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How To Get Your Ex Back When He Has Moved On (How To Win Him Back From Her)

Isn't it frustrating that you have to spend your time trying to figure out how to get your ex back when he has moved on. Most people would rather just let things go, and wait to see if things were going to change for the better. How has your search gone so far for how to win him back from her?

By Banks RobertPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

You are asking for help on "How to get my ex back when he's moved on?" because you really didn't want the breakup to occur in the first place right? Well rest easy because it doesn't mean that he's gone for good. Even if there is another woman in the picture it doesn't mean that he isn't thinking about you.

Here is a list of a few simple things for learning "How to get your ex back when he's moved on?" even though you may think he isn't interested in you anymore.

1 - The first step in getting back the man of your dreams is for you to find a way to make him realize that he still wants you and needs you in his life. Unless he is absolutely against the idea there are several things that you can do to make this happen.

2 - the best thing that you can do at this point is to be his friend. Let him know that you can be around him without creating any drama and that you won't be clinging to him. Simply joking around with him and basically just being his friend will be healthy for both of you. Once the excitement and tension from the breakup dies down he will be able to see just how much he enjoys spending time with you.

3 - Remember that when you converse with him, either on the phone or in person, be nice and sweet but at the same time have a tiny bit of attitude. By this I mean to let him know that you aren't simply going to run and jump back into his arms on his demand even though you really want to. You want him to know that he has to work for it even though you know he doesn't. I'm not talking about playing head games with him because that will surely turn him off in an instant. You just want to have an air of "hard to get" about you which will interest him much more.

4 - Even though you are playing a little hard to get, you still want him to know that you are available. I mean you can still flirt a bit and go and hang out with friends because that will work in your favor. However, at the same time you want to play it safe and not over do it because that may very well kill his motivation to pursue you if he thinks you are interested in someone else.

5 - Avoid letting him see you as being desperate. that's a big no-no. If you do, he will simply turn and walk away. Just let him know that you are OK without him and the way things have turned out. that will instill intrigue in him and curiosity is a big attraction factor. Being desperate will surely make him run in the opposite direction.

6 - If you feel him looking at you, glance back at him out of the corner of your eye. You can even give him a big of a grin if you want. this will let him know that he has your attention but it will be in a mysterious type of way and we all know how mystery sucks us in right?

Knowing Whether Love Still Exists

You have invested a lot of time and put in a lot of emotions into the relationship but finally still broke up with your ex boyfriend. If you are looking for ways to know how to win an ex back, then there are certain things that you should know before making this move in winning him back.

Knowing Your Feelings

Before doing anything to win your ex back, you first need to know your true feelings you have for your ex currently. Are you still deeply in love with him? Do you still think a lot of him and really care about how he is doing? Is it because you are just being too comfortable with him like you are with your bed? If comfort is just the only factor that makes you want to find out how to win an ex back, then you should reconsider making this move as such relationship based on comfort can never be good in the long run and you should move on. However, if you still love him deeply, then the next step is to know his feeling for you.

Knowing How He Still Feel About You

The next thing that you need to find out is whether your ex still has the same deep feeling for you like you do for him. If the broke up is due to some small issue or on the moment of anger, then things could still be worked out. However, if he has lost the type of feeling he had with you before, then it could be a better idea to move on, though it could be painful for you initially.

Think Of Why Your Boyfriend Fall In Love With You

Before you go into a relationship with your ex boyfriend, you may be an active person, socializing with your girlfriends, and being involved with many activities that you enjoy. After being attached, you got distance with all these activities and spend more time with him. Such active person in you may be center of attraction to your boyfriend previously to chase after you. Therefore, to know how to win an ex back, you may need to just let go of yourself for a while and go back to the old activities that you used to enjoy before you met your ex boyfriend. This not only give you the time for a break from the relationship for a while to freshen yourself, it can also catch the attention of your ex boyfriend because of your maturity in handling the breakup. Such behavior in handling the breakup can be a plus point in attracting your ex boyfriend and winning back his heart in the "New" you.

Do Not Appear Desperate

Although you know yourself that you may desperately want him back, you should hold back and control your emotion as a guy never like the idea of having a girlfriend who is so immature and not able to handle a relationship. Do not text or call him at all for the first few days to weeks. By pretending to be moving on and accepting the situation, this may make him curious and more attracted to you again. Instead of wasting time and effort like messaging and calling him frequently to beg him get back with you, you should try to make full use of such time to make yourself happy. Go out with friends and shop for the things you like and treat yourself to some good restaurants. You can also try to lose some pounds if you have gained them during the relationship to make yourself look good. Such activities can definitely be beneficial for you in winning your ex boyfriend back.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide

If you would like to learn more about the psychology behind breaking up, and if you feel that you need a step-by-step plan for winning your ex back, then head to Ultimate System to Get Your Ex Back Fast


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    BRWritten by Banks Robert

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