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Why I Made A Sharp Right Turn After Years of Making Subtle Left Turns

(Political commentary)

By Paul 'The Brick' BrecPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

I would like to begin by mentioning that politics and religion are two topics I stay away from on the internet. It is a great way to upset people. Wars start over such topics. That being said, I feel the need to deviate from that for this one article being that I really need to get something off my chest.

For many years I prided myself on being slightly liberal. Practically all my life I beleived that one should stay close to the middle, but every once in a while I would lean slightly left for various reasons.

I had always been proud to be liberal back in a time when liberals were not such cry-babies. I remember when liberals were kind and caring, but now they are becoming selfish.


It is quite common and easy to blame all of the world's problems on the Millenials generation. We accuse them of being comnplainers and cry-babies. The X,Y,Z's don't complain about anything, buit the fact is I Have never actually heard a Millenial complain about anything. However, our society in general seems to have turned into a bunch of complainers who are offended by life itself.

Someone is offended by some kind of art, something on TV, something said on the radio, or a song. Even by history itself. This seems to be the current trend knwon as "cancel culture". I call it "cry-baby culture".

I used to produce radio programs and the "cancel culture" is one of the reasons I no longer do that. Stations were forever complaining about something I would say on the radio. "You can't say that on the radio". Well, I just did. If people don't like what I have to say, they can change the station. That's why radios have tuners.

Is this the fault of just the Milennials? I don't think so. It is the fault of society in general.

Although I do work with a lot of them, and it seems that they have a very poor work ethic. They spend more time playing with their phones, standing around yapping, and doing whatever they do in the restroom, than they do actual work. When it is time to go home, it's like the Indianapolis 500. I didn't think humans could move so fast. It is just too bad they don't move that fast when it is time to work.

It seems that the only people I get along with at work are the Gen X,Y, Z's, because we understand each other, and are apparenly the only ones serious about getting things done.

No big surpsise there.


Remember the convoy protests in Canada? I supported those.

The government asked banks to freeze the accounts of the participants and some were charged and fined with trespassing on government property (Canadian Parliament in Ottawa). However, with that being said, not a couple of months previous, also in Canada, groups were pulling down statues that "offended" them.

Liberals applauded the arrest and fining of the trucker protests, but found nothing wrong with pulling down "offending" statues. In other words, vandalizing someone's property is perfectly acceptable to the libs as long as it is something "offensive" The standard left-wing attitude, if I don't like it, nobody else can enjoy it. Pulling down a statue for ant reason is a criminal offense and everyone involved should have been charghed and sued, and have to pay for the cost of repairing the damage. However, if you dare protest against something that is anti-liberal, look out. You deserve to go to prison for life. How dare you protest against the liberal movement!


What really did it for me was how poorly my once fellow liberals behaved during the pandemic.

The libs became puppets to the government.

Liberals will beleive anything any government agency tells them. If the government says that the sky is green, liberals will say the sky is green because the government said so, and they are always right.

The fact is that the government is wrong most of the time. You see, they don't care about us. They care about money. If a governing body does anything, even if it seems to be in our favour, it is because in some direct or indirect process the government will be making money from it.

The whole "masking" deal is a perfect example.

Liberals support masking. Even though we all know that they don't do diddly squat. People are still getting sick, and the fifth-grade science teacher also explained many years ago that viruses do jump from person to person, but rather travel through the air, but what does science know? The government said otherwise, and they are always right.

The government knows they don't work, but they created an artificial demand for a product that is usually not in high demand.


Money, of course.

How much money do you think governments made in sales taxes from the sale of masks? Millions.

It is true. If they really cared, why did they not supply the masks for free or even just remove the sales tax? Ding...ding...ding...There it is!

Liberals will say that by me wearing a mask will protect them from getting sick. This just in: It is not my job to protect you from getting sick. Nor is it the government's job. It is your job.

Everybody caught COVID-19. That bugger didn't miss anybody. It is just that it affected some people more than others. I had Omicron. Big deal. I didn't even go to the hospital. I had a few minor cold symptoms for a couple of days them I was fine. Why was I fine? It is because I take care of myself. I eat healthy and exercise and go to work to a real job. Working from home is not work. The liberals like working from home because they don't like real work.

If you don't want to get sick, get your fat butt off the sofa and get your fat face out of the McDonald's bag and get your butt to work.


It is due to all this that has turned me right off of the liberal attitude.

Liberals now are all about "me, me, me, and me again". My feelings are more important than the economy. Close everything down. To hell with all those people who were laid-off because of it. Let them go on Welfare like us.

I can't do that anymore.

I am very disappointed and embarrassed by the current liberal attitudes and I am proud to now lean to the right. Not so much, though. If you lean too far, you fall over.


About the Creator

Paul 'The Brick' Brec

Boxer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Photographer, electronics (build and repair) enthusiast, owner and operator of Stockyards Studios/Stockyards Radio.

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