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Just The Headlines, No Bull.

A review of the Daily headlines 3/15/2023

By Kerry WilliamsPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

ARG! Let's run this through!

U.S. Pushes for TikTok Sale to Resolve National Security Concerns

The United States Government, has for a while, bad mouthed TikTok, threatened to ban them, shut them down, etc... while catapulting the social media platform right to the top of the rankings. What's all the bad press? Well, again, there is NO SUCH THING as bad press. There are just Bad actors and bad people. Any press is positive, as the Trumpster knows well. Anyway, The issue is, the United States Government says that China has access to all your user data! OH NO! And since the beginning, the USA has been telling China, that they MUST store all data on Americans, on American soil, for security reasons. Now, they want ByteDance to sell the company. Well, if I was a corrupt bunch of fucking politicians who wanted a taste of that data, or a piece of that company, I'd be doing the same thing, but I'm neither politician, or corrupt.

So here's my thoughts. With the data breaches of almost every American Company on earth, and EQUIFAX, and THE FBI, why in fuck's sake, would I want my data to be stored on US Soil? I know why politicians want it here. So THEY can look at it, without any asking, without any questions. So that they can peek at what you're reading, or watching, or interacting with. See, they can't just contact the local corrupt politicians and have them use the local police to strong arm their way into a business a seize all the computers, and then make shit up about it, while fucking everyone over. Not with China. That's a long way to go, and most of them don't speak Chinese. Shout out to Xiaoma on Youtube! I love your videos! Anyway, truth be told, TikTok is completely unregulated, because it's controlled by China, and China could give a fuck less about our laws. That's why people can livestream stuff and have music and movies playing in the background. Anyways, whatever happens, just know, the war over TikTok is not to protect you, or your data. It's all about CONTROL and POWER over you.

Federal judge in Texas hears case that could force a major abortion pill off market

So, apparently, Anti-abortion peeps want a Federal Judge to outlaw one of the drugs in the two drug combo, that causes a medical abortion. Not only do they want the judge to outlaw it, they want the judge to IMMEDIATELY rule to yank the drug, while the judge hears evidence on it. Funny thing, even this conservative judge, asked the anti-abortion lawyers, has any drug, previously passed by the FDA and rules safe for use, EVER been banned while a judge listened to evidence on a case? Now, I'm paraphrasing or whatever, but that was the gist of it, and the lawyers couldn't come with a yes. In my opinion, FUCK THEM. Fuck every motherfucker who thinks they have a right to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body. You're not a fucking baby factory, and if your body can, and it routinely does happen, "abort" a "fetus" at any stage in pregnancy, then you should have control over it. Control over your own body. Novel thing, I know.

Texas takes control of Houston Independent School District

Fucking Politicians who think they know more than the teachers. Watch this school district fail miserably until the politicians come up with the next great thing - combine school districts, so they can offload their shit show back onto the teachers.

Stripe slashes valuation to $50 billion in new $6.5 billion funding round

Stripe is a payment processor. If you sell shit, you need one to process credit cards, kinda like PayPal, with half the security, and half the fees. I use Stripe. In my experience, they suck when it comes to chargebacks. I got scammed by fraud buyers a couple of times, but I had the customers signature on the delivery. They still found in favor of the scummy buyers. Well, maybe the good people were the ones they fired during the downsizing. Anyway, fuck them too. Shit is so automated, it really only takes one guy writing code, to run the entire company, and one guy to sell it. The rest is automated when you don't give a fuck about complaints, chargebacks, or customer service.

Chinese billionaire and associate of Steve Bannon arrested in $1 billion fraud conspiracy, officials say

Oh, you don't say??? Well, actually, we do. You can be known by the close company you keep. Ever heard of that? Apparently Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, and basically most of the GOP who attended those Trump Parties with all the White Supremacists', you know... Kanye West. Oh, oh, so sorry! I used the wrong Pronoun. Yeet!

Former Wells Fargo exec faces prison, will pay $17 million fine over fake accounts scandal

The only person at WellsFuckoff facing prison time, is a FEMALE???? Gimme a fucking break. She's taking one for the team, and all the rich fucks that got rich off her back, and going to pay the bill, I guarantee you. Fucking Lock them ALL up and see who starts talking. THEN you'll get the real truth. This lady is a scapegoat and we all know it. Hope she gets paid well for her time. Orange is the new Black after all.

DeSantis, who blamed diversity initiatives for Silicon Valley Bank’s downfall, pushed for rollback of bank regulations under renewed scrutiny

Nothing Ron the Satanist says is even close to reality. He's so much like Vladimir Putin, I'm surprised the local police aren't at my door sucker punching me in the head and throwing me in jail for telling the truth about him. Thankfully, Grady Judd is a fucking awesome Sheriff and he doesn't go for that bullshit. As for what Capt. Ron said... he said what? Is he still here? I thought he moved to Iowa? Fuck him.

