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Embracing The Journey

My First Period And How I Made It Through

By Judith AkabsPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

I remember the day like it was yesterday - the day I got my first period at just 10 years old. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was playing with my friends in the park. Little did I know that this would be a day of both excitement and confusion as I experienced a major change in my body.

When I felt a strange wetness in my underwear, I didn't understand what was happening. My friends and I were giggling and playing tag, but I suddenly felt a sense of discomfort and unease. I went to the restroom to check, and there it was - a reddish-brown stain in my underwear.

I was scared and didn't know what to do. I tried to wipe it away, but it kept coming back. It was then that I realized what it was - my first period. My mom had told me about it before, but I never imagined it would happen so early.

I was too embarrassed to tell my friends, so I tied my jacket around my waist to hide the stain and went back to playing. But as the day went on, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. I wanted to go home and talk to my mom about it, but I didn't want to ruin our playtime.

When I finally got home, I rushed to my mom and tearfully told her what had happened. She hugged me tightly and assured me that it was completely normal. She explained that menstruation was a natural part of growing up and becoming a woman.

Over the next few days, my mom patiently explained what to expect during my periods. She showed me how to use pads, which seemed a little tricky at first, but I quickly got the hang of it. She reassured me that periods might be a little uncomfortable, but they were nothing to be afraid of.

As the months went by, I faced some challenges. Sometimes, I would forget to pack pads in my school bag, leading to embarrassing situations. But my mom was always there to support me and remind me to be prepared. She also taught me about tracking my period on a calendar, which helped me anticipate its arrival.

Despite my mom's guidance, I still felt anxious about how others would react if they found out about my periods. I worried that my friends would tease me or treat me differently. So, I kept it a secret, which sometimes made me feel lonely.

However, that all changed when one day, my best friend, Emma, accidentally discovered my secret. She noticed that I seemed worried and asked me what was going on. I hesitated at first, but then I decided to trust her. To my surprise, she was incredibly understanding and supportive.

Emma assured me that periods were normal and that many girls experienced them. She even shared that her older sister had gone through the same thing. From that day on, I didn't feel alone anymore. I had someone to talk to, and together, we navigated the ups and downs of menstruation.

As time passed, I became more comfortable with my periods. I realized that there was no shame in having them and that it was a natural part of being a girl. I even started talking about it with my other close friends, and to my relief, they were supportive too.

During those early years of menstruation, I learned the importance of being prepared and talking openly about my experiences. It wasn't always easy, but I survived it by seeking support from my mom, Emma, and my friends. I discovered that there was strength in sharing my feelings and that I didn't have to face it alone.

Today, as a teenager, I am proud of how far I've come. My periods no longer scare me, and I see them as a reminder of my growth and strength. I now talk openly about menstruation, hoping to help other girls who might feel confused or scared, just like I did.

To all the young girls out there, know that getting your first period can be a little overwhelming, but you will survive it. Don't be afraid to seek support from your mom, older sisters, or friends. Remember, you are not alone, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace this natural part of being a woman and know that you can handle anything that comes your way. 

You've got this!


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    JAWritten by Judith Akabs

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