyday life.

Come on ladies, let's woosah!


If you made it this far you're appreciated! Be sure to check out and share any of my other articles and poetry by clicking HERE. Like and leave tips if my work is inspiring or helpful to you, and follow me on Instagram @vocal_ana for some motivation and cheer!


About the Creator

Jilana Booker

Facebook Profile: Jilana Booker

Facebook Page: Vocal Ana

Instagram: vocal_ana

About Me: Mom, Mentor, Motivator, Educator, Amateur Writer, Traveler, and Food Enthusiast!

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