Imran Khan greets supporters outside home after Pakistan police arrest operation ends in chaos

Basically, an anti-corruption ex-cricket player turned politician, is being pressured by the Pakistani Corrupt government, to turn himself in, over some bullshit accusations. Why? Because if they can remove him from the upcoming elections, then the current corrupt pakistani fuck-heads can stay in power. If Imran Khan runs, he'll get elected. If he gets elected, he has said he'll hold the corrupt government responsible for their corruption. Watch the developments on this. My prediction; Imran Khan will either be assassinated, or will go missing, or, get thrown in jail by the military, and never be heard from again. I hope not, but... Pakistan is one of those fucking places, you definitely do not want to go, unless you know someone who knows someone, who knows someone... you get my drift?

Meet the sargassum belt, a 5,000-mile-long snake of seaweed circling Florida

SEA-WEED. Why are people not down on the beach smoking that shit??? On the more serious side, we should be harvesting that shit and refining for two reasons. 1, apparently it has a lot of Arsenic in it, which is why they don't want to use it for fertilizer. Fine. Harvest it to CONTAIN THE ARSENIC! This is helping REMOVE arsenic from the oceans! And number 2, use it to make biofuel. You know what, I wonder just how much arsenic it has in it. Fuck, people use fish meal (ground up fish) for fertilizer and it;s the BEST and fish has Mercury, so how much Arsenic exactly? Probably fucking parts per million bullshit. Bag that Sea Weed up and ship it off to residential neighborhoods to use in flower beds and area that do not grow food for consumption. Is it really that fucking hard to figure out?

Why Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Line And Royal Caribbean Group Shares Are Falling Sharply During Wednesday's Session

It's simple. Cruise lines have not made enough effort to entice people to go back to cruising. Their over bloated pricing and continuing that over bloated pricing after a world wide pandemic, has hit them hard. Not shrugging off some sick passengers who can't keep their scratching hand and their eating hand separate, doesn't help either. Simply put, tell people, we've got a CLEAN SHIP, CLEAN FOOD, CLEAN WATER, and NO BULLSHIT. Advertise weeklong cruises at $300 per person, per cabin and book that bitch full every cruise for three months. Fuck, I'm hurting for money and I'd FIND A WAY to go on a week long cruise for my family of six. I've been on a few with Carnival, nothing fancy mind you, and every one was just fucking beautiful and relaxing. Oh, and while the stock price is down, I'm fucking buying!

T-Mobile to buy Ryan Reynolds' Mint Mobile in a $1.35 billion deal

Ryan Reynolds is a man's man. A real fucking hero... Uh, I mean, like... anti-hero? No, thats... that's DP. Fuck. I have a hard time differentiating the two. Nah, Ryan... you gave everyone a great product... I mean, Waseem Iqnaibi really had me going for a while there. Seemed totally legit. I never switched to Mint Mobile... but if I hadn't already had a phone, or... if I couldn't get credit, or sign up for a free phone... whatever! I might have gone with Mint Mobile. But, now that it's getting gobbled, Ryan might just be the richest guy to get DP'ed ever. Man I love some good DP. The Marvel character... not... whatever you're thinking you dirty little monster, you.

Border chief splits with President Biden's move to abruptly halt construction on the wall

Awww man! I really love seeing those videos how everyday men women and children find ways to defeat million dollar border walls with nothing more than cardboard boxes, windbreakers and highway debris. Yeah, I'd abruptly halt a failed project that serves no purpose other than to visually represent the GOP's extremely large phallus. Besides, it already has a huge dick at the head. Nothing I typed sounded even remotely appropriate there. Sorry.

Axios reporter fired after 'propaganda' email exposed by DeSantis staff

OMG. Wasn't I just saying how De-satanist was so much like Putin? Wasn't I? Well, an Axios reporter got the press release from Desantis, and replied saying it wasn't a press release, it was propaganda. JUST LIKE PUTIN'S NEWS AGENCIES!!! And just like Putin's News Agencies, AXIOS promptly fired the reporter! The reporter responded by tweeting about his breakfast making prowess for his daughters. Truly he has his priorities straight, where Axios has proven themselves as nothing more than a willing mouthpiece for propaganda and rightwing ideologies, and inhibiting free and fair reporting, opinion, and free thought. So! FUCK Axios, and FUCK Desantis and his Propaganda!

P.S. Word of the day; Putinesque - Resembling an action or statement made by Vladimir Putin. Putin's Bitch, being positively Putinesque, publicly humiliates each adversary the same day they move against him, to attempt to prevent their truths from gaining traction, just like any mafia don or fascist dictator who believes he’s untouchable.

And that is, by definition, Ron Desantis. Vote for Teflon Ron this next coming election! If you don't, he just might make you illegal next!


About the Creator

Kerry Williams

It's been ten days

The longest days. Dry, stinking, greasy days

I've been trying something new

The angels in white linens keep checking in

Is there anything you need?




Thank you sir.

I sit


Tyler? Is that you?


I am... Cornelius.

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